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Created May 8, 2018 02:02
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Interactive Line Graph (D3)
license: mit

Proof of concept line graph implemented using d3.js and some jQuery that builds on previous examples.

The top graph is 24 hours of data in 2 minute increments. I have it rolling every 2 seconds to simulate live updating. In real-life it would only update every 2 minutes to match the data granularity.

See it running at


  • incrementally update data or replace entire dataset
  • interactive mouseover to view details
  • animated switching of y-axis scale types (linear, power, log)
  • dynamic redrawing on window resize


  • not yet integrated with touch events, only mouse

I don't normally work in javascript, so if it isn't quite right, I'd appreciate suggestions on where to improve it.

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -->
<title>Interactive Line Graph</title>
<script src=""></script>
using JQuery for element dimensions
This is a small aspect of this example so it can be removed fairly easily if needed.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="sample_data.js"></script>
<script src="line-graph.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
body {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica;
p {
top: 20px;
div.aGraph {
margin-bottom: 30px;
<div id="graph1" class="aGraph" style="position:relative;width:100%;height:400px"></div>
<div id="graph2" class="aGraph" style="float:left;position:relative;width:49%;height:200px"></div>
<div id="graph3" class="aGraph" style="float:left;position:relative;width:49%;height:200px"></div>
* If running inside we want to resize the iframe to fit both graphs
if(parent.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]) {
parent.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].setAttribute('style', 'height: 650px !important');
* Note how the 'data' object is added to here before rendering to provide decoration information.
* <p>
* This is purposefully done here instead of in data.js as an example of how data would come from a server
* and then have presentation information injected into it (rather than as separate arguments in another object)
* and passed into LineGraph.
* Also, CSS can be used to style colors etc, but this is also doable via the 'data' object so that the styling
* of different data points can be done in code which is often more natural for display names, legends, line colors etc
// add presentation logic for 'data' object using optional data arguments
data["displayNames"] = ["2xx","3xx","4xx","5xx"];
data["colors"] = ["green","orange","red","darkred"];
data["scale"] = "pow";
// add presentation logic for 'data' object using optional data arguments
data2["displayNames"] = ["2xx","3xx","4xx","5xx"];
data2["colors"] = ["green","orange","red","darkred"];
data2["scale"] = "linear";
// add presentation logic for 'data' object using optional data arguments
data3["displayNames"] = ["Data1", "Data2"];
data3["axis"] = ["left", "right"];
data3["colors"] = ["#2863bc","#c8801c"];
data3["rounding"] = [2, 0];
// create graph now that we've added presentation config
var l1 = new LineGraph({containerId: 'graph1', data: data});
var l2 = new LineGraph({containerId: 'graph2', data: data2});
var l3 = new LineGraph({containerId: 'graph3', data: data3});
setInterval(function() {
* The following will simulate live updating of the data (see dataA, dataB, dataC etc in data.js which are real examples)
* This is being simulated so this example functions standalone without a backend server which generates data such as data.js contains.
// for each data series ...
var newData = [];
data.values.forEach(function(dataSeries, index) {
// take the first value and move it to the end
// and capture the value we're moving so we can send it to the graph as an update
var v = dataSeries.shift();
// put this value in newData as an array with 1 value
newData[index] = [v];
// we will reuse dataA each time
dataA.values = newData;
// increment time 1 step
dataA.start = dataA.start + dataA.step;
dataA.end = dataA.end + dataA.step;
}, 2000);
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Create and draw a new line-graph.
* Arguments:
* containerId => id of container to insert SVG into [REQUIRED]
* marginTop => Number of pixels for top margin. [OPTIONAL => Default: 20]
* marginRight => Number of pixels for right margin. [OPTIONAL => Default: 20]
* marginBottom => Number of pixels for bottom margin. [OPTIONAL => Default: 35]
* marginLeft => Number of pixels for left margin. [OPTIONAL => Default: 90]
* data => a dictionary containing the following keys [REQUIRED]
* values => The data array of arrays to graph. [REQUIRED]
* start => The start time in milliseconds since epoch of the data. [REQUIRED]
* end => The end time in milliseconds since epoch of the data. [REQUIRED]
* step => The time in milliseconds between each data value. [REQUIRED]
* names => The metric name for each array of data. [REQUIRED]
* displayNames => Display name for each metric. [OPTIONAL => Default: same as 'names' argument]
* Example: ['MetricA', 'MetricB']
* axis => Which axis (left/right) to put each metric on. [OPTIONAL => Default: Display all values on single axis]
* Example: ['left', 'right', 'right'] to display first metric on left axis, next two on right axis.
* colors => What color to use for each metric. [OPTIONAL => Default: black]
* Example: ['blue', 'red'] to display first metric in blue and second in red.
* scale => What scale to display the graph with. [OPTIONAL => Default: linear]
* Possible Values: linear, pow, log
* rounding => How many decimal points to round each metric to. [OPTIONAL => Default: Numbers are rounded to whole numbers (0 decimals)]
* Example: [2, 1] to display first metric with 2 decimals and second metric with 1.
* numAxisLabelsPowerScale => Hint for how many labels should be displayed for the Y-axis in Power scale. [OPTIONAL => Default: 6]
* numAxisLabelsLinearScale => Hint for how many labels should be displayed for the Y-axis in Linear scale. [OPTIONAL => Default: 6]
* Events (fired from container):
* LineGraph:dataModification => whenever data is changed
* LineGraph:configModification => whenever config is changed
function LineGraph(argsMap) {
/* *************************************************************** */
/* public methods */
/* *************************************************************** */
var self = this;
* This allows appending new data points to the end of the lines and sliding them within the time window:
* - x-axis will slide to new range
* - new data will be added to the end of the lines
* - equivalent number of data points will be removed from beginning of lines
* - lines will be transitioned through horizontoal slide to show progression over time
this.slideData = function(newData) {
// validate data
var tempData = processDataMap(newData);
debug("Existing startTime: " + data.startTime + " endTime: " + data.endTime);
debug("New startTime: " + tempData.startTime + " endTime: " + tempData.endTime);
// validate step is the same on each
if(tempData.step != newData.step) {
throw new Error("The step size on appended data must be the same as the existing data => " + data.step + " != " + tempData.step);
if(tempData.values[0].length == 0) {
throw new Error("There is no data to append.");
var numSteps = tempData.values[0].length;
console.log("slide => add num new values: " + numSteps);
tempData.values.forEach(function(dataArrays, i) {
var existingDataArrayForIndex = data.values[i];
dataArrays.forEach(function(v) {
console.log("slide => add new value: " + v);
// push each new value onto the existing data array
// shift the front value off to compensate for what we just added
// shift domain by number of data elements we just added
// == numElements * step
data.startTime = new Date(data.startTime.getTime() + (data.step * numSteps));
data.endTime = tempData.endTime;
debug("Updated startTime: " + data.startTime + " endTime: " + data.endTime);
* The following transition implementation was learned from examples at
* In particular, view the HTML source for the last example on the page inside the tick() function.
// redraw each of the lines
// Transitions are turned off on this since the small steps we're taking
// don't actually look good when animated and it uses unnecessary CPU
// The quick-steps look cleaner, and keep the axis/line in-sync instead of jittering
// slide the lines left
graph.selectAll("g .lines path")
.attr("transform", "translate(-" + x(numSteps*data.step) + ")");
// fire an event that data was updated
* This does a full refresh of the data:
* - x-axis will slide to new range
* - lines will change in place
this.updateData = function(newData) {
// data is being replaced, not appended so we re-assign 'data'
data = processDataMap(newData);
// and then we rebind data.values to the lines
graph.selectAll("g .lines path").data(data.values)
// redraw (with transition)
// transition is 'false' for lines because the transition is really weird when the data significantly changes
// such as going from 700 points to 150 to 400
// and because of that we rebind the data anyways which doesn't work with transitions very well at all
// fire an event that data was updated
this.switchToPowerScale = function() {
yScale = 'pow';
// fire an event that config was changed
this.switchToLogScale = function() {
yScale = 'log';
// fire an event that config was changed
this.switchToLinearScale = function() {
yScale = 'linear';
// fire an event that config was changed
* Return the current scale value: pow, log or linear
this.getScale = function() {
return yScale;
/* *************************************************************** */
/* private variables */
/* *************************************************************** */
// the div we insert the graph into
var containerId;
var container;
// functions we use to display and interact with the graphs and lines
var graph, x, yLeft, yRight, xAxis, yAxisLeft, yAxisRight, yAxisLeftDomainStart, linesGroup, linesGroupText, lines, lineFunction, lineFunctionSeriesIndex = -1;
var yScale = 'linear'; // can be pow, log, linear
var scales = [['linear','Linear'], ['pow','Power'], ['log','Log']];
var hoverContainer, hoverLine, hoverLineXOffset, hoverLineYOffset, hoverLineGroup;
var legendFontSize = 12; // we can resize dynamically to make fit so we remember it here
// instance storage of data to be displayed
var data;
// define dimensions of graph
var margin = [-1, -1, -1, -1]; // margins (top, right, bottom, left)
var w, h; // width & height
var transitionDuration = 300;
var formatNumber = d3.format(",.0f") // for formatting integers
var tickFormatForLogScale = function(d) { return formatNumber(d) };
// used to track if the user is interacting via mouse/finger instead of trying to determine
// by analyzing various element class names to see if they are visible or not
var userCurrentlyInteracting = false;
var currentUserPositionX = -1;
/* *************************************************************** */
/* initialization and validation */
/* *************************************************************** */
var _init = function() {
// required variables that we'll throw an error on if we don't find
containerId = getRequiredVar(argsMap, 'containerId');
container = document.querySelector('#' + containerId);
// margins with defaults (do this before processDataMap since it can modify the margins)
margin[0] = getOptionalVar(argsMap, 'marginTop', 20) // marginTop allows fitting the actions, date and top of axis labels
margin[1] = getOptionalVar(argsMap, 'marginRight', 20)
margin[2] = getOptionalVar(argsMap, 'marginBottom', 35) // marginBottom allows fitting the legend along the bottom
margin[3] = getOptionalVar(argsMap, 'marginLeft', 90) // marginLeft allows fitting the axis labels
// assign instance vars from dataMap
data = processDataMap(getRequiredVar(argsMap, 'data'));
/* set the default scale */
yScale = data.scale;
// do this after processing margins and executing processDataMap above
//debug("Initialization successful for container: " + containerId)
// window resize listener
// de-dupe logic from
var TO = false;
if(TO !== false)
TO = setTimeout(handleWindowResizeEvent, 200); // time in miliseconds
/* *************************************************************** */
/* private methods */
/* *************************************************************** */
* Return a validated data map
* Expects a map like this:
* {"start": 1335035400000, "end": 1335294600000, "step": 300000, "values": [[28,22,45,65,34], [45,23,23,45,65]]}
var processDataMap = function(dataMap) {
// assign data values to plot over time
var dataValues = getRequiredVar(dataMap, 'values', "The data object must contain a 'values' value with a data array.")
var startTime = new Date(getRequiredVar(dataMap, 'start', "The data object must contain a 'start' value with the start time in milliseconds since epoch."))
var endTime = new Date(getRequiredVar(dataMap, 'end', "The data object must contain an 'end' value with the end time in milliseconds since epoch."))
var step = getRequiredVar(dataMap, 'step', "The data object must contain a 'step' value with the time in milliseconds between each data value.")
var names = getRequiredVar(dataMap, 'names', "The data object must contain a 'names' array with the same length as 'values' with a name for each data value array.")
var displayNames = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'displayNames', names);
var numAxisLabelsPowerScale = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'numAxisLabelsPowerScale', 6);
var numAxisLabelsLinearScale = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'numAxisLabelsLinearScale', 6);
var axis = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'axis', []);
// default axis values
if(axis.length == 0) {
displayNames.forEach(function (v, i) {
// set the default to left axis
axis[i] = "left";
} else {
var hasRightAxis = false;
axis.forEach(function(v) {
if(v == 'right') {
hasRightAxis = true;
if(hasRightAxis) {
// add space to right margin
margin[1] = margin[1] + 50;
var colors = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'colors', []);
// default colors values
if(colors.length == 0) {
displayNames.forEach(function (v, i) {
// set the default
colors[i] = "black";
var maxValues = [];
var rounding = getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'rounding', []);
// default rounding values
if(rounding.length == 0) {
displayNames.forEach(function (v, i) {
// set the default to 0 decimals
rounding[i] = 0;
/* copy the dataValues array, do NOT assign the reference otherwise we modify the original source when we shift/push data */
var newDataValues = [];
dataValues.forEach(function (v, i) {
newDataValues[i] = v.slice(0);
maxValues[i] = d3.max(newDataValues[i])
return {
"values" : newDataValues,
"startTime" : startTime,
"endTime" : endTime,
"step" : step,
"names" : names,
"displayNames": displayNames,
"axis" : axis,
"colors": colors,
"scale" : getOptionalVar(dataMap, 'scale', yScale),
"maxValues" : maxValues,
"rounding" : rounding,
"numAxisLabelsLinearScale": numAxisLabelsLinearScale,
"numAxisLabelsPowerScale": numAxisLabelsPowerScale
var redrawAxes = function(withTransition) {
if(withTransition) {
// slide x-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .x.axis").transition()
// slide y-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .y.axis.left").transition()
if(yAxisRight != undefined) {
// slide y-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .y.axis.right").transition()
} else {
// slide x-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .x.axis")
// slide y-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .y.axis.left")
if(yAxisRight != undefined) {
// slide y-axis to updated location
graph.selectAll("g .y.axis.right")
var redrawLines = function(withTransition) {
* This is a hack to deal with the left/right axis.
