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Created March 25, 2023 18:39
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<title>Flowbite Dynamic Nav Menu</title>
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let BASE_URL = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
let menu_items = [
{ id: "overview", name: "Overview", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "" },
{ id: "pages", name: "Pages", sub_menu_items:
{ id: "pages", name: "Pages Default", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "" },
{ id: "pages-settings", name: "Settings", url: "", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "control panel" },
{ id: "pages-kanban", name: "Kanban", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "scrum" },
{ id: "pages-calendar", name: "Calendar", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "day,month,year" },
keywords: "calendar", show: true, count: "0", expand: false
{ id: "customers", name: "Customers", url: "", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "people" },
{ id: "projects", name: "Projects", url: "#", show: true, count: "45", keywords: "workspace" },
{ id: "work-experience", name: "Work Experience", url: "#", show: true, count: "10", keywords: "resume,bio data" },
{ id: "reporting", name: "Reporting", url: "#", show: "6", count: "0", keywords: "logs,presentation" },
{ id: "portfolios", name: "Portfolios", url: "#", show: true, count: "5", keywords: "presentation" },
{ id: "contacts", name: "Contacts", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "people" },
{ id: "sales", name: "Sales", sub_menu_items:
{ id: "sales-products", name: "Products", url: "", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "" },
{ id: "sales-billing", name: "Billing", url: "", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "" },
{ id: "sales-invoice", name: "Invoice", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "" },
keywords: "service,orders", show: true, count: "0", expand: false
{ id: "messages", name: "Messages", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "email" },
{ id: "downloads", name: "Downloads", url: "#", show: true, count: "0", keywords: "zip" },
let global_filterMenuItems = (menus, value) =>
if (value == '')
for (let i = 0; i < menus.length; i++)
menus[i].show = true;
menus[i].expand = false;
if (menus[i].sub_menu_items)
for (let j = 0; j < menus[i].sub_menu_items.length; j++)
menus[i].sub_menu_items[j].show = true;
let indexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < menus.length; i++)
// Single array of keywords for searching
let allKeywords = [menus[i].name.toLowerCase(), menus[i].keywords.toLowerCase().split(',')].flat();
if (allKeywords.some(s => s.includes(value.toLowerCase())))
menus[i].show = true;
else if (menus[i].sub_menu_items)
for (let j = 0; j < menus[i].sub_menu_items.length; j++)
menus[i].show = false;
for (let j = 0; j < menus[i].sub_menu_items.length; j++)
// Single array of keywords for searching
let subAllKeywords = [menus[i].sub_menu_items[j].name.toLowerCase(), menus[i].sub_menu_items[j].keywords.toLowerCase().split(',')].flat();
if (subAllKeywords.some(s => s.includes(value.toLowerCase())))
menus[i].show = true;
menus[i].sub_menu_items[j].show = true;
menus[i].expand = true;
menus[i].sub_menu_items[j].show = false;
menus[i].show = false;
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<ul id="ul-left-menu" class="space-y-2">
<template x-for="menu in menus">
<template x-if=" && !menu.sub_menu_items">
<a :href="menu.url" class="flex items-center p-2 w-full text-base font-normal text-gray-900 rounded-lg transition duration-75 group hover:bg-gray-100 dark:text-white dark:hover:bg-gray-700">
<img class="w-6 h-6" :src="await(await fetch(BASE_URL + '/icons/' + +'.svg')).url"/>
<span x-text="" class="flex-1 ml-3 whitespace-nowrap"></span>
<span x-text="menu.count" class="inline-flex justify-center items-center w-5 h-5 text-xs font-semibold text-primary-800 bg-primary-100 rounded-full dark:bg-primary-200 dark:text-primary-800"></span>
<template x-if=" && menu.sub_menu_items">
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<img class="w-6 h-6" :src="await(await fetch(BASE_URL + '/icons/' + +'.svg')).url"/>
<span x-text="" class="flex-1 ml-3 text-left whitespace-nowrap"></span>
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<ul :id="'sub-' +" x-show="menu.expand" class="py-2 pt-0 space-y-2">
<template x-for="sub_menu in menu.sub_menu_items">
<template x-if="">
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