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Last active June 30, 2016 13:23
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bug in return code for remove label api
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding: utf8 -*-
Sample output showing bug in api
Add label, expected return code of 200 :
Method : POST, Endpoint :, Payload ['bug']
Response Code 200
Remove a label from an issue , expected return code of 204 :
Method : DELETE, Endpoint :, Payload None
Response Code 200
from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPSHandler, Request
import json
_REPO = '' # eg. 'foobar-test/asdf'
_ISSUE = '' # eg. '8'
_TOKEN = '' # authtoken
_URL = ''
_PATH = 'repos/' + _REPO
_ISSUEPATH = 'issues/' + _ISSUE
_METHOD_MAP = dict(
GET=lambda: 'GET',
PUT=lambda: 'PUT',
POST=lambda: 'POST',
PATCH=lambda: 'PATCH',
DELETE=lambda: 'DELETE')
def _encode_json(obj):
Encode object as json str.
def _dump_obj(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return obj
d = dict()
for k in dir(obj):
if not k.startswith('_'):
d[k] = getattr(obj, k)
return d
return json.dumps(obj, default=_dump_obj)
def _http(_method, url, _authorization, payload):
data = None
params = None
if _method == 'POST':
data = str(_encode_json(payload))
opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler)
request = Request(url, data=data)
request.get_method = _METHOD_MAP[_method]
print 'Method : {0}, Endpoint : {1}, Payload {2}'.format(_method, url, payload)
if _authorization:
request.add_header('Authorization', _authorization)
if _method == 'POST':
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
response =, timeout=60)
print 'Response Code %s\n' % response.getcode()
print 'Add label, expected return code of 200 :'
_http('POST', '/'.join([_URL, _PATH, _ISSUEPATH, 'labels']), _authorization, ['bug'])
print 'Remove a label from an issue , expected return code of 204 :'
_http('DELETE', '/'.join([_URL, _PATH, _ISSUEPATH, 'labels', 'bug']), _authorization, None)
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