* See createGraph for a larger comment explaining this.
* Yes, it's ugly. If you can suggest a better solution please do.
lineFunctionSeriesIndex =-1;
// redraw lines
if(withTransition) {
graph.selectAll("g .lines path")
.attr("d", lineFunction)
.attr("transform", null);
} else {
graph.selectAll("g .lines path")
.attr("d", lineFunction)
.attr("transform", null);
* Allow re-initializing the y function at any time.
* - it will properly determine what scale is being used based on last user choice (via public switchScale methods)
var initY = function() {
var initYleft = function() {
var maxYscaleLeft = calculateMaxY(data, 'left')
//debug("initY => maxYscale: " + maxYscaleLeft);
var numAxisLabels = 6;
if(yScale == 'pow') {
yLeft = d3.scale.pow().exponent(0.3).domain([0, maxYscaleLeft]).range([h, 0]).nice();
numAxisLabels = data.numAxisLabelsPowerScale;
} else if(yScale == 'log') {
// we can't have 0 so will represent 0 with a very small number
// 0.1 works to represent 0, 0.01 breaks the tickFormatter
yLeft = d3.scale.log().domain([0.1, maxYscaleLeft]).range([h, 0]).nice();
} else if(yScale == 'linear') {
yLeft = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, maxYscaleLeft]).range([h, 0]).nice();
numAxisLabels = data.numAxisLabelsLinearScale;
yAxisLeft = d3.svg.axis().scale(yLeft).ticks(numAxisLabels, tickFormatForLogScale).orient("left");
var initYright = function() {
var maxYscaleRight = calculateMaxY(data, 'right')
// only create the right axis if it has values
if(maxYscaleRight != undefined) {
//debug("initY => maxYscale: " + maxYscaleRight);
var numAxisLabels = 6;
if(yScale == 'pow') {
yRight = d3.scale.pow().exponent(0.3).domain([0, maxYscaleRight]).range([h, 0]).nice();
numAxisLabels = data.numAxisLabelsPowerScale;
} else if(yScale == 'log') {
// we can't have 0 so will represent 0 with a very small number
// 0.1 works to represent 0, 0.01 breaks the tickFormatter
yRight = d3.scale.log().domain([0.1, maxYscaleRight]).range([h, 0]).nice();
} else if(yScale == 'linear') {
yRight = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, maxYscaleRight]).range([h, 0]).nice();
numAxisLabels = data.numAxisLabelsLinearScale;
yAxisRight = d3.svg.axis().scale(yRight).ticks(numAxisLabels, tickFormatForLogScale).orient("right");
* Whenever we add/update data we want to re-calculate if the max Y scale has changed
var calculateMaxY = function(data, whichAxis) {
// Y scale will fit values from 0-10 within pixels h-0 (Note the inverted domain for the y-scale: bigger is up!)
// we get the max of the max of values for the given index since we expect an array of arrays
// we can shortcut to using data.maxValues since we've already calculated the max of each series in processDataMap
var maxValuesForAxis = [];
data.maxValues.forEach(function(v, i) {
if(data.axis[i] == whichAxis) {
// we now have the max values for the axis we're interested in so get the max of them
return d3.max(maxValuesForAxis);
* Allow re-initializing the x function at any time.
var initX = function() {
// X scale starts at epoch time 1335035400000, ends at 1335294600000 with 300s increments
x = d3.time.scale().domain([data.startTime, data.endTime]).range([0, w]);
// create yAxis (with ticks)
xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).tickSize(-h).tickSubdivide(1);
// without ticks
//xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x);
* Creates the SVG elements and displays the line graph.
* Expects to be called once during instance initialization.
var createGraph = function() {
// Add an SVG element with the desired dimensions and margin.
graph ="#" + containerId).append("svg:svg")
.attr("class", "line-graph")
.attr("width", w + margin[1] + margin[3])
.attr("height", h + margin[0] + margin[2])
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin[3] + "," + margin[0] + ")");
// Add the x-axis.
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + h + ")")
// y is all done in initY because we need to re-assign vars quite often to change scales
// Add the y-axis to the left
.attr("class", "y axis left")
.attr("transform", "translate(-10,0)")
if(yAxisRight != undefined) {
// Add the y-axis to the right if we need one
.attr("class", "y axis right")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (w+10) + ",0)")
// create line function used to plot our data
lineFunction = d3.svg.line()
// assign the X function to plot our line as we wish
.x(function(d,i) {
* Our x value is defined by time and since our data doesn't have per-metric timestamps
* we calculate time as (startTime + the step between metrics * the index)
* We also reach out to the persisted 'data' object for time
* since the 'd' passed in here is one of the children, not the parent object
var _x = x(data.startTime.getTime() + (data.step*i));
// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
//debug("Line X => index: " + i + " scale: " + _x)
// return the X coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
return _x;
.y(function(d, i) {
if(yScale == 'log' && d < 0.1) {
// log scale can't have 0s, so we set it to the smallest value we set on y
d = 0.1;
* This is a hack that relies on:
* a) the single-threaded nature of javascript that this will not be interleaved
* b) that lineFunction will always be passed the data[] for all lines in the same way each time
* We then use an external variable to track each time we move from one series to the next
* so that we can have its seriesIndex to access information in the data[] object, particularly
* so we can determine what axis this data is supposed to be on.
* I didn't want to split the line function into left and right lineFunctions as that would really
* complicate the data binding.
* Also ... I can't figure out nested functions to keep it scoped so I had to put lineFunctionSeriesIndex
* as a variable in the same scope as lineFunction. Ugly. And worse ... reset it in redrawAxes.
* Anyone reading this who knows a better solution please let me know.
if(i == 0) {
var axis = data.axis[lineFunctionSeriesIndex];
var _y;
if(axis == 'right') {
_y = yRight(d);
} else {
_y = yLeft(d);
// verbose logging to show what's actually being done
//debug("Line Y => data: " + d + " scale: " + _y)
// return the Y coordinate where we want to plot this datapoint
return _y;
.defined(function(d) {
// handle missing data gracefully
// feature added in
return d >= 0;
// append a group to contain all lines
lines = graph.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "lines")
.data(data.values); // bind the array of arrays
// persist this reference so we don't do the selector every mouse event
hoverContainer = container.querySelector('g .lines');
$(container).mouseleave(function(event) {
$(container).mousemove(function(event) {
// add a line group for each array of values (it will iterate the array of arrays bound to the data function above)
linesGroup = lines.enter().append("g")
.attr("class", function(d, i) {
return "line_group series_" + i;
// add path (the actual line) to line group
.attr("class", function(d, i) {
//debug("Appending line [" + containerId + "]: " + i)
return "line series_" + i;
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", function(d, i) {
return data.colors[i];
.attr("d", lineFunction) // use the 'lineFunction' to create the data points in the correct x,y axis
.on('mouseover', function(d, i) {
handleMouseOverLine(d, i);
// add line label to line group
linesGroupText = linesGroup.append("svg:text");
linesGroupText.attr("class", function(d, i) {
//debug("Appending line [" + containerId + "]: " + i)
return "line_label series_" + i;
.text(function(d, i) {
return "";
// add a 'hover' line that we'll show as a user moves their mouse (or finger)
// so we can use it to show detailed values of each line
hoverLineGroup = graph.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "hover-line");
// add the line to the group
hoverLine = hoverLineGroup
.attr("x1", 10).attr("x2", 10) // vertical line so same value on each
.attr("y1", 0).attr("y2", h); // top to bottom
// hide it by default
hoverLine.classed("hide", true);
* Create a legend that displays the name of each line with appropriate color coding
* and allows for showing the current value when doing a mouseOver
var createLegend = function() {
// append a group to contain all lines
var legendLabelGroup = graph.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "legend-group")
.attr("class", "legend-labels");
.attr("class", "legend name")
.text(function(d, i) {
return d;
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize)
.attr("fill", function(d, i) {
// return the color for this row
return data.colors[i];
.attr("y", function(d, i) {
return h+28;
// put in placeholders with 0 width that we'll populate and resize dynamically
.attr("class", "legend value")
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize)
.attr("fill", function(d, i) {
return data.colors[i];
.attr("y", function(d, i) {
return h+28;
// x values are not defined here since those get dynamically calculated when data is set in displayValueLabelsForPositionX()
var redrawLegendPosition = function(animate) {
var legendText = graph.selectAll('g.legend-group text');
if(animate) {
.attr("y", function(d, i) {
return h+28;
} else {
legendText.attr("y", function(d, i) {
return h+28;
* Create scale buttons for switching the y-axis
var createScaleButtons = function() {
var cumulativeWidth = 0;
// append a group to contain all lines
var buttonGroup = graph.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "scale-button-group")
.attr("class", "scale-buttons")
.attr("class", "scale-button")
.text(function(d, i) {
return d[1];
.attr("font-size", "12") // this must be before "x" which dynamically determines width
.attr("fill", function(d) {
if(d[0] == yScale) {
return "black";
} else {
return "blue";
.classed("selected", function(d) {
if(d[0] == yScale) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
// return it at the width of previous labels (where the last one ends)
var returnX = cumulativeWidth;
// increment cumulative to include this one
cumulativeWidth += this.getComputedTextLength()+5;
return returnX;
.attr("y", -4)
.on('click', function(d, i) {
handleMouseClickScaleButton(this, d, i);
var handleMouseClickScaleButton = function(button, buttonData, index) {
if(index == 0) {
} else if(index == 1) {
} else if(index == 2) {
// change text decoration
.attr("fill", function(d) {
if(d[0] == yScale) {
return "black";
} else {
return "blue";
.classed("selected", function(d) {
if(d[0] == yScale) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Create a data label
var createDateLabel = function() {
var date = new Date(); // placeholder just so we can calculate a valid width
// create the date label to the left of the scaleButtons group
var buttonGroup = graph.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "date-label-group")
.attr("class", "date-label")
.attr("text-anchor", "end") // set at end so we can position at far right edge and add text from right to left
.attr("font-size", "10")
.attr("y", -4)
.attr("x", w)
.text(date.toDateString() + " " + date.toLocaleTimeString())
* Called when a user mouses over a line.
var handleMouseOverLine = function(lineData, index) {
//debug("MouseOver line [" + containerId + "] => " + index)
// user is interacting
userCurrentlyInteracting = true;
* Called when a user mouses over the graph.
