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Forked from nicosnyman/
Created January 11, 2020 09:34
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EBS backup
# Heavily adapted by Nico
# Original script:
# Usage: $PROGNAME [OPTION] [Args]
#Take snapshot of AWS volumes marked with a specific tag.
# -t, --tags match tags of volumes to back up, in format
# key:value (default=Environment:Production)
# For a specific server use Name:ServerName
# -d, --days number of days old snapshot should
# be kept, integer (default=9999)
# -v, --device Match a specific attached device, in format
# /dev/sdxx. Default is no filter
# -h, --help Displays this usage message.
# If no tags are specified all attached volumes for the
# default tag pair will be snapshot.
# Typical example use:
# ./ -t Name:DEV_REST1 -v /dev/sda1 -d 7
# - Gather a list of all volume IDs with either or:
# * Specific tag key/value pairs (default: Environment:Production)
# * Specific device name (for instance /dev/sda1
# - Take a snapshot of each volume
# - The script will then delete all associated snapshots taken by the script that are older than a set number of days
## AWS CLI: This script requires the AWS CLI tools to be installed.
# Read more about AWS CLI at:
# AWS must be set upwith region and AWS ID and Secret key defined.
# Configure AWS with "aws configure"
# Copy this script to /opt/aws/
# And make it exectuable: chmod +x /opt/aws/
# Then setup a crontab job for nightly backups:
# AWS_CONFIG_FILE="/root/.aws/config"
# 00 06 * * * root /opt/aws/ >> /var/log/ebs-snapshot.log 2>&1
# Safety feature: exit script if error is returned, or if variables not set -disabled for now
# Exit if a pipeline results in an error.
#set -ue
#set -o pipefail
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin
## Variables
days=9999 #Number of days to keep snapshots
tags="Name=tag:Environment,Values=Production" #Default filter tags to take snapshots of
device= #Set device to filter by to blank (no filter)
PROGNAME=$(basename $0) #Sets PROGNAME to the name of the script
today=`date +"%m-%d-%Y"+"%T"` #Used to determine differences in date when removing snapshots
logfile="/var/log/ebs-snapshot.log" #Set up the log file name
tempfile="/tmp/volume_info.txt" #Sets up the temp file for volume lists
## Functions
clean_up() {
# Perform program exit housekeeping
rm $tempfile
echo "$PROGNAME aborted by user"
#usage - print script help
usage() {
# Display usage message on standard error
echo "Usage: $PROGNAME [OPTION] [Args]
Take snapshot of AWS volumes marked with a specific tag.
-t, --tags match tags of volumes to back up, in format
key:value (default=Environment:Production)
For a specific server use Name:ServerName
-d, --days number of days old snapshot should
be kept, integer (default=9999)
-v, --device Match a specific attached device, in format
/dev/sdxx. Default is no filter
-h, --help Displays this usage message.
If no tags are specified all attached volumes for the
default tag pair will be snapshot.
Typical example use:
Take a snapshot of a specific device on a specific server,
remove snapshots older than 7 days
[user@machine]$./ -t Name:DEV_REST1 -v /dev/sda1 -d 7
Take a snapshot of all devices attached to all servers with
the tag Environment:Development
[user@machine]$./ -t Environment:Development
" 1>&2
#volume_info() - Get a list of all volumes with the correct tags, write to /tmp/volume_info.txt
volume_info () {
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filter $tags $device --query Volumes[*].{ID:VolumeId} --output text | tr '\t' '\n' > $tempfile 2>&1
#create_snapshots(): Take a snapshot of all volumes with correct tags
for volume_id in $(cat /tmp/volume_info.txt)
#Create a decription for the snapshot that describes the volume: servername.device-backup-date
instance_name=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes --volume-ids $volume_id --filter $tags $device --query 'Volumes[*].[Tags[*], Attachments[0].Device]' --output text|awk '{if (/[/]/) pat1=$0; if ($1 ~/Name/) pat2=$2;}{gsub(/[/]/,"",pat1)}{if (pat1 && pat2) {print pat2,pat1;pat1=pat2=""}}')
description="$instance_name-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
description=${description// /.}
echo "Volume ID is $volume_id" >> $logfile
#Take a snapshot of the current volume, and capture the resulting snapshot ID
snapresult=$(aws ec2 create-snapshot --output=text --description $description --volume-id $volume_id --query SnapshotId)
echo "New snapshot is $snapresult" >> $logfile
# And then we're going to add a "CreatedBy:AutomatedBackup" tag to the resulting snapshot.
# Why? Because we only want to purge snapshots taken by the script later, and not delete snapshots manually taken.
aws ec2 create-tags --resource $snapresult --tags Key=CreatedBy,Value=AutomatedBackup
#delete_snapshots(): delete snapshots older than a specific time - this will stick with criteria specified earlier
rm /tmp/snapshot_info.txt --force #Remove old list of snapshots (the ones we create earlier)
#Get all snapshot IDs associated with each volume previously conforming to filter - goes into snapshot_info.txt
for vol_id in $(cat /tmp/volume_info.txt)
aws ec2 describe-snapshots --output=text --filters "Name=tag:CreatedBy,Values=AutomatedBackup", "Name=volume-id,Values=$vol_id" --query Snapshots[].SnapshotId | tr '\t' '\n' | sort | uniq >> /tmp/snapshot_info.txt 2>&1
# Purge all instance volume snapshots created by this script that are older than number of days set earlier in script
for snapshot_id in $(cat /tmp/snapshot_info.txt)
echo "Checking $snapshot_id..."
snapshot_date=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --output=text --snapshot-ids $snapshot_id --query Snapshots[].StartTime | awk -F "T" '{printf "%s\n", $1}')
snapshot_date_in_seconds=`date "--date=$snapshot_date" +%s`
if [ $snapshot_date_in_seconds <= $retention_date_in_seconds ]; then
echo "Deleting snapshot $snapshot_id ..." >> $logfile
aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $snapshot_id
echo "Not deleting snapshot $snapshot_id ..." >> $logfile
#One last carriage-return in the logfile...
echo "" >> $logfile
read_parameters() {
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
case $1 in
-t | --tags ) shift
-d | --days ) shift
retention_date_in_seconds=`date +%s --date "$days days ago"` #Set oldest date snapshots should be kept
-v | --device ) shift
device="Name=attachment.device,Values="$device #Set device to filter by
-h | --help ) shift
exit 0
* ) usage
exit 1
###Main script###
trap clean_up SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM #Set traps for user interupt
echo $today >> $logfile #Start a logfile with today's date
read_parameters $@ #Pass the command line parameters ($@) to function read_parameters to parse
volume_info #build a list of volumes to snapshot
create_snapshots #create snapshots as per previous list
echo $days, $tags, $device
#echo $retention_date_in_seconds
echo "Results logged to $logfile"
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