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Created July 27, 2020 04:15
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Google FooBar First Challenge - CaesarCipher
package google.CaesarCipher;
import java.util.*;
* Problem:
* Fortunately for you, the minions aren't exactly advanced cryptographers.
* In their code, every lowercase letter [a..z] is replaced with the
* corresponding one in [z..a], while every other character (including
* uppercase letters and punctuation) is left untouched. That is, 'a'
* becomes 'z', 'b' becomes 'y', 'c' becomes 'x', etc. For instance,
* the word ""vmxibkgrlm"", when decoded, would become ""encryption""
* Note:
* ASCII value a = 97, z= 122.
* There are 26 letters in English alphabets `a` to `z`.
* Read the blog at
public class CaesarCipher {
* Decrypt cipher text.
* Encryption is done with replacing small letters
* a with z, b with y and so on...
* @param String cipher
* @return String
public static String solution(String cipher) {
int cipherLen = cipher.length();
char[] decryptedCharArr = new char[cipherLen];
for (int i = 0; i < cipherLen; i++) {
int character = cipher.charAt(i);
if ( character >= 97 && character <= 122 )
decryptedCharArr[i] = (char) ( 'z' - ( ( character + 7) % 26 ));
decryptedCharArr[i] = (char)character;
return new String(decryptedCharArr);
* Solution submitted to Google.
public static String submittedSolution(String textToEncrypt) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (char character : textToEncrypt.toCharArray()) {
if ( (int)character >= 97 && (int)character <= 122 ) {
int originalAlphabetPosition = character - 'z';
int newAlphabetPosition = (originalAlphabetPosition + 25 ) % 26;
result.append((char) ('z' - newAlphabetPosition));
} else {
return new String(result);
* Encrypt small letters `a` to `z` only in the text.
* @param String textToEncrypt
* @return String
public static String encrypt(String textToEncrypt) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (char character : textToEncrypt.toCharArray()) {
if ( (int)character >= 97 && (int)character <= 122 ) {
int originalAlphabetPosition = character - 'z';
int newAlphabetPosition = (originalAlphabetPosition + 25 ) % 26;
result.append((char) ('z' - newAlphabetPosition));
} else {
return new String(result);
public static String solnWithArray(String encryptedText) {
char[] encryptedCharArr = new char[encryptedText.length()];
Map<Integer, Character> decryptKey = new HashMap<>();
char encodedChar;
for (int i = 122, j = 97; i >= 97; i--, j++) {
encodedChar = (char) i;
decryptKey.put(j, encodedChar);
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedText.length(); i++) {
char ascii = encryptedText.charAt(i);
if ( ascii >= 97 && ascii <= 122) {
encryptedCharArr[i] = decryptKey.get((int)ascii);
} else encryptedCharArr[i] = ascii;
return new String(encryptedCharArr);
public static String solnWithStrBuilder(String x) {
StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder();
x.chars().forEach(i -> stb.append(decrypt(i)));
return stb.toString();
* Decrypt small letters `a` to `z` only.
* First letter `a` is encrypted with the last
* letter `z`, `b` with `y`, and so on.
* ASCII values:
* @param ascii int
* @return decrypt char
public static char decrypt(int ascii) {
if ( ascii >= 97 && ascii <= 122) {
char encodedChar;
Map<Integer, Character> decryptKey = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 122, j = 97; i >= 97; i--, j++) {
encodedChar = (char) i;
decryptKey.put(j, encodedChar);
// key.forEach((k,v) -> System.out.println(k + "=" + v));
return decryptKey.get(ascii);
else return (char)ascii;
package google.CaesarCipher;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
class CaesarCipherTest {
String result = "wrw blf hvv ozhg mrtsg'h vkrhlwv?";
String expected = "did you see last night's episode?";
void solution() {
String actual = CaesarCipher.solution(result);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);
void submittedSolution() {
String actual = CaesarCipher.submittedSolution(result);
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);
void encrypt() {
String expected = "wrw blf hvv ozhg mrtsg'h vkrhlwv?";
String result = "did you see last night's episode?";
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, CaesarCipher.solution(result) );
void solnWithArray() {
Assertions.assertEquals( expected, CaesarCipher.solnWithArray(result) );
void solnWithStrBuilder() {
Assertions.assertEquals(expected, CaesarCipher.solnWithArray(result) );
void decrypt() {
char expected = 'z';
char result= 'a';
Assertions.assertEquals( expected , CaesarCipher.decrypt(result) );
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