var handleMouseOverGraph = function(event) {
var mouseX = event.pageX-hoverLineXOffset;
var mouseY = event.pageY-hoverLineYOffset;
//debug("MouseOver graph [" + containerId + "] => x: " + mouseX + " y: " + mouseY + " height: " + h + " event.clientY: " + event.clientY + " offsetY: " + event.offsetY + " pageY: " + event.pageY + " hoverLineYOffset: " + hoverLineYOffset)
if(mouseX >= 0 && mouseX <= w && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY <= h) {
// show the hover line
hoverLine.classed("hide", false);
// set position of hoverLine
hoverLine.attr("x1", mouseX).attr("x2", mouseX)
// user is interacting
userCurrentlyInteracting = true;
currentUserPositionX = mouseX;
} else {
// proactively act as if we've left the area since we're out of the bounds we want
var handleMouseOutGraph = function(event) {
// hide the hover-line
hoverLine.classed("hide", true);
//debug("MouseOut graph [" + containerId + "] => " + mouseX + ", " + mouseY)
// user is no longer interacting
userCurrentlyInteracting = false;
currentUserPositionX = -1;
/* // if we need to support older browsers without pageX/pageY we can use this
var getMousePositionFromEvent = function(e, element) {
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
posx = e.pageX;
posy = e.pageY;
else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft
+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return {x: posx, y: posy};
* Handler for when data is updated.
var handleDataUpdate = function() {
if(userCurrentlyInteracting) {
// user is interacting, so let's update values to wherever the mouse/finger is on the updated data
if(currentUserPositionX > -1) {
} else {
// the user is not interacting with the graph, so we'll update the labels to the latest
* Display the data values at position X in the legend value labels.
var displayValueLabelsForPositionX = function(xPosition, withTransition) {
var animate = false;
if(withTransition != undefined) {
if(withTransition) {
animate = true;
var dateToShow;
var labelValueWidths = [];
.text(function(d, i) {
var valuesForX = getValueForPositionXFromData(xPosition, i);
dateToShow =;
return valuesForX.value;
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
labelValueWidths[i] = this.getComputedTextLength();
// position label names
var cumulativeWidth = 0;
var labelNameEnd = [];
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
// return it at the width of previous labels (where the last one ends)
var returnX = cumulativeWidth;
// increment cumulative to include this one + the value label at this index
cumulativeWidth += this.getComputedTextLength()+4+labelValueWidths[i]+8;
// store where this ends
labelNameEnd[i] = returnX + this.getComputedTextLength()+5;
return returnX;
// remove last bit of padding from cumulativeWidth
cumulativeWidth = cumulativeWidth - 8;
if(cumulativeWidth > w) {
// decrease font-size to make fit
legendFontSize = legendFontSize-1;
//debug("making legend fit by decreasing font size to: " + legendFontSize)
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize);
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize);
// recursively call until we get ourselves fitting
// position label values
.attr("x", function(d, i) {
return labelNameEnd[i];
// show the date'').text(dateToShow.toDateString() + " " + dateToShow.toLocaleTimeString())
// move the group of labels to the right side
if(animate) {
graph.selectAll("g.legend-group g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (w-cumulativeWidth) +",0)")
} else {
graph.selectAll("g.legend-group g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (w-cumulativeWidth) +",0)")
* Set the value labels to whatever the latest data point is.
var setValueLabelsToLatest = function(withTransition) {
displayValueLabelsForPositionX(w, withTransition);
* Convert back from an X position on the graph to a data value from the given array (one of the lines)
* Return {value: value, date, date}
var getValueForPositionXFromData = function(xPosition, dataSeriesIndex) {
var d = data.values[dataSeriesIndex]
// get the date on x-axis for the current location
var xValue = x.invert(xPosition);
// Calculate the value from this date by determining the 'index'
// within the data array that applies to this value
var index = (xValue.getTime() - data.startTime) / data.step;
if(index >= d.length) {
index = d.length-1;
// The date we're given is interpolated so we have to round off to get the nearest
// index in the data array for the xValue we're given.
// Once we have the index, we then retrieve the data from the d[] array
index = Math.round(index);
// bucketDate is the date rounded to the correct 'step' instead of interpolated
var bucketDate = new Date(data.startTime.getTime() + data.step * (index+1)); // index+1 as it is 0 based but we need 1-based for this math
var v = d[index];
var roundToNumDecimals = data.rounding[dataSeriesIndex];
return {value: roundNumber(v, roundToNumDecimals), date: bucketDate};
* Called when the window is resized to redraw graph accordingly.
var handleWindowResizeEvent = function() {
//debug("Window Resize Event [" + containerId + "] => resizing graph")
// reset width/height of SVG"#" + containerId + " svg")
.attr("width", w + margin[1] + margin[3])
.attr("height", h + margin[0] + margin[2]);
// reset transform of x axis
graph.selectAll("g .x.axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + h + ")");
if(yAxisRight != undefined) {
// Reset the y-axisRight transform if it exists
graph.selectAll("g .y.axis.right")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (w+10) + ",0)");
// reset legendFontSize on window resize so it has a chance to re-calculate to a bigger size if it can now fit
legendFontSize = 12;
//debug("making legend fit by decreasing font size to: " + legendFontSize)
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize);
.attr("font-size", legendFontSize);
// move date label'')
.attr("x", w)
// redraw the graph with new dimensions
// reposition legend if necessary
// force legend to redraw values
* Set height/width dimensions based on container.
var initDimensions = function() {
// automatically size to the container using JQuery to get width/height
w = $("#" + containerId).width() - margin[1] - margin[3]; // width
h = $("#" + containerId).height() - margin[0] - margin[2]; // height
// make sure to use offset() and not position() as we want it relative to the document, not its parent
hoverLineXOffset = margin[3]+$(container).offset().left;
hoverLineYOffset = margin[0]+$(container).offset().top;
* Return the value from argsMap for key or throw error if no value found
var getRequiredVar = function(argsMap, key, message) {
if(!argsMap[key]) {
if(!message) {
throw new Error(key + " is required")
} else {
throw new Error(message)
} else {
return argsMap[key]
* Return the value from argsMap for key or defaultValue if no value found
var getOptionalVar = function(argsMap, key, defaultValue) {
if(!argsMap[key]) {
return defaultValue
} else {
return argsMap[key]
var error = function(message) {
console.log("ERROR: " + message)
var debug = function(message) {
console.log("DEBUG: " + message)
/* round a number to X digits: num => the number to round, dec => the number of decimals */
/* private */ function roundNumber(num, dec) {
var result = Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec);
var resultAsString = result.toString();
if(dec > 0) {
if(resultAsString.indexOf('.') == -1) {
resultAsString = resultAsString + '.';
// make sure we have a decimal and pad with 0s to match the number we were asked for
var indexOfDecimal = resultAsString.indexOf('.');
while(resultAsString.length <= (indexOfDecimal+dec)) {
resultAsString = resultAsString + '0';
return resultAsString;
/* *************************************************************** */
/* execute init now that everything is defined */
/* *************************************************************** */
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* sample data to plot over time
var data = {"start":1336594920000,"end":1336680960000,"step":120000,"names":["Stats_count2xx","Stats_count3xx","Stats_count4xx","Stats_count5xx"],"values":[[15820.0101840488, 15899.7253668067, 16047.4476816121, 16225.0631734631, 16321.0429563369, 16477.289219996, 16372.5034462091, 16420.2024254868, 16499.3156905815, 16422.1844610347, 16419.7447928312, 16602.0198900243, 16795.2846238759, 16708.9466016093, 16709.8158889291, 16796.7377507963, 16814.8517758747, 16944.4126048633, 16959.6935058422, 17249.8381137218, 17589.8424377422, 17531.9557988989, 17441.3403929293, 17316.4010302911, 17346.7236664321, 17430.6259138371, 17451.6104156993, 17583.58587248, 17613.4099078811, 17606.2248380331, 17585.3724344667, 17758.0871611239, 17838.6330766152, 17926.3287042096, 18061.8656942517, 18180.5441958674, 18266.052913289, 18199.5231629554, 18132.5794044834, 18141.4166460033, 18385.5401052213, 18449.9025074614, 18447.4506647813, 18482.1044829091, 18468.1994941392, 18519.2243177982, 18594.1226441619, 18630.7525298225, 18795.6021068975, 19046.8705959796, 19347.9530297036, 19377.7583961603, 19342.6089029458, 19136.7707279898, 19155.068178316, 19273.7388986087, 19456.5071519156, 19517.1777183944, 19647.581127671, 19548.8244351324, 19481.9477886176, 19538.5674838664, 19475.9133223104, 19882.9488574303, 20117.2818676399, 20160.5471055383, 20177.8829716204, 20021.5963993264, 19986.7238925349, 20081.494103713, 20153.8820301457, 20090.2815698175, 20347.6956210229, 20432.0559505945, 20424.1161313398, 20552.6149036244, 20401.7971566235, 20566.8264513574, 20775.0508913518, 20940.7424057749, 21439.2242959797, 21345.464856675, 21118.3658347535, 21037.2860196285, 21067.5253100188, 21154.2218964385, 20989.7128501239, 21138.0600264289, 21012.9565798469, 21157.7756723043, 21249.5570784826, 21319.2373460359, 21404.9235135248, 21580.3566445823, 21768.5431480858, 21950.7385701792, 21897.3405917937, 21818.9508751978, 21651.3323299552, 21686.9853043388, 21760.8918839863, 21858.4296394364, 21971.167058634, 22030.5293445048, 21861.9702222994, 21875.1332874723, 21948.3998912861, 22111.948785479, 22307.3585558342, 22692.7187186022, 23307.2513893047, 23423.8805303572, 23212.4216103056, 23238.8696427149, 23181.0371920121, 23193.0515463873, 23285.9241257163, 23275.3939293097, 23271.0871088623, 23129.5240882902, 23120.1068556278, 