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Last active May 25, 2017 14:46
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  • Save anjesh/d37848b0c7667dd91976 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anjesh/d37848b0c7667dd91976 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. data structure in json, highlighting the contained metadata
"id": 3055235,
"regNumber": "14/00001",
"purchaseQuarter": "III,IV",
"tenderType": {
"id": 7,
"created": "01.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Cerere a ofertelor de preţuri",
"ruValue": "Запрос ценовых оферт",
"enValue": "Price request"
"refPositinTypeId": 3,
"positionDescr": "lucrări de reparaţie secţia roentgen şi endoscopie",
"forWhoPurchase": "IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului",
"plannedSum": 958000,
"purchaserComment": "Lucrări",
"bulletinPublishDate": "10.10.2014",
"bulletinNumber": "80",
"isPublished": 1,
"stateOrgComment": null,
"budgetPeriod": {
"id": 3055236,
"year": 2014,
"amount": 958000.0,
"intentionId": 3055235,
"tenderDataId": null
"currentStatus": {
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"establishedDate": "08.10.2014",
"establishedUser": "2001002013720-2001002013720",
"intentionStatus": {
"id": 3,
"created": "21.03.2012",
"endDate": "31.12.2999",
"mdValue": "Aprobat",
"ruValue": "Утверждено",
"enValue": "Approved"
"stateOrg": {
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"code": "1003600151643",
"orgName": "IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului",
"address": "str.Burebista, 93",
"cuatm": -1,
"orgLegalForm": {
"id": 880,
"created": "27.11.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Instituţie publică",
"ruValue": "Публичное учреждение",
"enValue": null
"phone": "022-55-96-46",
"fax": "022559646",
"email": "",
"bank": {
"id": 305,
"created": "09.10.2012",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.’Cuza-Voda’ Chisinau",
"ruValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.’Cuza-Voda’ Chisinau",
"enValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.’Cuza-Voda’ Chisinau",
"mdShort": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.’Cuza-Voda’ Chisinau",
"ruShort": null,
"enShort": null,
"mfoCode": "1002600028096",
"fiscalCode": "1002600028096",
"sapiCode": "MOLDMD2X328 "
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"fiscalCode": null,
"bankAccount": null,
"fkRefTerDepTreasure": null
"publishDate": "08.10.2014",
"goods": {
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"created": "15.11.2011",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Lucrari de reparatii generale si de renovare",
"ruValue": "Генеральный ремонт и реконструкция ",
"enValue": "Overhaul and refurbishment work.",
"code": "45453000-7",
"parentId": 51352,
"typeId": 3
"fkBulletinId": 3108074
"id": 79700,
"status": {
"id": 7,
"created": "22.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Înregistrat(ă)",
"ruValue": "Зарегистрирован(а)",
"enValue": null
"currentStatusDate": "07.11.2012",
"fkCurrentStatusId": 79710,
"tender": {
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"stateOrg": {
"id": 9,
"code": "1004600030235",
"orgName": "Casa Naţională de Asigurări Sociale",
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"cuatm": -1,
"orgLegalForm": {
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"created": "27.11.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Instituţie publică",
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"fax": null,
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"tenderData": {
"id": 27996,
"goodsDescr": "motorină în scopul încălzirii pentru CTAS Cantemir (în tichete)"
"regNumber": "12/00016"
"contractType": {
"id": 0,
"created": "22.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "De bază",
"ruValue": "Основной",
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"fkBaseContractId": null,
"contractNumber": "12/00016/001",
"contractDate": "06.11.2012",
"amount": 124020.0,
"participant": {
"id": 67840,
"juristicPerson": 1,
"jurName": "Î.C.S.LUKOIL-MOLDOVAS.R.L.",
"lastName": null,
"name": null,
"patronymic": null,
"fullName": "Î.C.S.LUKOIL-MOLDOVAS.R.L."
