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Created December 12, 2019 16:00
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from basalt import *
from typing import List
width = 1000
height = Variable()
border_radius = 10
grid_spacing = 10
# some geometric primitives that would be part of a library
def inset(inner, outer, padding_x=None, padding_y=None):
padding_x = maybe_create(padding_x)
if padding_y is None:
padding_y = padding_x
return Set([
padding_x >= 0,
padding_y >= 0, ==,
inner.bounds.left == outer.bounds.left + padding_x,
inner.bounds.right == outer.bounds.right - padding_x, == + padding_y,
inner.bounds.bottom == outer.bounds.bottom - padding_y,
def same_size(elements):
width = Variable()
height = Variable()
return Set([And(i.bounds.width == width, i.bounds.height == height) for i in elements])
def distributed_horizontally(l, spacing=None):
spacing = maybe_create(spacing)
constrs = [spacing >= 0]
last = l[0]
for elem in l[1:]:
constrs.append(last.bounds.right + spacing == elem.bounds.left)
last = elem
return Set(constrs)
def distributed_vertically(l, spacing=None):
spacing = maybe_create(spacing)
constrs = [spacing >= 0]
last = l[0]
for elem in l[1:]:
constrs.append(last.bounds.bottom + spacing ==
last = elem
return Set(constrs)
def aligned_middle(l):
middle = Variable()
return Set([ == middle for elem in l])
def aligned_center(l):
center = Variable()
return Set([ == center for elem in l])
# object abstractions
def bordered_image(source: str, border_color, border_radius):
image = Image(source)
border = Rectangle(style=Style({Property.fill: border_color}))
return Group([border, image], [
inset(image, border, border_radius, border_radius)
def grid(elements: List[List[Element]], spacing):
rows = [Group(i) for i in elements]
return Group(rows, [
# all elements are the same size
same_size([i for row in rows for i in row.elements]),
# elements in rows are distributed horizontally
Set([distributed_horizontally(row, spacing) for row in rows]),
# and aligned vertically
Set([aligned_middle(row) for row in rows]),
# rows are distributed vertically
Set([distributed_vertically(rows, spacing)]),
# and aligned horizontally
colors = {'adversarial': RGB(0xd32f2f), 'correct': RGB(0x27ae60), 'misclassified': RGB(0x000000)}
across = 6
down = 4
bg = Rectangle(0, 0, width, height, style=Style({Property.fill: RGB(0xeeeeee)}))
images = [[None for _ in range(across)] for _ in range(down)]
for i in range(across*down):
prefix = './turtle/{:04d}'.format(i)
image_source = prefix + '.png'
color = colors[open(prefix + '.txt').read().strip()]
images[i//across][i%across] = bordered_image(image_source, color, border_radius)
grid = grid(images, grid_spacing)
group = Group(
[bg, grid],
[inset(grid, bg, 0)]
c = Canvas(group, width=width, height=height)
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