23229.6601916077, 23434.5382267342, 23485.8104706076, 23609.6959450202, 23804.9976645638, 23858.4516662707, 23744.0808142359, 23916.2167893042, 24148.3549591356, 24115.0352366057, 23949.3748940255, 23974.2751803021, 24145.7675582647, 24166.5636974786, 24148.5787052585, 24123.6233746251, 24337.6623798142, 24471.1541825222, 24846.4872913435, 25482.0199773185, 25675.6398419917, 25510.4564056644, 25411.2267110759, 25261.0073135841, 25301.1434977761, 25322.6369257256, 25232.6531923282, 25085.4909645092, 25244.830437283, 25181.2240054306, 25066.3031983445, 25090.8419105293, 25098.8487788195, 25255.2381159365, 25501.9078428897, 25612.3616706778, 25344.7934914239, 25376.9544940168, 25532.0984757033, 25673.6747603799, 25662.9153148183, 25456.3376698033, 25402.3336064905, 25363.2108652185, 25328.7273101396, 25219.9403901692, 25385.7529787453, 25352.8371058252, 25519.1636706939, 26270.9893668139, 26591.8050932774, 26493.5543171911, 26349.72124345, 26258.2841205458, 26136.3550394024, 26065.5729197509, 26147.5149947415, 26097.2901499403, 25767.6076328634, 25697.4426945047, 25587.1067445672, 25493.8927734193, 25396.7646613749, 25476.7504401207, 25584.3123369988, 25617.8860990079, 25446.6056808533, 25163.7663416429, 25045.1917357367, 25023.8472355981, 24964.3611953357, 25314.8126943617, 25151.5174664357, 24650.3184810382, 24404.687046978, 24369.2819234262, 24387.8468081395, 24423.4453260322, 24620.9386883983, 25378.2062459302, 25739.1371179967, 25446.5101654548, 25240.315103579, 24941.0976749202, 25016.8164322584, 24977.8134965294, 24670.9251981503, 24412.5246017431, 24186.2795508664, 24021.1212020799, 23923.3899570841, 23847.6257540143, 23669.3851906967, 23476.0400974209, 23333.6870052769, 23391.6202248235, 23160.8852743403, 23022.7107406385, 22710.759073303, 22625.5414323392, 22462.0701596631, 22399.3556465886, 22192.4958500694, 21924.0499518697, 21686.4948134259, 21009.9686972802, 20537.4119350977, 21450.9742406896, 21573.7761172922, 21827.8208461644, 21780.1682154418, 21634.2899558655, 21478.957394686, 21209.8026538992, 20875.5797814554, 20738.6399913502, 20465.8578200756, 20352.6790948811, 20128.957419549, 20063.8159761699, 19840.0084892574, 19763.5971075154, 19692.4601403978, 19497.5611002563, 19518.9185246791, 19462.484626295, 19299.5461830323, 19146.9111595586, 19060.4518314206, 18818.9593496115, 18506.4297721978, 18392.854423485, 18047.9060829786, 18021.1521862988, 17580.9640835308, 17069.6140124493, 16604.1685534979, 17063.3934254775, 17138.7253548185, 17357.7216636292, 17419.9325161178, 17172.0860972453, 16935.3523541474, 16790.8550814195, 16815.0737236178, 16721.4862458401, 16348.2178041446, 16086.7389076296, 15835.8695126713, 15709.6750849638, 15527.6470317214, 15492.8290612983, 15348.6513109241, 15172.6582708453, 15085.9406538944, 14929.7157915823, 14772.8383678848, 14609.1219600887, 14477.1356737357, 14411.4307066544, 14165.5237173371, 13803.3410529682, 13843.9663884317, 13663.5817296593, 13538.1739054421, 14062.2963996296, 13342.2106498274, 13249.5839729943, 13159.5897179248, 13240.8369180488, 13170.7647221301, 12900.0603194213, 12260.8632653026, 12530.2703371548, 12469.6397353676, 12334.6682932274, 12158.5428087262, 11912.8783397203, 11800.1345149188, 11609.7385162009, 11297.8300390438, 11415.252719941, 11313.7941056848, 11258.4046571493, 11175.3247282648, 11035.4286656547, 10966.3874316186, 10454.9208885721, 10562.297632475, 10538.2247059982, 10475.1398089124, 10404.5014231804, 10313.9823835279, 10135.4429334051, 9959.6437413725, 9857.72338165576, 9906.09248401907, 9711.42981752865, 9519.79813225009, 9697.20356744398, 9715.53159355971, 9552.38048671776, 9400.61471510077, 9325.82040677331, 9266.86203511198, 9166.44331834776, 9013.51948562947, 8971.42023163578, 8881.34744044969, 8637.90527596941, 8440.68040526367, 8578.82518790602, 8452.54845623202, 8411.59763289963, 8430.05069183353, 8316.65640732738, 8225.95338381445, 7842.94358618416, 7889.9962551255, 7888.36645707219, 7921.23764065062, 7861.63456874685, 7742.70580927082, 7693.05403819126, 7564.90102732863, 7499.38854010269, 7451.86660622516, 7214.90039567523, 7238.2711595717, 7485.38240202161, 7411.77084071513, 7352.59558324266, 7315.60699835775, 7228.01695595991, 7202.20029402037, 7116.4657870828, 7081.94067954451, 7014.7846279503, 6914.06835811903, 6726.03292057554, 6653.03092049874, 6621.39129339016, 6662.29191505853, 6656.46478630078, 6638.44895596061, 6578.65366153794, 6509.36162212383, 6436.00899658729, 6424.96869686787, 6388.50555509291, 6290.08844466873, 6259.85742377368, 6234.41808842776, 6011.9621878234, 6163.81998601278, 6119.21468332925, 6142.01274779788, 6125.58864523293, 6145.4217608467, 6216.13407332018, 6180.73381411946, 6129.05233390237, 6084.38883503978, 6048.19664148673, 6020.28339783233, 5831.31881718479, 5929.56929608561, 5888.3584697955, 5895.84974175094, 5829.6874631232, 5801.09708685975, 5774.42817742989, 5768.76209185514, 5755.60479706488, 5825.48793408754, 5774.46396985043, 5791.98150097203, 5759.20069227433, 5764.861981028, 5773.35447217717, 5693.63870605284, 5736.49017708281, 5730.73468483553, 5717.39412464424, 5709.46933881467, 5669.00929619975, 5724.81872307549, 5763.17161534376, 5873.94226430884, 6069.44720682584, 6033.0424459429, 6033.27974042495, 6040.97119873984, 6015.30763157916, 6083.55629124657, 6067.0255714614, 6166.71237091515, 6165.43640074816, 6161.17064195287, 6178.21343013752, 6160.50343506911, 6210.87838209952, 6201.21227762995, 6276.7481764166, 6435.02358660558, 6416.29652323725, 6411.4318110943, 6475.08008243712, 6564.55011688024, 6599.59922806665, 6600.19530272348, 6692.84504217159, 6653.95919543989, 6699.3176041198, 6721.34011362646, 6756.6550083673, 6816.91669538665, 6916.03095025055, 7061.70757763678, 7306.43568518486, 7295.21896680175, 7308.54257802798, 7337.99830329325, 7404.57801343458, 7483.83849194661, 7422.26481797287, 7525.76485654947, 7444.6709551673, 7463.33136071938, 7544.57445209844, 7519.57242835395, 7653.30711615792, 7633.70519530973, 7792.37287206626, 7848.12396982234, 7790.50230143194, 7819.56413797317, 7790.5149609893, 7814.91026908091, 7860.67359635183, 7885.92853203582, 7963.71693766284, 7933.21807106144, 7859.59538599298, 7963.66108001079, 7934.61174493327, 7947.86833825034, 7965.83307383418, 8139.42397848865, 8271.10382025013, 8217.63570213121, 8136.03244721085, 8159.73879317376, 8228.83751060172, 8136.56109051381, 8188.91325305579, 8293.29824416838, 8216.71925901295, 8188.23950467452, 8187.62301071626, 8173.13013624697, 8148.43293904041, 8191.69650900253, 8292.00631240498, 8325.95607105937, 8196.11498565071, 8134.27681048506, 8156.79898294794, 8132.43164831366, 8180.67490417091, 8231.18139238596, 8233.86833559433, 8182.06761851354, 8222.30242099209, 8230.41305056328, 8213.54738525887, 8319.86665007795, 8305.37026554814, 8446.97435527574, 8677.91915806234, 8604.46026321996, 8611.64106134412, 8531.21997780817, 8507.57892659313, 8641.85431149536, 8641.91934749958, 8725.92223757115, 8700.19212453347, 8758.28849017521, 8745.60579163138, 8778.87297988531, 8816.77441013827, 8911.67660625692, 8945.12784225865, 9069.01319022581, 9004.91516802334, 9026.17098619087, 9024.37227462223, 9054.58910537334, 9044.25683960873, 9066.1656468853, 9092.37183218393, 9111.52220219353, 9116.69898305474, 9202.91493012035, 9157.09971242374, 9172.24102837033, 9306.31345826189, 9335.21923479676, 9546.06404072832, 9557.99306551975, 9447.23094711361, 9436.17555674842, 9493.99638313776, 9491.42447216866, 9476.21591619196, 9513.73871257243, 9567.47256293599, 9511.64399803855, 9550.0673590846, 9603.05278031383, 9578.2047888808, 9665.43910209485, 9701.40652211287, 9745.91179865674, 9758.14589497082, 9821.33016587823, 9713.81211449266, 9678.49943477509, 9692.28562801975, 9665.48271140795, 9719.94097897836, 9696.7108567526, 9663.63367909621, 9690.73025980914, 9761.25390401674, 9807.53196560752, 9929.94495578682, 10053.0147388618, 10181.6021495362, 10179.8192172014, 10116.0686681145, 10027.7166529273, 10000.8581003101, 10046.1171720242, 10045.8630714378, 10073.4862606299, 9995.28802950606, 10104.2557562047, 10177.0406643142, 10127.4857820466, 10114.3552465463, 10184.9660676613, 10234.79888954, 10265.0442559925, 10239.4218975944, 10208.7615124848, 10171.5062608022, 10245.8260560629, 10196.518492162, 10246.5577477623, 10272.1660612081, 10299.8650323284, 10238.7190708738, 10272.5359341166, 10320.5181410794, 10373.7566187853, 10232.3463069939, 10679.7396034628, 10973.3397498035, 10914.4766335803, 10834.5392696539, 10784.429975534, 10830.1698541282, 10871.3871054867, 10896.6061110782, 10839.3655324167, 10879.4025374898, 10872.3934997027, 10867.4498985069, 10938.530231238, 11003.906787043, 11072.9036411838, 11108.7221393116, 11238.3344389481, 11106.9212524696, 11083.6914044644, 11169.8842697777, 11165.485337622, 11156.7206322643, 11195.9620961877, 11184.5268761971, 11199.3972138659, 11184.9014840992, 11175.8338167541, 11256.3904325293, 11278.3633183144, 11322.6075688869, 11496.6707873812, 11698.126099871, 11688.4289934511, 11633.756879227, 11655.515043646, 11657.4038594037, 11716.1508574315, 11745.8679959335, 11707.1953216919, 11601.1140473951, 11612.4245745052, 11661.9130550982, 11664.7131037632, 11578.2008509045, 11568.537469768, 11697.4314576822, 11842.3209293884, 11682.4874931984, 11822.434226969, 11804.9959989516, 11758.0051524706, 11820.0264110637, 11670.3487910917, 11726.3099732255, 11732.9616365212, 11742.9111353087, 11746.3044353076, 11827.6343746315, 11875.5692518763, 11872.8436931058, 12039.0708317277, 12240.6070968432, 12275.2174163512, 12206.2512987274, 12118.5054055728, 12177.6685530706, 12238.9862577882, 12183.2374514958, 12211.5405094269, 12152.5435877037, 12185.2696254524, 12162.1064925148, 12224.7714760525, 12234.3032926718, 12321.4638331116, 12393.4106913113, 12515.1873855379, 12443.5989229592, 12467.8831140464, 12475.972977096, 12536.015324256, 12684.8624444048, 12641.3888189578, 12657.9116380533, 12773.8884055854, 12912.3705135144, 12851.9657415346, 12923.1541849091, 13036.8058203422, 13173.6669322284, 13230.4902057188, 13671.187570497, 13739.0163192321, 13727.3220076901, 13654.7971998567, 13666.4135152319, 13725.3611961455, 13693.0575509512, 13825.2946450688, 13835.7221165874, 13813.2660449661, 13842.5431730383, 13893.7922775107, 14135.2989022499, 14119.3773175833, 14209.3151203062, 14378.0121545595, 