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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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IRC Log for Fuel Monthly meeting - June 2014
* Topic for #fuel-discuss is: FUEL Monthly Meetup June 2014 :
* Topic for #fuel-discuss set by rajeshr!rajesh@nat/redhat/x-kgbdvfsjkylcwomc at Wed Jun 11 10:26:45 2014
<aneeshnl> hi
<apeter> hi aneeshnl
<ankitpatel> hi
<stultus> Good Morning :)
<ankitpatel> good morning everyone :)
<ankitpatel> 2 minutes too
<apeter> bsc, haha.. new nick :p
<ankitpatel> 1 minute to go
<aneeshnl> Good Morning all.
<apeter> ankitpatel, yeah ;)
<bsc> apeter, :D
* sray (sray@nat/redhat/x-ruufcaougtksdqnz) has joined #fuel-discuss
<rajeshr> good morning everybody
<aneeshnl> rajeshr, Good Morning.
<apeter> hi rajeshr good morning
<bsc> good morning.
<rajeshr> #meeting : June 2014
<rajeshr> we have agenda here:
<rajeshr> #FUEL Monthly Update for May 2014
<rajeshr> - artcile published on FUEL:
<rajeshr> thanks to
<apeter> :)
<apeter> nice
<ankitpatel> awesome rajeshr
<rajeshr> -some contribution request we got for different is good for us
<rajeshr> -we are little late on delivering fuel-agriculture and fuel-cloud
<rajeshr> -we have request few doctors (MBBS/MD) to help in creating fuel-health
<aneeshnl> ok
* shankar (~shankar@ has joined #fuel-discuss
<rajeshr> -we have published newsletter for Jan-Mar 2014, i am late here, it is here:
<rajeshr> these are few point in monthly update
* ankitpatel has a request (not really a question) to all the contributors - from the above monthly update points...
* rahul_b ( has joined #fuel-discuss
<ankitpatel> hey rahul_b, welcome & good morning
<rajeshr> hey shankar hi rahul_b good morining
<rajeshr> also I have given presentation on use fuel of in Mozilla in firefoxOS meet in Pune:
<rahul_b> good morning
<shankar> good morning!
<rajeshr> thanks to mozilla for giving fuel a chance to present
<rajeshr> that is it the last month update part :)
<apeter> presentation was really awesome rajeshr
<apeter> :)
<rajeshr> thanks apeter
<pravins> hi all
* stultus has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<shankar> good show rajeshr!
<rajeshr> pravins, hi
<rajeshr> shankar, thx
<rajeshr> any thing you think to add or i missed for last month
<ankitpatel> as mentioned above "/me has a request (not really a question) to all the contributors - from the above monthly update points..." - but I guess you didn't notice or simply ignored :D
* stultus (~stultus@wikisource/Hrishikesh.kb) has joined #fuel-discuss
<aneeshnl> ankitpatel, please go on
<rajeshr> okay, ankitpatel i didn't understand :)
<rajeshr> ankitpatel, please tell directly
<ankitpatel> alright, so the thing everyone will notice from the monthly update that - There are initiatives going on around FUEL Project, but running *late*
<ankitpatel> which means we are most probably running out of resources
<ankitpatel> so, my request to all the contributors here is to encourage, motivate the existing contributors to contribute more OR to introduce new members to the group
<ankitpatel> so that rajeshr alone won't feel the pressure on his shoulder
<ankitpatel> that's all
<ankitpatel> thanks aneeshnl rajeshr
<apeter> point noted :)
<rajeshr> thanks ankitpatel that will be indeed a great help
<shankar> it was really an important point!
<aneeshnl> I have a doubt. How is frequently used words collected? What's the criteria?
<rahul_b> good point
<bsc> aneeshnl, and also, how they are collected. Is there a common place to add words for everyone to check or something like that?
<rajeshr> see aneeshnl bsc if you take eg mobile, we took all major entries from all different mobiles and put it together
<rajeshr> again some 2-3 members sit together and discuss the same
<rajeshr> along with preparing context
<rajeshr> later we did review meetup of mobile module
<rajeshr> in nov 2012 Language Summit, Pune we reviewed the mobile moudle
<rajeshr> broadly this is process we use currently
<bsc> rajeshr, ok.. and, if I have a suggestion to include a word (or some words) to the list, how to inform ask opinion of others about that? Will a mail suffice or is there any special procedure for doing that?
<rajeshr> bsc, mail is also okay but issue can be created also :
<apeter> bsc, aneeshnl feel free to create an issue and send it to fuel discuss if you think any words need to be added
<aneeshnl> apeter, Ok. Now almost clear.
<apeter> aneeshnl, :)
<aneeshnl> How about areas like agriculture and health?
* Chandrakant (2a680fee@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #fuel-discuss
<aneeshnl> Welcome Chandrakant
<rahul_b> I think formalizing the process and also supporting distributed development along with the meetups should help more contributors
<Chandrakant> Sorry for joining late
<rajeshr> rahul_b, right
<ankitpatel> +1 rahul_b : Formalizing the process (documented somewhere)
<ankitpatel> Chandrakant: no worries, we are all running late, you could notice from minutes later :D
<ankitpatel> Chandrakant: good morning
<apeter> chandankumar, hi :)
<rajeshr> ankitpatel, rahul_b it is very imp and we lack here, few days back afranke also pointed out abt the same
<rahul_b> we can have a draft list prepared and each entry discussed on one page
<ankitpatel> who(what) is afranke?
