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Created December 13, 2019 12:27
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Code for the Blog at:
from torch import nn
from time import time
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
def conv_2d(kernel, bias, x):
kernel_shape = kernel.shape[0]
output_shape = x.shape[0] - kernel_shape + 1
result = np.zeros((output_shape, output_shape))
for row in range(x.shape[0] - 1):
for col in range(x.shape[1] - 1):
window = x[row: row + kernel_shape, col: col + kernel_shape]
result[row, col] = np.sum(np.multiply(kernel, window))
return result + bias
def memory_strided_im2col(x, kernel):
output_shape = (x.shape[0] - kernel.shape[0]) + 1
return view_as_windows(x, kernel.shape).reshape(kernel.shape[0]*2, output_shape*output_shape)
def naive_im2col(x, kernel):
kernel_shape = kernel.shape[0]
rows = []
# Assuming Padding = 0, stride = 1
for row in range(x.shape[0] - 1):
for col in range(x.shape[1] - 1):
window = x[row: row + kernel_shape, col: col + kernel_shape]
return np.transpose(np.array(rows))
if __name__ == "__main__":
naive_time_log = []
torch_time_log = []
strided_time_log = []
naive_im2col_time_log = []
input_size_list = list(range(3, MAX_INPUT_SIZE, 5))
for input_size in tqdm(input_size_list):
torch_time = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
naive_time = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
im2col_time = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
strided_time = np.zeros(NUM_RUNS)
for run in range(NUM_RUNS):
conv = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, 2)
ip = torch.randint(low=0, high=10, size=(
1, 1, input_size, input_size), dtype=torch.float32)
conv.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.randint(
low=0, high=10, size=(1, 1, 2, 2), dtype=torch.float32))
ip_np = ip.numpy().reshape(-1, ip.shape[-1])
kernel_np = conv.weight.detach().squeeze().numpy()
bias_np = conv.bias.detach().squeeze().numpy()
start = time()
naive_conv = conv_2d(kernel_np, bias_np, ip_np)
naive_time[run] = time() - start
start = time(), naive_im2col(ip_np, kernel_np)) + bias_np
im2col_time[run]= time() - start
start = time()
torch_conv = conv(ip)
torch_time[run] = time() - start
start = time(), memory_strided_im2col(ip_np, kernel_np)) + bias_np
strided_time[run]= time() - start
plt.plot(input_size_list, naive_time_log,
label='Naive Conv 2D', color='red')
plt.plot(input_size_list, torch_time_log,
label='PyTorch Conv 2D', color='blue')
plt.plot(input_size_list, naive_im2col_time_log,
label='Im2Col Conv 2D', color='green')
plt.plot(input_size_list, strided_time_log,
label='Mem Strided Im2Col Conv 2D', color='purple')
plt.xlabel('Size of Input (n x n)')
plt.ylabel('Execution Time (secs) - Log Scale')
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When input shape is higher than 3 - then output from your convolution is not the same as output from pytorch convolution. Try to print line 77 and 73. They should be same but they are not. I know output from numpy convolution is vector and output from pytorch convolution is tensor, simply even if you reshape numpy convolution product to (1, 1, Input_size, input_size) the numbers in matrix are not the same. But the naive_im2col is working fine.

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