14284.0201251531, 14290.2099309504, 14345.0614009986, 14391.6868428215, 14510.7297872662, 14491.7013144698, 14583.9695120333, 14735.6580638827, 14693.8317193741, 14806.5665084588, 14748.3914783763, 14914.0356578109, 15006.7008556155, 15159.2655588919, 15456.2077473699, 15486.5589740315, 15420.5091363059, 15455.6627877337, 15474.6685551093, 15535.7078312375, 15578.6108985781, 15669.5817934132],[417.896653157652, 421.939526610002, 424.182351484078, 428.010724137391, 430.954421741925, 435.155825361582, 433.273171079374, 430.209062841366, 432.591549079551, 430.765991741519, 430.448242685685, 432.861993829354, 438.812055560809, 435.92254751833, 436.438030566965, 436.919532080568, 441.39033586533, 441.002053743608, 439.379156019208, 455.71007306555, 463.463943613933, 457.084357117552, 452.947206570355, 449.709449903717, 454.743774398171, 454.808752167753, 456.236640675908, 459.813163888814, 461.030643541157, 455.363979690805, 458.040882818146, 463.747657693129, 462.919526488447, 463.906420064534, 466.677529934491, 473.79193687102, 475.067981863178, 473.593408263573, 471.805991619663, 476.959998185822, 475.268421490975, 480.484043394977, 482.774721025233, 484.114188027164, 481.044847799643, 481.448299110608, 484.414382891513, 480.285473279238, 490.34823466621, 495.152084306067, 507.867809927969, 501.748789829794, 497.713741732373, 495.536413304932, 499.779942833792, 501.619113379403, 505.20914493845, 505.727048627159, 508.705516498269, 501.62416226126, 500.110907325404, 500.843395600351, 497.283343755822, 508.348013476184, 509.244221154599, 511.642704727323, 513.26342192596, 511.187000234841, 510.072702450494, 512.447563705355, 512.349258798763, 514.354579953437, 522.207148434834, 519.321121791517, 518.839529934275, 519.884548442384, 518.21836546243, 525.440763978751, 529.389282537031, 531.684470058085, 546.315026135052, 538.739564334365, 538.154526834604, 535.269819815021, 539.633241896162, 541.515559038697, 539.142041321797, 537.489548964395, 534.894998804853, 541.821136537358, 539.279876568243, 532.682191845622, 535.704572111483, 543.022244380526, 548.332129069579, 554.716060876508, 555.19684308005, 544.998412520622, 540.460734487996, 542.443390786104, 543.938492602332, 553.57068268227, 555.691657756405, 549.665362914334, 549.791749356403, 551.053982426849, 538.954824844933, 547.724867314801, 565.0980888706, 578.322625492672, 595.01829461484, 594.444487972585, 585.475637874194, 582.189545510688, 583.966792395165, 589.558907040535, 593.228823980374, 590.796372362968, 585.660838466137, 579.613717832427, 575.028545699441, 578.63333781436, 586.508509167001, 588.428855928167, 592.409775663321, 602.630814006581, 597.351254472048, 599.350348479695, 597.747802933104, 597.918169262604, 597.345400315989, 596.137244138892, 595.362014406938, 598.91824734659, 605.761737466471, 605.401953973058, 611.602045549785, 596.913555491227, 622.218968449702, 635.772502211104, 659.890267247318, 655.690356899494, 643.81350317147, 639.622662934792, 635.181398389345, 635.931861463261, 637.176018625806, 633.029283735613, 631.500373395668, 633.663871035543, 628.052224352674, 623.478007754914, 624.60010433486, 634.232288703686, 633.213265113651, 643.780990192965, 645.623394201921, 638.376679983418, 641.175819967212, 648.134452966916, 654.743672067733, 649.797827174356, 649.916006130494, 645.722756831619, 645.095912843758, 644.986747727879, 642.896246457364, 646.278582060434, 644.450816910178, 652.660709138635, 678.978816491674, 686.17377420837, 678.698046947575, 673.861985181877, 675.300461027151, 668.905375480507, 670.19555920919, 672.272005062817, 676.058023582845, 669.331721074294, 663.284260419022, 658.590962802747, 655.429670561712, 653.952977270816, 648.512899415908, 658.070950016862, 656.667459757417, 650.278612998846, 642.803386032555, 644.504562122976, 640.406588354718, 635.188727379749, 640.673381333944, 643.986005719374, 634.707448544848, 626.03911017735, 622.102670838679, 624.754503368222, 628.92330154394, 639.235778309533, 661.411389358975, 663.600225756025, 652.98187294648, 649.425336707865, 640.911072628596, 644.544501767659, 644.485362827545, 634.115243276707, 621.621507020589, 615.424451106147, 611.265692097548, 614.674402765371, 610.870137689054, 610.442192841681, 608.122986387184, 609.631105630981, 608.310677322541, 602.536163813803, 596.589409204398, 587.895792087477, 587.156029083567, 585.346680274341, 582.392271327794, 576.477593737616, 570.943436794218, 564.817937470409, 565.566547753383, 569.714471757767, 562.045977644868, 574.001446068153, 591.170397164235, 585.147246622572, 574.377053084713, 569.473554927773, 563.819611627521, 557.738450292467, 550.558124566308, 543.95249606324, 538.383193950184, 535.518460191947, 534.009542617799, 527.507081571095, 525.855818936404, 515.956765375317, 514.948755898741, 518.928189617426, 519.946202561792, 517.22969713167, 514.624030500916, 514.450245504861, 502.833852224001, 501.733790420308, 500.905343422962, 491.452700818365, 493.160481567375, 469.743401803475, 466.683819300785, 474.257789661729, 479.893845873501, 476.235605739805, 490.669910680023, 487.094772195582, 476.757380730878, 471.000824787846, 466.007027523328, 460.980305579693, 462.708103494415, 456.157316565676, 450.266791673963, 446.723012001431, 446.77050357947, 444.318627189423, 447.828678540986, 439.255185243151, 434.6798118143, 430.389431853554, 430.901327795982, 426.925522321766, 419.461987707464, 414.357650899457, 405.320864999822, 399.249835429345, 388.072378672975, 398.645554599721, 394.840139247208, 387.690122291633, 403.53443982937, 405.40442636148, 401.87049888819, 402.484586693824, 406.365860233637, 399.312203651765, 389.864265290082, 369.755960598218, 377.377285639826, 374.422134399153, 368.930497095881, 364.553646668297, 357.354928824187, 353.870463867288, 350.731593414858, 333.353935305727, 347.556152107053, 345.918852422907, 344.149590814626, 342.834778600676, 339.109961997237, 339.578200394015, 331.002925701714, 329.149877912037, 327.99366987618, 328.255414400322, 325.917449343282, 320.331925660669, 316.82794804017, 314.634729599431, 313.296376503199, 316.690022996553, 310.842062671798, 305.15448535675, 312.258909370797, 311.138461403303, 309.716334792024, 306.73416419366, 302.763540785339, 302.688011777715, 297.855200192353, 294.052152027449, 291.886775176745, 290.884990988734, 284.373554262901, 277.417488806928, 282.42976036264, 282.860411110281, 284.542997063741, 283.459521255207, 276.64292463277, 276.311067178907, 263.450317508319, 268.996111742332, 270.285060210108, 268.897079969822, 268.037600632729, 261.59430525914, 261.507829693609, 259.926415726835, 260.235509088198, 258.770801678023, 249.471210990052, 251.220981641975, 262.407302554646, 257.080418210065, 252.205876245362, 252.452162352191, 252.150038944078, 254.807129611095, 252.642365503301, 250.401028846014, 249.250651179802, 246.865328645916, 237.926233203099, 238.686475962834, 238.91884286276, 241.702820747253, 242.821686774038, 243.487257138651, 238.842003619971, 235.320846824331, 233.903760486764, 232.164318861336, 231.639932898906, 229.819236354946, 227.208242657444, 225.557039982655, 216.551528462898, 225.794616577135, 223.064778412131, 224.656540058904, 223.193470291976, 224.681158473113, 227.29598072403, 222.074821764545, 220.065407115879, 217.279154733635, 218.31464361396, 219.221257040992, 202.862339813822, 216.26637816344, 215.859339129687, 217.113731315167, 216.287889931048, 214.424644431988, 213.408980681774, 213.169027489645, 213.055780567502, 215.689849385557, 209.798252360761, 211.437980363251, 210.664934006509, 213.001398776548, 213.45268602509, 211.4684378063, 212.062859487271, 211.010646854662, 210.983281710135, 210.170119875808, 206.966414645286, 204.441662494224, 204.830757809215, 212.03017759837, 222.248125054601, 213.165975680006, 212.144278745578, 212.018484925496, 211.809552271421, 214.254595786471, 211.635586385428, 216.269691038343, 215.566025711025, 217.372433978759, 216.624402249839, 214.313303955595, 216.446786446292, 216.414008142746, 221.327779614084, 227.293746223446, 221.196326490423, 221.845170552435, 223.549433001874, 224.480295089392, 225.327205712307, 223.513235337365, 229.674407465528, 224.893385569578, 226.613397356111, 226.79819276229, 227.063954237474, 230.43769614539, 229.873195945009, 237.763744622536, 248.526733262175, 238.759184162207, 234.739496678125, 234.856267882392, 237.735121763476, 242.291969344929, 236.513332905027, 241.689170223761, 237.359605915126, 237.307918803237, 240.278063427439, 238.627486203554, 244.536455127804, 242.153300966415, 247.199975857985, 248.994340480206, 243.087860328681, 244.805572668378, 243.146778583601, 244.974734542258, 243.402651608419, 243.986690964703, 247.287324917495, 243.930651204356, 242.876400913575, 242.858729898422, 242.20329355847, 242.289739453934, 244.355139573454, 251.799900761617, 257.326711652043, 248.884173523008, 246.319590940855, 243.340639477124, 248.716160561694, 244.9358093909, 245.280056089005, 249.078307924094, 243.942794637274, 244.987290421346, 247.525859153585, 247.223764023216, 245.765485909428, 245.336016427828, 250.575826186572, 252.705909139878, 249.000250873976, 243.952925853124, 242.878201085381, 242.858030592417, 244.168504737503, 244.494020035285, 246.408324892354, 241.165995605476, 241.568382901734, 244.64750499489, 243.819884884581, 244.065894537057, 240.76247990709, 253.068453269524, 261.114971495371, 254.972296755507, 252.616886401716, 249.201795269459, 250.280853298693, 255.64594254278, 255.367989961601, 256.143719393746, 253.184573069496, 256.011917013549, 256.133853708926, 257.673056541842, 256.27777878315, 258.570738595544, 259.744045420529, 266.498261422868, 260.42766853431, 261.008761898516, 256.696572351582, 259.404066585352, 260.046310212919, 258.325150270904, 260.483414967525, 255.375475110453, 257.849225091888, 259.303561072975, 259.332310908615, 259.445725199389, 261.272592196972, 268.411594281805, 272.980642330116, 270.225360784368, 266.71744019311, 265.77183281934, 270.127252675469, 268.557458719194, 270.944030664588, 270.714691848188, 272.068966258483, 270.080024804363, 269.909059665163, 268.389299559823, 268.330233578691, 269.317902161563, 271.861382148962, 276.029383661139, 272.641736614304, 274.192337708943, 268.381482407536, 272.852439357259, 270.96613367647, 270.376186032202, 273.979476425802, 270.29538683125, 