<rajeshr> afranke is working on french
<Chandrakant> Actually i m on move hence little slow in typing
<rahul_b> and then periodically we can have IRC meets along with other meetups on taking final decisions
<ankitpatel> oh i could just notice afranke in the chat list, apologize for not recognizing
* stultus has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
<apeter> hi afranke :)
<ankitpatel> Chandrakant: type when you drive!!! NO NO NO...
<rajeshr> :)
<aneeshnl> rajeshr, I can help on documentation. I would be probably free this weekend.
* mgiri (~mgiri@ has joined #fuel-discuss
<apeter> bsc, aneeshnl so the words you feel that are to be added, please create and issue for the same and share on the mail
<apeter> rajeshr, right?
<aneeshnl> apeter, Ok.
<rajeshr> aneeshnl, it will be a great help thank aneeshnl
<ankitpatel> rajeshr, rahul_b: I was thinking that we should have a pipeline of suggestions for additions/modifications through some mechanism (may be via issue-tracker or web page), but should be reviewed only after we receive significant amount of contribution, having just one/two words (irrespective of the importance of those words) required to be added/modified shouldn't be the reason for releasing a new version
<Chandrakant> Not driving..on back seat
<bsc> apeter, ok..
<chandankumar> apeter, rajeshr ankitpatel hello
<ankitpatel> Chandrakant: ah you are the boss :D
<bsc> apeter, is there any issue tracker? like bugzilla or something like that? I couldn't find one on the wiki.
<rajeshr> ankitpatel, yeah that is right but as we have just competed just one language evaluation (mr) so strategically would be good to add this time itself
<aneeshnl> Also, one more doubt. FUEL mobile and FUEL desktop are independent right? If some words which are present on desktop, but not on mobile, need to be added on mobile. Right?
<aneeshnl> For example: Import, Export
* anivar (~anivar@unaffiliated/anivar) has joined #fuel-discuss
<aneeshnl> Welcome anivar
<anivar> aneeshnl, Thanks
<apeter> bsc, you can find an option for "New ticket" on the top right corner
<ankitpatel> rajeshr: yep, so for FUEL mobile, it could be ok to make modification, but not for desktop I believe
<rajeshr> hello anivar
<bsc> anivar, hai
<ankitpatel> hi anivar, welcome back
* apeter feels right now there are chances to get more additions/suggestions for fuel mobile as almost all langs are working on mobile module and translating fennec, firefox os etc
<apeter> anivar, hi :)
<anivar> bsc, rajeshr, happy to meet many after mozilla l10n sprint here :-)
<anivar> ankitpatel, missed you last weekend
<apeter> ankitpatel, I agree with you on the desktop :)
* Chandrakant has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
<ankitpatel> yeah, i did miss you too
<rajeshr> ankitpatel, as the task of mobile is abt to get momentum, adding these will be imp as some words like tap, swipe etc very imp
<apeter> +1
<aneeshnl> anivar, Log -
<bsc> rajeshr, ya.. totally agree. There are some words that come quite often in Mobile l10n, and unless properly standardized, they may create ambiguity among both translators and end users.
* ankit644 (~ankit@ has joined #fuel-discuss
<anivar> Mobile module word contexts can be improved little more . eg. the words like import is mostly new for indian languages and it needs contexual translations in most of its instances .
afranke aneeshnl anivar ankit644 ankitpatel apeter
afranke aneeshnl anivar ankit644 ankitpatel apeter
<aneeshnl> anivar, Yes. Import can mean different in different contexts.
<anivar> If time allows I will work a bit more on expanding context of some words in FUEL-Mobile Module
<anivar> Within next month
* ankitpatel has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<aneeshnl> anivar, ok
<rajeshr> anivar, thanks for the help, you are welcome
<rajeshr> any thing else to discuss here regarding updation of module
<rajeshr> # fuel-mobile review for different languages - update on plan of ml, hi, kn locale
<aneeshnl> rajeshr, Should we proceed on creating bug by individual people?
<anivar> We are tentatively planning The final Review Meet of Fuel Mobile by July last weekned
<aneeshnl> Or collect in say a wiki and file together?
<anivar> I hope Sankar and Shivu (omshivprakash) will plan a meeting for kannada in July
<anivar> shankar, ^
<rajeshr> aneeshnl, please create a bug and collecting here :
<shankar> anivar, yes, probably
<anivar> If everything works as per the plans we have 2 meetings in next month .
<ankit644> anivar: 2 meetings for FUEL?
