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Last active August 14, 2018 07:47
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Final Report GSoC 2018

Project Overview

The Volunteer Management System(VMS) is a Volunteer Management and Tracking System, which will be useful for volunteer coordinators, volunteer sign-up, tracking hours, and reporting. VMS helps Systers in organizing events, and helps the volunteers to contribute in them.


Anjali Dhanuka
Abhishek Arya-All Phases
Kamakhsi Suri-All Phases
Nida Sahar-Final Phase
Ayush Garg-First and Second phase

Technologies Used

  • Back-end: Python, Django
  • Front-end: Bootstrap
  • Database: Psql
  • Testing: Selenium
  • Integrations: Portal API

Project Goals

  • Complete upgradation of the Django version as well as the UI.
  • An API to send the event data to Vola App
  • Reporting Functionality implementation
  • Using Portal API data to provide events for volunteers
  • Other enhancements including email confirmation, improvement in code, password reset, validation of location, organizations, notification implementation
  • Search Filters implementation on events, jobs, volunteers


  • Migrate to Python 3.6 and Django 1.11
  • Vola API implementation
  • Portal API communication implementation
  • Implementation of Reporting Functionality
  • Validation of organizations
  • Edit Request Manager for logged shifts
  • Shift Filters for logged, unlogged and reported shifts
  • Search Filters for events and jobs for admins and volunteers
  • Validation of location dependent dropdown list implementation
  • UI upgradation
  • Notification for volunteers
    • Assignment of shift
    • Cancellation of shift
    • Rejection of submitted report
    • Approval of submitted report with the PDF of the same.
    • Editing of logged hours by admins upon an edit request.
  • Volunteer Search Implementation for administrators on the basis of event and job
  • Implementation of Password Reset, password change Functionality
  • Email Authentication
  • Update JavaScript according to standards
  • Implementing Class based views for Authentication App
  • Added description field for events
  • Event Detail View
  • Sign up allowed with empty organization database
  • Improvement in CSS coding standards by replacing nbsp with padding
  • Upcoming shifts filter
  • Password Regex Checks in sign up
  • Past events set to non editable
  • Wiki SideBar update
  • Hide textbox for resume link when file is uploaded
  • Home Page updation with removal of broken links
  • Database models doc updation
  • Password Authentication while sign-up

Find my work here
Weekly Reports here
Blogs here

Future Development Opportunities

In addition to the above features, I would recommend the following features to enhance the project in future.

  • Porting to Django 2.0
  • Switch to Event based structure from shift based
  • Various other social logins - Github, Twitter, LinkedIn


  • Work dependency
  • First working experience remotely.

Related Documentation

Models here
Features Implemented here

Take Aways

  1. Team work
  2. New Technologies including git practices, test driven development, coding standards implementation.
  3. Self Learning
  4. Improvement in writing and communication skills.
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