270.612082965166, 272.469562229519, 275.614992805863, 272.291738700014, 279.157760939839, 282.249855181079, 284.96451991249, 281.555340000851, 279.281843272282, 280.317427112642, 278.813195704218, 283.684029370464, 279.516372363228, 281.773157332368, 278.983712291633, 276.792460520374, 279.733800244049, 280.207283440365, 280.412020302784, 280.981230685765, 287.146148183357, 287.227764169373, 284.697959425298, 286.488552985262, 285.864949018685, 286.202819748388, 284.628910203891, 286.214735387324, 286.237443970225, 284.583532987681, 284.128643959009, 284.855010458799, 288.114161679616, 290.81087706117, 292.23336258955, 300.960027519598, 306.544290484747, 304.169720638703, 300.612476970424, 303.159857597497, 298.405547709346, 300.935344937154, 299.816268685432, 301.678388561829, 302.998716519342, 304.419986632806, 303.788135314585, 306.828595905151, 307.987137572742, 307.172448353568, 310.794982059298, 314.393071213892, 311.759560686089, 308.639580527543, 306.376137564242, 306.169789779256, 307.009375366454, 306.851410820609, 311.355810164906, 307.194211179998, 306.690701436426, 305.563743196781, 306.42305489021, 312.620714882764, 311.614761874132, 315.192671320326, 324.892245575155, 320.699020461892, 317.538652706244, 317.83559513674, 319.330031584887, 320.241310741065, 321.351248457961, 321.12493601455, 317.714925700924, 320.616734452721, 321.424152719548, 317.943438577956, 315.994418591242, 316.12254897162, 319.927682859169, 323.991403301118, 321.868983966387, 322.796396433831, 321.211482248061, 317.48532482324, 323.250132142807, 318.273281599321, 321.638067108341, 321.631166038591, 318.617732180177, 317.842240414491, 318.470614736886, 320.896793527721, 324.827898003061, 329.259909375579, 335.88430813325, 333.662514618628, 330.601280927277, 327.066941489344, 331.084194269467, 330.367989905781, 327.413694270244, 325.735848048666, 327.405942251541, 329.32941784747, 329.471631755201, 331.924768049361, 333.963000964858, 337.574284815578, 338.346156341195, 339.924691811256, 337.024616750442, 338.147145520058, 342.561080120943, 342.893333476003, 345.148299972999, 345.137126382678, 347.188720595187, 352.692951877898, 353.379545192515, 350.690088371374, 347.996164640976, 349.403815496585, 352.367357372738, 360.373665877019, 372.229939382202, 369.027304752567, 367.396947932756, 364.214682803042, 364.915382710192, 370.995303817464, 368.850503169007, 368.766952933689, 369.614123451277, 373.072464906063, 373.294053546558, 374.481276248065, 378.278383597706, 378.116847488255, 379.756834260378, 384.609746202786, 381.34534315145, 379.010534315401, 378.011454931315, 383.233445518287, 383.386733216836, 383.368598820589, 386.913003921952, 387.275778888019, 385.605444605594, 388.391090686531, 390.889253112929, 393.023587084953, 396.766673662647, 404.250169385693, 411.346089099044, 407.528501370045, 405.556581170845, 405.353478877966, 407.306171829272, 410.608032590171, 411.468698240786, 417.71555038532],[22.7139048615593, 22.1835797158183, 21.398454467832, 21.5057455371495, 21.8859268838019, 21.577669136753, 21.6352715280214, 22.4262783251323, 22.0333682049363, 22.6326473966623, 23.6930382776561, 22.1170368771612, 21.3631656852941, 22.860482082986, 23.6731905404224, 23.8868259284315, 22.0255659515288, 23.0939439586438, 24.2480258350701, 26.135530217946, 28.1263042503254, 24.041239982156, 23.2594693195129, 23.1669269629776, 26.0336835858489, 23.3076792298819, 23.3388811442721, 24.7677517723648, 25.5677654475073, 23.5376320890123, 23.9759192642085, 23.6186993682972, 24.0733687550228, 23.789611225804, 25.3474227511129, 24.0144499331934, 23.9345637831779, 24.2845842319815, 25.2790966278147, 61.1051725752672, 30.212878805673, 25.3977526358445, 26.310232880516, 26.2298519319925, 24.0571841758467, 24.7331824411411, 26.5068775932588, 24.7039425085353, 25.4827426197246, 28.3381210530702, 30.8284451448391, 26.3611075439416, 25.9511547226755, 28.0365716116292, 26.8851083059821, 26.9852961208882, 27.247172804663, 31.3411831728002, 28.5544343587452, 27.6483462482868, 26.5415934966833, 26.9430264240002, 29.3141140772715, 30.4086727249667, 28.3264607455818, 27.9338963277662, 26.5585566078957, 28.1491312090324, 27.3782694261932, 27.5603894055974, 27.7826852702392, 27.5272783479336, 29.9117018865449, 28.1140804687536, 28.5897386634783, 29.409022877307, 28.5600827910056, 28.8081083065128, 27.4078270687279, 31.2052771249094, 37.4311128602194, 33.3204621321502, 33.473089359258, 31.7577834881452, 29.2659395590259, 30.8090901615417, 29.5224003504259, 30.1560884667179, 30.4411691937187, 31.3751193606822, 31.5879224471118, 31.9433455770292, 30.695365106826, 31.5871922944499, 30.7252287680098, 30.970861775215, 31.3268913645699, 31.6555661543936, 31.8528944348593, 30.0231584250416, 30.6151955473931, 30.3909443594145, 32.0541117251103, 32.1178594477766, 30.3865037188688, 30.0538601063227, 29.5317125184459, 32.1491202044894, 33.1082219214234, 35.213148622664, 42.4966676633059, 35.1953904870379, 35.1131146561431, 35.0492796197069, 33.7872021815136, 35.1540880105048, 35.6047107265456, 35.5409569322476, 33.9241958495735, 34.8242546710379, 35.4761517044561, 34.5197888354682, 33.6328616604436, 35.0820241208954, 55.6711301016908, 41.5241245631833, 34.2608969750899, 37.106868514809, 37.2538739931989, 35.0246988253797, 34.8797725349217, 33.9900066112945, 33.0547840064666, 34.8747182274462, 34.1615505410471, 34.5601710148433, 35.0411584328344, 35.0658640350031, 36.1933154615015, 39.1729044463257, 44.3734626909983, 38.1346019387893, 36.8370849428568, 37.0703115177443, 36.0885654928149, 37.1246746749949, 37.9774239349188, 37.8857800901269, 36.8212102291381, 34.7943164552613, 33.9715026536776, 34.8978711881783, 33.6580717094486, 34.9082552143899, 34.7683583586218, 34.8712279432635, 36.929392177488, 36.1709109546353, 34.9832139653761, 36.2829520683472, 35.0921597663994, 33.8060954439387, 34.0270091355783, 35.9974107677845, 34.7079898093699, 33.8355495424519, 35.5301135073587, 35.5841373671989, 35.6422533267596, 34.9470074555956, 45.6963310683929, 36.7461504511855, 37.7241033824506, 36.797428973985, 36.0374440639296, 36.0581811421496, 36.4223498976347, 36.2247504340624, 36.8389207282881, 36.4152635075966, 35.6842787599006, 35.4340016980722, 36.7236072854739, 40.177454566621, 39.3015656050232, 37.0354058270684, 34.5727394474706, 35.4118599510259, 33.2216399518315, 35.482761370735, 32.4071617819498, 32.7570348047002, 31.1610609496332, 31.1706877576788, 32.3905358721113, 32.6610656835452, 30.4434145678946, 33.0034543107787, 31.5071016900255, 33.2342450977346, 42.3835839704103, 36.9854633025348, 34.0797106821697, 32.7790295002199, 31.8468756494856, 32.1156751923622, 32.4158457275916, 34.248002142678, 31.4654036600638, 30.4948833812918, 31.634054851485, 31.0162932088973, 30.918623281567, 31.4251900988893, 30.1566915481872, 29.8719460451793, 30.7268140776264, 29.1349327203131, 27.7866270108596, 28.8375410040863, 28.4031139619687, 27.3072708161624, 28.7046959994069, 25.7856866174376, 25.9854951838988, 27.1884360760177, 25.0191570512959, 26.1444306661218, 26.4465327311417, 27.6655756860951, 35.3464081776898, 26.4055615461178, 26.494774793367, 25.9485481811513, 25.5121470971429, 25.0880243246202, 24.9743847347549, 25.71508139457, 24.3631485131882, 23.6574567958729, 24.169621696681, 21.6905875188717, 23.6287967205566, 24.9265787613068, 23.4941429142724, 22.7782081625482, 21.5195851514574, 23.4541956919286, 23.3557345136374, 22.8650983770136, 22.3667078044408, 20.7634338757071, 21.4964361404676, 20.5090304816729, 19.8437888585569, 19.3919841746043, 19.5269138231221, 19.8081973066273, 21.2229954431737, 21.7380422865031, 27.5081722745699, 20.4679682307232, 20.730400789349, 18.1770864055104, 19.3940190651138, 18.7831367076949, 18.7185201270527, 19.9887531092108, 18.301594487489, 17.2477615691694, 16.7179263998417, 17.1951918183636, 16.0261954626759, 16.6046548382853, 15.6057857665212, 16.5707303698615, 16.0261799100271, 14.9876997664478, 15.5245380557215, 15.1764224980745, 15.3302861803383, 15.601469178172, 15.2381340672048, 14.9119056996342, 14.5790765428273, 13.7462180734522, 14.8472809534186, 14.8722752019515, 15.1458216013406, 15.203184148777, 19.8790778146853, 15.0367148092305, 13.9658263048447, 13.4289420388527, 13.1473735101629, 12.5615034549669, 12.3482678125865, 13.5035078919905, 12.2315844400238, 11.5964802094642, 11.5433191356293, 10.9304899713981, 11.8229104675762, 11.2854172236975, 12.2814905735375, 11.5410086852498, 11.1097688331475, 11.2365949893026, 10.9156720800477, 11.4759614372779, 11.7148918081981, 10.8712635650855, 10.6149125719955, 10.7233160397398, 10.4755012491656, 10.1792740341452, 9.74387150178194, 9.73893245756734, 9.63350830014551, 10.2858904619879, 11.5696304599009, 10.6587583683357, 10.3859412979669, 9.71126503586956, 10.0794654920601, 10.0073178607839, 8.79416298890572, 9.81966964956207, 9.08674183581313, 9.76003153038283, 8.32099333090908, 7.9831706609758, 8.58834282753532, 8.46219136472267, 8.28704004381968, 8.59370561650961, 8.03333073486709, 7.45990144379175, 8.03353878201558, 8.74963857468114, 8.28570159803657, 8.33584096321878, 8.68006389539643, 9.10234546737519, 8.77283341053731, 8.5148515867175, 7.66212839733662, 7.71078467771864, 8.1298559600758, 8.84550511114518, 10.8325076362719, 8.96617376521507, 8.43482406702756, 8.30046169661281, 7.36345306452613, 6.96272856283801, 6.92398896336959, 8.34558058495531, 7.35599329587111, 7.27240829368549, 6.53319342786816, 6.73188165782901, 6.14681999924699, 6.84624623376926, 6.71851858841208, 7.44185827446734, 7.32072959154604, 6.04590131506118, 6.59745477635748, 6.97764018249236, 6.87366586129257, 6.05550783883942, 9.30363764273429, 7.74346354514129, 5.70531867575187, 5.970239054372, 6.10977730228083, 6.40218712700333, 7.27032206479321, 7.70338055626264, 8.60531620706121, 6.6393935663833, 5.82569261177328, 5.32586109594956, 6.19679557738446, 6.06647686916667, 5.64860095784259, 7.69181436091584, 5.95259447543101, 5.4486427299529, 5.9794613884888, 5.00267766080813, 5.43673440231017, 5.66733599046908, 5.69224428131187, 5.96379547972323, 5.90677522531917, 6.99093337391655, 6.15061379984839, 4.93983622841414, 5.48400617153349, 5.98760687281515, 6.3313463986966, 6.40796284858688, 5.66577903130989, 5.88731567137874, 5.70829105864989, 5.29627958243853, 5.59440322644478, 6.96406591252026, 8.31062739882078, 