<anivar> For malayalam tentativekly we are planning for 25-27 combining Firefox OS and Fennec reviews in last 2 days
* stultus (~stultus@wikisource/Hrishikesh.kb) has joined #fuel-discuss
<anivar> @ankit644 one for malayalam and one for kannada
<ankit644> i see
* pravins has quit (Quit: Leaving)
* pravins (psatpute@nat/redhat/x-rdsfwfkaeawgzvpl) has joined #fuel-discuss
<rajeshr> good, i discussed with anivar, for Hindi we can do it either in pune or in delhi
<anivar> On last malayalam meeting we wanted to ensure Govt organisation and Some key peoples presence , But they havn't turned up . Including them is very important in the process of standardization .
* rahul_b has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<anivar> rajeshr, do it in Delhi with sarai , That is anyway upto you .
<rajeshr> anivar, yes the priority is to do it in sarai, i already discussed with ravikant when he came here in Pune a month back
<rajeshr> he is ready, he told that cdac and sarai can host the event
<anivar> rajeshr, Thats good
<rajeshr> sorry csds
<rajeshr> not cdac
<rajeshr> :)
<anivar> :-)
<apeter> (y)
<anivar> apeter, Make sure that you can participate this time :-)
<rajeshr> :)
<rajeshr> anything else related language evaluation meetup?
<anivar> rajeshr, it will be good if you can send me ravikant's contact . I will be in delhi on 16-18. If time allows i can meet him
<apeter> anivar, sure
<rajeshr> anivar, sent the same on email
<anivar> rajeshr, Thanks
<anivar> recived it
<rajeshr> seems, we discussed all the agenda
<rajeshr> anything else, please feel free to ask or suggest anything
* mgiri has quit (Quit: ମୁଁ ଘରକୁ ଯାଉଛି।)
<aneeshnl> Also, one more doubt. FUEL mobile and FUEL desktop are independent right? If some words which are present on desktop, but not on mobile, need to be added on mobile. Right?
<aneeshnl> For example: Import, Export
<aneeshnl> It can be in desktop also.
<stultus> aneeshnl,in my opinion it should be independent.
<rajeshr> yes should be added as sometimes translation eg of home can be different in different platform
<apeter> aneeshnl, please list down the words you feel that needs to be added in the fuel mobile along with the reason, context etc and create the issue
<apeter> it is independent :)
<apeter> anivar, one more thing, once we plan the meeting we need to first send the mail to fuel list.. anything related to fuel need to make sure we send to fuel mailing list :)
<aneeshnl> apeter, stultus rajeshr ok. Now clear
<apeter> :)
<ankit644> apeter: +1
<apeter> :)
<apeter> so are we done for the day? ;)
<anivar> apeter, yes . will do after finishing the budget filing with Mozilla reps and Blocking hall
<anivar> for those dates
<apeter> anivar, yup... lets work on it
<aneeshnl> apeter, Also, is there any word limit for fuel?
<ankit644> even if it's tentative, it's good to keep the stakeholders (in this case mailing list) informed...
<apeter> No word limit.
<apeter> ankit644, yup sure
<ankit644> endless
<apeter> :)
<apeter> aneeshnl, ^
<rajeshr> aneeshnl, word limit means?
<rajeshr> aneeshnl, do you mean how much entry can be in a module
<apeter> yeah
<aneeshnl> rajeshr, Yes.
<rajeshr> aneeshnl, but becuase the entry is called frequently so better to have 'small' like 500 +/- entries
<rajeshr> if we can a bigger list the module will loose its usability i think
<anivar> rajeshr, +1
<aneeshnl> rajeshr, ok
<rajeshr> if you see any termoinology provided by any slv/mlv, they provide smaller term list
<shankar> also having a bigger list will make the review process difficult
* chandankumar has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
<rajeshr> shankar, right
<ankit644> not usability exactly but purpose will be lost, however limiting to some figures like 500 or something doesn't make any sense, but I guess rajesh is trying to say that having frequently used entries only, which would not be in huge numbers
* stultus has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
<ankit644> it really depends upon the module you choose, for some it could be 100 for some it could be 500, may be in future we may hit a giant module that can have 1000 entries
<rajeshr> ankit644, right it is fuel so to keep align with fuel we need to do like this, otherwise we have already gnome glossary having around c3000 term
* ankit644 doesn't have any example of giant module in mind though
* chandankumar (chandankum@nat/redhat/x-mtdffnlmhjsyykas) has joined #fuel-discuss
<ankit644> absolutely
* anivar_ (~anivar@ has joined #fuel-discuss
* anivar_ has quit (Client Quit)
<rajeshr> fuel-desktop can be a giant module
<ankit644> at this moment, yes!
<rajeshr> already more than a hour happened
<ankit644> :)
<apeter> :)
<aneeshnl> ok. So that's it.
<ankit644> you are the moderator, close the meeting now - we are all waiting to drive for office now
<rajeshr> so anything left, we need to hurry :)
<apeter> hahaha
<rajeshr> thanks a lot all the partcipant for actively partcipating
<rajeshr> #meeting closed
<apeter> rajeshr, looks like we are done
<apeter> thanks to all.. it was a nice meeting
<apeter> good day to all.
* apeter rushing to office
<ankit644> thank you everyone
* ankit644 has quit (Quit: Off for the day !!!)
* shankar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
<aneeshnl> Bye all
<rajeshr> bye aneeshnl
<bsc> bye
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