6.55474097043517, 6.49650603942589, 5.69942975349686, 6.26141525353314, 6.90050872281977, 5.84025984971949, 7.90850994999487, 6.49034703122675, 6.0051778000861, 6.40417828911173, 7.01817576754371, 6.67761226100902, 6.83851137598591, 7.38103161698937, 7.36343441931731, 7.62710356085051, 7.51092551759645, 7.04256457326224, 7.13653436417809, 7.7214880541234, 7.24088161130583, 7.54226859459334, 7.58722190947148, 8.08276579856651, 7.56546964375802, 8.06105843168397, 7.55301518261221, 7.82741385466865, 8.84754363570095, 11.0080873784381, 8.83283255077616, 7.79127968096746, 8.26578489086533, 8.70336306969532, 9.24507326634756, 8.82055865081867, 11.0419357711197, 10.0517873482497, 8.96221117540912, 9.197833412779, 8.75865471681808, 9.56864737645389, 9.10493487778466, 9.51583206069623, 9.92111398520095, 9.99866229300907, 10.1532749326282, 9.05446906747092, 10.3454028351448, 11.2539164857841, 9.71779272051998, 10.3828450443177, 10.1698279454484, 10.444343549999, 10.0107392348361, 10.0871641816135, 10.0141101890093, 10.4995016517483, 11.8114348034855, 14.1411486295131, 11.1497800473287, 9.93910557965551, 10.7016222340763, 10.3620620677702, 10.0614298103306, 9.56753672583054, 11.286713065511, 10.809302596379, 10.2790374773836, 9.75423290693143, 9.7127656000958, 9.86869639542378, 10.5080289236009, 10.7700610191882, 11.051857268484, 9.9366684999102, 10.4511850460691, 10.2425908396077, 9.58426724741114, 10.4007485762895, 10.0708428788889, 9.86989503529126, 10.5667168785092, 10.1231124250185, 9.9509309068325, 10.1781317925233, 10.5926785586042, 12.0755500491396, 11.3510866746285, 12.5952885308576, 12.3278566297216, 11.8419002914055, 11.7909745736979, 10.8176787846651, 11.0503094759748, 12.0871924651884, 12.2892831329067, 11.8022262602463, 12.0257718306487, 11.3059663681482, 12.0581590363408, 11.216759719136, 12.193102356791, 11.7464602622796, 12.1329473403724, 11.6436435237705, 10.9924086852494, 11.7260188185652, 11.9780890845513, 12.5640893433927, 13.081176927434, 12.9700274195121, 13.1806865072615, 12.1535155770971, 13.0680393821546, 12.7360812858513, 11.9505356444506, 11.5980709167047, 14.1355140344329, 15.7331594604175, 14.3880866724832, 12.4451064229031, 12.9523604736017, 12.1489034598273, 12.8340205435816, 13.7123377278864, 12.4169776306811, 13.3622707321217, 13.751275675944, 13.580560045799, 14.5237347342343, 13.84087516611, 13.7895809290771, 14.0009913006201, 14.1232206143211, 14.2509923403862, 14.6735482485134, 14.6038644032132, 14.2591768348281, 13.8125684785892, 13.2455405473899, 13.133657893492, 13.5171506367111, 12.7483049389852, 13.7296229022426, 13.3465985845591, 13.1722812695675, 14.2177583582663, 14.5885660280596, 15.2046334557919, 14.8687887339893, 14.3459501635749, 14.4316041842002, 14.2378990416765, 14.6351277818234, 14.6669007254223, 14.1462800643496, 13.2175419170909, 15.0384746745156, 14.6896054393555, 14.0727006349137, 13.9313227859325, 13.3076457805515, 14.4221317469856, 13.772059414646, 13.6519138667643, 14.2060297370715, 14.3750877510171, 14.2125352292124, 15.5897247776351, 13.6458287779134, 13.4373921690398, 13.948400717379, 13.7553883127199, 14.2765267563396, 14.1938557052254, 15.1853111756452, 14.7066555790146, 16.2396967542325, 18.0700873272928, 14.5026995913549, 14.1154322903435, 14.1772300343777, 15.3454105691695, 14.9056632812574, 15.4907925363525, 14.9305564366964, 15.1409572042096, 14.8161952358938, 15.2384459597034, 16.7699158684884, 18.1805371260253, 16.6347888136311, 16.579227418191, 17.2194324830177, 15.7352429066967, 15.4157569087143, 15.4042937838442, 14.7473668944001, 15.6901884268396, 15.2748801196939, 14.9684331926984, 15.2093336704195, 15.8902960052904, 14.6198413259409, 15.4592784919166, 15.0479378900611, 14.7841778141295, 16.7691616417058, 17.9164662182839, 15.8221578923089, 15.8960328185387, 15.1970643516187, 15.0027448557532, 15.8112458850347, 16.2422133155578, 16.0378846158357, 15.6294595622881, 15.9840628836787, 14.7546780078839, 16.1474324367158, 16.148655165209, 15.6523805611154, 16.0496893310395, 16.8985593327365, 15.4535032642915, 15.8538492257548, 16.1517334815507, 16.3343355850797, 17.2968043198046, 16.9943273259634, 16.658421844334, 16.8810568401919, 16.0690820892001, 15.6642813471789, 17.4751238831762, 16.6879307315727, 17.3506953672174, 17.6756717742325, 19.4497864770733, 16.4928252316959, 17.1335191619456, 16.5618871512082, 16.0928550103379, 15.972171800139, 16.8526482539702, 16.0226758588423, 16.7998367577753, 17.5285337370328, 16.1062100256727, 16.5432929895327, 17.4998900836879, 17.4042941428377, 17.336936648218, 17.8366103308107, 16.6241004724155, 17.7667580175988, 17.5087523510664, 17.9489856583791, 17.3227446345981, 17.1998620212445, 16.55342937171, 17.303545432554, 18.3098200016186, 18.5428979075433, 18.2698626003572, 17.9666765205678, 17.1742004848881, 18.6397656387099, 22.7904425324245, 20.5871420669428, 19.4217886532154, 18.4783865455099, 18.7665216206943, 18.7455167816932, 19.7773526859082, 19.7453991552185, 18.8811126413612, 18.906580594858, 18.7557595465075, 19.265808724767, 19.4883049693211, 18.3929086675299, 17.9974832713362, 18.7202053413453, 19.7259855588387, 19.8567048612003, 20.058695362358, 20.4369625781949, 21.7106526722873, 21.2460470237909, 19.6553365196066, 20.8620197251006, 19.6970337872282, 19.844992494008, 19.5636265179336, 21.6818834550339, 19.9739464718905, 22.5521569684899, 24.706308329735, 22.5628960301204, 22.4896658413027, 23.2145430335079, 23.2892186245651, 21.9927637150795, 21.2959159180347, 21.8392545012819],[42.6722032588484, 29.7597119861394, 26.753479497815, 21.3779943963802, 23.5180320870782, 20.4160273650264, 21.6592988304624, 22.5336443432532, 20.2671612593362, 23.5399141967304, 20.4430592024246, 19.2643064730577, 23.09595182256, 25.0267598040285, 31.6968549111032, 24.0908238250784, 25.5393898522129, 31.7075728632433, 41.1836451973671, 48.5702805231008, 28.7584338151552, 26.2598484085803, 23.8576868928514, 23.5098916318726, 30.5431079153685, 23.8327393934619, 24.4849762714983, 31.9761045957918, 41.809628957709, 45.7139166884661, 36.650969137303, 32.573698239583, 29.4001051133529, 24.7729839121875, 27.5467976010315, 28.6982412753956, 22.6488598971878, 23.0151192801781, 24.1402524928187, 29.6915742340768, 27.2503487867359, 26.9055104161108, 28.1790211354422, 24.6566895950566, 27.1174221286017, 24.4891209550294, 25.4508989599267, 25.9910156417965, 24.5252757398669, 26.3883890558586, 27.5209269131146, 25.6793595493624, 28.5636083584857, 28.1777892613039, 36.4504317162694, 26.0413673673992, 27.5107841923445, 26.0485392568327, 27.5672728936274, 30.6481058316777, 27.7129794591456, 27.5524240647644, 28.6996811429015, 69.6841885875692, 60.0312610766115, 34.6950166928944, 24.3817049594558, 26.8989264350325, 31.5911667832899, 28.3956626162963, 31.9781210051286, 34.4796122572046, 35.3073824661517, 27.7205743970567, 28.8442545324934, 32.9677266813713, 29.4684824027718, 31.6114226898927, 27.7747261552007, 27.7511766241169, 30.0627894436663, 32.0665262526539, 34.717718029005, 39.6470247468769, 37.7938801086447, 31.7684482022953, 29.7197604317071, 31.3483181311461, 30.8002692909768, 49.1841569973485, 65.5470086077452, 61.2026024909806, 46.0151776794476, 36.2390240444611, 37.5471749902809, 36.8145092528944, 36.9658638178577, 36.6101680633515, 36.4314980883674, 40.2104928486047, 36.6411820636045, 34.1808309048942, 35.4013537869645, 35.4239116611291, 32.2311433151589, 33.3334133366176, 30.1222711270941, 30.2903696039771, 28.9359411393613, 38.9686537654724, 39.6616240734768, 34.7037978125189, 35.920073368717, 36.1972578462478, 36.6044994685474, 45.5837915345655, 46.0637409675962, 40.8031204320251, 29.3729644691184, 34.4816962427797, 49.9232731242331, 88.3322853841411, 54.4585394575022, 36.9931786199971, 44.779028094342, 42.8021023985602, 45.6746063332343, 80.2364226503937, 103.275692110929, 65.5336751794182, 48.3332609074906, 35.6507950172304, 43.0060395728019, 43.150165435146, 42.1619845639232, 42.8137586420117, 39.4753917740048, 42.7583999588166, 42.4042397925763, 50.6840394959759, 43.6695104476403, 42.5894016784898, 46.4926034531527, 41.3681806189315, 45.0969747419678, 49.0766005124189, 51.9433836429035, 44.9557171636918, 40.7932610940616, 47.3459506995739, 42.9444407493012, 38.3332018075951, 37.0403945315726, 40.6236040452821, 41.3547600344358, 42.2536136515104, 40.675397219414, 42.4100523617115, 40.2111383657933, 46.5807101750804, 52.6134246850967, 36.2760418617763, 36.2908452584699, 37.5262029700784, 42.2688147699872, 40.8319481930759, 38.8900154243966, 46.4216544933736, 37.8869625694716, 39.5296462087132, 41.3176631640185, 38.9990372634359, 50.7881191071869, 45.8590803647103, 45.4726563158543, 47.3863223833536, 41.7665304237039, 43.0228152942796, 40.6620142540596, 45.6246870462051, 45.7918960862212, 38.6188252524842, 47.4891101400162, 67.5427967663027, 97.0639166970753, 59.6490633882027, 43.5610384540415, 42.1943071310281, 39.1515693007808, 43.7155024377105, 40.4757706841108, 43.7132115917579, 42.0678354053799, 39.741135539915, 41.1038004395721, 38.3792119570558, 41.807924059757, 43.6066321456653, 36.6068245261073, 42.8774756240858, 50.2942853451411, 48.7197683085663, 43.7210879520051, 37.1684282449174, 45.1412573130098, 44.8268751232585, 43.0956720763188, 41.6549038685349, 32.6166662971834, 43.3631676752749, 44.7631633545878, 46.1853189922537, 47.3323727401444, 47.089104742627, 43.2779334860173, 40.6849360726571, 43.6115899914027, 39.5669189529535, 36.8914517938024, 41.1125165270758, 42.0340214413129, 36.8233674735164, 39.3719926686623, 32.6722895944411, 33.5317260953113, 34.9918513475705, 37.5447493458398, 32.9183993417099, 33.9251397293651, 43.2229167685256, 35.6385466213975, 36.5902721740627, 37.4551823081983, 38.4888776878885, 35.8340721176935, 33.3403586681393, 33.8546828943959, 36.7216522931891, 31.9328396731727, 28.020945591457, 35.2032972671169, 32.8868757985435, 34.0559780304424, 35.8682914314074, 36.0429296442964, 30.7004562958979, 40.0223626363024, 34.5441438987989, 37.1956783386288, 37.3161221278867, 38.0315822709311, 36.1592825551482, 40.9307203441047, 38.3034653797697, 34.8841741293051, 28.8298227649124, 31.2351079846709, 26.58024867476, 33.2910895119295, 34.2948774610296, 29.1890591794299, 31.9696665225484, 28.2913563451578, 25.6154933522359, 31.8700912480585, 28.9337581860246, 31.0361103684804, 25.8114259564524, 25.9375745231057, 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15.4602363014115, 16.2075233942782, 17.991562503935, 15.5123644728833, 15.1489873794801, 15.615591484629, 10.506989561797, 12.6779802637024, 15.5492964069148, 12.9291270445479, 11.747908426531, 11.0668867279814, 12.2460533502478, 9.39058947829773, 9.89146601845933, 12.5677791352393, 14.3704252021625, 15.3413700465061, 15.8109484103791, 14.9073058843551, 15.0477837399721, 12.9098442180014, 13.0144121703451, 14.285194663505, 12.4377935346652, 13.6702757979847, 11.8704845221998, 13.3734266583546, 12.9161294949607, 8.81675955143653, 9.89464438650754, 8.83079874024471, 10.747556445615, 11.638692945368, 11.5629127438259, 11.6028040492564, 9.74684477186343, 11.0828098114564, 10.4035324548224, 9.63560776408342, 10.5477692246192, 11.9584691921743, 10.8796508013276, 10.1770738456325, 11.3639775477361, 11.3076717331872, 8.8286741671423, 10.2680272777867, 9.67350498678802, 10.0205441169394, 8.49793954071686, 7.62962645016326, 8.74504938671, 9.49028311785272, 8.92625194407108, 9.28452714108943, 8.78297134898559, 8.4536582910836, 7.65509188699382, 7.68329904144858, 8.84339788260906, 7.64048288592267, 9.93498381237973, 8.73566744916831, 7.35152516121185, 9.37813827392415, 8.39788874509507, 8.20404450134356, 7.10866264774915, 8.12450490569416, 9.07341199429936, 7.96611044032304, 7.79008668034987, 8.87158835742697, 8.30176667162634, 8.47178188742093, 6.97208711507982, 8.17616432222799, 7.70350628804225, 8.16139008502279, 8.26132444881544, 6.17166124993781, 7.36228044860325, 7.59071189103607, 7.30183841123908, 7.76653615195461, 9.54126852914144, 9.02914443272915, 8.99873914121632, 10.0731436820697, 7.22884631094947, 8.22417451876903, 6.92364195805875, 7.3054957712252, 7.44119898166016, 8.79124382923602, 6.3702250705772, 8.82194386430006, 9.7899577807902, 7.52012318305048, 9.00697120682769, 8.61801566085461, 9.20458813662013, 9.07750102975259, 8.28569509248035, 8.20854630399802, 9.04461221879735, 10.8445305372469, 8.42593561229266, 6.92282213350238, 9.58747674364022, 9.54236805557813, 9.69295558825124, 7.23085438497574, 8.98330710653858, 10.3888102488019, 8.42064486643296, 6.59103889552387, 7.55770614697796, 8.37983864075794, 7.06095395879438, 8.21295597746197, 9.30155401423346, 8.7291486771678, 9.77250163833402, 8.09129438696569, 7.93091299995955, 8.35297699815799, 8.78441011304854, 8.35676586129302, 8.10511055238686, 8.9292230190236, 10.0763233224256, 9.72155416694892, 7.54029361451903, 9.66505744405793, 8.50789138245677, 9.68007957922729, 8.96945370846316, 8.44239982837616, 9.82247372402016, 9.70471848263007, 10.7861049941195, 8.81533270613568, 10.2695722603084, 8.71616427898897, 10.7125618141037, 11.9980218523513, 9.09725868644891, 9.17344025979816, 8.52229344875836, 6.65438933133763, 8.66372417981076, 9.75285154309771, 8.31956862398328, 8.00636938518332, 8.09599717187772, 8.40299193490586, 9.29813127766656, 7.3721462060642, 9.0800937998736, 8.47703928389856, 9.52348313448719, 9.30480318799906, 7.55488627183968, 9.84172804655935, 7.79609393372798, 9.70157649109868, 9.21268604758428, 8.70662823302027, 9.56646220876334, 8.15716306112789, 8.52352972766067, 8.92511297465147, 10.4827146804264, 8.80222392387146, 8.95152092413902, 9.51389838079701, 9.79534131613929, 9.41184595823495, 9.34524526597822, 9.93264925869453, 9.88331249751977, 8.56816298161805, 14.63190876725, 28.0163281760302, 16.4409556828738, 13.2399031959945, 11.6987786164509, 11.0008465713124, 11.8915980916749, 10.1211367015143, 13.0684556659104, 11.6951033375861, 11.3276754767616, 9.4856777829417, 10.6740636548413, 11.977519561609, 11.4610400437761, 11.1517921588024, 10.7150395342977, 10.2929155683609, 10.6208777832064, 10.3404043000724, 10.1389292963425, 15.9038810105199, 22.631974812018, 23.4093253794684, 14.8493243157723, 12.9349630011927, 13.2873092588217, 11.8208866020943, 10.8892802623005, 12.198400734963, 12.0891408552484, 12.5563983255916, 13.2126847258719, 15.4673164563224, 15.7170263443343, 14.5837472630384, 14.4394635911574, 11.9470813406968, 13.6030627183389, 11.3327336484205, 11.9072267824781, 16.1594107422218, 16.0839790303073, 13.537913350259, 13.0012759809886, 13.7568273872586, 12.6644123382577, 12.2757065651008, 14.6168640671074, 13.1186300480347, 10.7479824190967, 12.252837126911, 12.7677151226176, 13.7681930440971, 12.0994162904006, 10.8099240333248, 12.0270679981318, 12.6919025514606, 15.8253820424759, 12.3598562819862, 11.8455604544011, 23.273430299197, 25.2892664805916, 20.5022577182934, 17.0858576752559, 13.4492744789577, 19.2510533644223, 13.1502251355313, 14.6250236176353, 15.6895933931026, 15.6262071604035, 13.7045261596467, 13.4983008071578, 13.9616671898319, 13.2298336796905, 14.9655990094314, 17.0963537675676, 11.9926199572016, 14.5280364722282, 15.8826614382683, 14.5016290871551, 16.2913830634443, 15.1611229368713, 13.1332879517606, 13.9463535254468, 12.6258678756354, 15.1001798282247, 13.3033742088874, 14.3629505770085, 16.3711071662181, 16.5917666851451, 14.6487982052776, 14.9992021647243, 17.0806960932656, 28.126236883757, 29.8395157445974, 22.0001506676282, 17.9745114970772, 16.3913954781932, 16.391840068976, 14.5802127740562, 15.8957696616031, 15.979526085945, 18.1420161105158, 16.1258052535434, 16.8259450057398, 17.3620391736216, 14.6949201031453, 14.6904510752936, 17.6966886234852, 14.6953799234211, 13.999631214266, 11.5792424239497, 13.4262660811334, 15.5445531570256, 12.697376208542, 14.655287275451, 15.7677847846662, 15.1028552696662, 16.2007818847487, 13.8799207179112, 16.9400875445644, 13.923855374758, 17.7331515023543, 19.4341540016074, 16.7448167849617, 12.7704865787242, 13.913539343141, 16.5645228423266, 16.1498493451454, 14.7154209009956, 12.9186824059871, 15.1343847858204, 16.4221479628997, 29.8138759769783, 22.6831791420895, 19.6565931592558, 19.6134254358956, 23.0402475976937, 20.7721076207397, 20.6707295880198, 16.1993589684653, 17.0866543009975, 17.6548614797783, 16.2798786934982, 15.6998807183732, 15.7980433851087, 15.104207064221, 18.0240807573678, 16.2168518356821, 18.5209861096145, 16.7456083899396, 17.3041971928179, 17.02449555368, 19.1244595483576, 20.6774789798205, 17.9783046263623, 18.9634545655338, 15.8677686467535, 17.1285755746644, 15.7138946644387, 16.6947096316587, 14.1682480292604, 17.3049928651538, 16.6290652418838, 13.7608960422955, 16.1888630163493, 17.3629584122282, 18.3899894368682, 19.829317409703, 16.9971692317782, 17.6691694926117, 42.9388653389784, 45.7216379192677, 21.9206142722481, 18.8429438526348, 22.0792367213738, 22.2153093417223, 23.2538519665537, 20.717011548976, 21.8359313053631, 20.7975011243119, 19.5002413268156, 22.8140406126357, 19.0133345697823, 21.1757031557784, 22.01185894265, 17.8157041467532, 18.0817383377276, 19.7478029939906, 21.9439084424589, 20.4690466883923, 28.3884452138226, 36.119888205948, 29.9812442251303, 24.5297404272364, 25.1347306561429, 22.9406813197982, 20.840613057704, 24.4924940063462, 27.5803817686452, 26.9270863985476, 24.1811335228224, 28.5087529099383, 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15776.672679827, 15652.2633979826, 15453.069480672, 15268.3097042126, 15275.0258046411, 15160.1621979406, 15100.6558177349, 15039.4299412935, 14869.6207938091, 14738.6933539836, 14879.4725774044, 14858.9862496651, 14944.7564490541, 15184.5013882885, 15228.7893051868, 15235.9850692415, 15053.5063940683, 14965.3512041596, 14791.1704115068, 14776.9548485161, 14736.6476267017, 14776.4747042786, 14553.2746835049, 14584.0454248057, 14513.0490118922, 13714.7435712979, 13881.4066790036, 13851.0571540835, 14740.3908999476, 14904.0019806147, 15303.1273568168, 15528.52621491, 15508.1254774485, 15277.635546401, 15219.3947847374, 15150.5006844289, 14930.0148560864, 14732.5764124321, 14699.3539870029, 14626.1537548112, 14675.6999429452, 14477.2528626666, 14592.2307565135, 14465.6101470285, 14386.1155224068, 14436.3079386099, 14378.0867617162, 14136.3619070832, 14036.5375943694, 13932.2794985018, 13860.8405066643, 13843.4973564891, 13677.8169253535, 13598.8464571359, 13646.3497087913, 13574.253455634, 13471.9532210538, 13584.8790764831, 13452.8925800134, 13465.8212377569, 13433.4282455114, 13341.5676843751, 13322.3688605698, 13379.3895195237, 13297.0322418826, 13246.7843850634, 12996.4993229442, 12812.5118007746, 12847.6421190263, 12596.5142097218, 12585.5313261985, 12510.6868913193],[638.443971530326, 637.220285293543, 634.970368044194, 639.596448743683, 637.950998328559, 643.345996256487, 650.873409847199, 648.212109820469, 648.054131392016, 651.039367637167, 651.36772792345, 658.617192353121, 658.506980148127, 668.693745644564, 682.466681635212, 702.813025759769, 707.430835666445, 702.470065232817, 696.354964391518, 689.203523210888, 681.794445458101, 677.088465033619, 680.71388634168, 680.797125390613, 675.304352826557, 668.639067519935, 670.718387813961, 676.198979979379, 668.89228409763, 664.358302188762, 666.273323184445, 667.482671883488, 664.433449074677, 658.013118451316, 655.340680650006, 654.392740400409, 653.793374788697, 647.470375217427, 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var data3 = {"start":1938982200000,"end":1939413600000,"step":600000,"names":["Data1","Data2"],"values":[[2.439, 2.44, 2.54, 2.376, 2.335, 2.356, 2.395, 2.888, 2.96, 3.087, 3.331, 3.423, 3.526, 3.328, 3.164, 3.257, 3.308, 3.47, 3.698, 3.504, 3.433, 3.295, 3.21, 3.366, 3.514, 3.554, 3.416, 3.42, 3.437, 3.328, 3.348, 3.25, 3.235, 3.155, 3.113, 3.091, 3.16, 2.973, 2.86, 2.76, 2.634, 2.604, 2.492, 2.241, 2.168, 2.164, 2.071, 2.009, 2.16, 2.006, 2.018, 2.031, 1.909, 1.925, 1.949, 1.775, 1.787, 1.74, 1.738, 1.674, 1.714, 1.555, 1.514, 1.526, 1.482, 1.494, 1.52, 1.439, 1.432, 1.422, 1.395, 1.413, 1.489, 1.471, 1.483, 1.586, 1.568, 1.693, 1.774, 1.802, 1.877, 1.952, 2.082, 2.161, 2.381, 2.556, 2.611, 2.822, 2.752, 2.894, 2.767, 2.734, 2.721, 2.835, 2.891, 2.796, 2.969, 2.797, 2.752, 2.803, 2.877, 3.012, 3.043, 2.952, 2.866, 2.705, 2.691, 2.762, 2.931, 2.951, 2.977, 3.036, 3.056, 3.673, 4.16, 3.83, 3.7, 3.759, 3.8, 3.816, 3.97, 4.001, 4.01, 3.998, 4.017, 4.135, 4.158, 3.938, 3.824, 3.78, 3.709, 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* The CSS below is intended for the "global" styles of svg.line-graph, not specifics per graph such as color of lines
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