"fkOfferId": 67860,
"fkDecisionId": 73831,
"registerDate": "07.11.2012",
"finalDate": "30.06.2013",
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"addAccordShortDescr": null,
"individualContractsQuantity": 0,
"goods": {
"id": 44463,
"created": "15.11.2011",
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"mdValue": "Motorina",
"ruValue": "Дизельное топливо ",
"enValue": "Diesel fuel.",
"code": "09134200-9",
"parentId": 44461,
"typeId": 1
"note": null,
"fkTenderDocContractScan": 77999,
"fkTenderDocDecipheringId": null
"id": 27154,
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"id": 45167,
"created": "15.11.2011",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Remorci cu incarcare automata pentru agricultura",
"ruValue": "Прицепы с автоматической загрузкой для сельского хозяйства ",
"enValue": "Self-loading trailers for agriculture.",
"code": "16510000-3",
"parentId": 45166,
"typeId": 1
"goodsName": "remorca",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unitMeasure": {
"id": 1,
"created": "05.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Bucată",
"ruValue": "Штука",
"enValue": null
"description": null,
"tenderLot": {
"id": 27145,
"seqNumber": 2,
"name": "Remorca"
"fkTenderDataId": 25630
"id": 25610,
"tenderStatus": {
"id": 9,
"created": "02.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Procedura finalizată",
"ruValue": "Процедура завершена",
"enValue": null
"refCurrentStatusDate": "19.02.2013",
"fkCurrentStatusId": 351008,
"tenderType": {
"id": 1,
"created": "01.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Licitaţie publică",
"ruValue": "Открытые торги",
"enValue": "Public auction"
"refTendeOpenDate": "16.10.2012",
"regNumber": "12/00001",
"stateOrg": {
"id": 25589,
"code": "1009601000289",
"orgName": "Agenția de Dezvoltare Regională Centru",
"address": "or. Ialoveni, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 33",
"cuatm": -1,
"orgLegalForm": {
"id": 590,
"created": "27.11.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Întreprindere de stat",
"ruValue": "Государственное предприятие",
"enValue": null
"phone": "268 27235 078883935",
"fax": "268 22692 078883935",
"email": "",
"bank": {
"id": 266,
"created": "09.10.2012",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.Ialoveni",
"ruValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.Ialoveni",
"enValue": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.Ialoveni",
"mdShort": "BC’Moldindconbank’S.A. fil.Ialoveni",
"ruShort": null,
"enShort": null,
"mfoCode": "1002600028096",
"fiscalCode": "1002600028096",
"sapiCode": "MOLDMD2X314"
"account": "225151462",
"treasutyAcc": null,
"fiscalCode": null,
"bankAccount": null,
"fkRefTerDepTreasure": null
"tenderData": {
"id": 25630,
"goodsDescr": "Tractor si remorca",
"goods": {
"id": 45185,
"created": "15.11.2011",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Tractoare",
"ruValue": "Тракторы ",
"enValue": "Tractors.",
"code": "16700000-2",
"parentId": 45148,
"typeId": 1
"status": {
"id": 2,
"created": "05.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Aprobat",
"ruValue": "Утвержден(ы)",
"enValue": null
"forWhoPurchase": "Agenţia de Dezvoltare Regională Centru",
"language": {
"id": 4,
"created": "08.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "Română",
"ruValue": "Румынский",
"enValue": null
"deliveryTerms": {
"id": 3,
"created": "18.12.2008",
"endDate": null,
"mdValue": "DDP - Franco destinație vămuit",
"ruValue": "DDP - Поставка с оплатой пошлины",
"enValue": "Delivered Duty Paid"
"pressOffersPlace": "ADR Centru, or. Ialoveni, str. Alexandru cel Bun, 33, et. 4",
"pressOffersDate": "31.10.2012 12:00",
"openDateTime": "31.10.2012 12:00",
"deliveryDate": "60 zile",
"offerEstimateByPrice": 1,
"forResidenceOnlyReason": null
"fkResponsibleId": 24746,
"perspDataStatus": 3,
"notes": "----- 2012.10.05 11:37 Creangă Ștefan (Начальник управления):\ndnl. Sobol rog sa examinati acest document reesind din practica curenta\n\n----- 2012.10.11 15:10 Sobol Vadim DEMENTIE(Ответственный по процедурам):\nProcedura a fost examinata si aprobata",
"complaintCount": 0,
"bulletin": {
"id": 26161,
"bulletinNumb": "82",
"publDate": "16.10.2012",
"accessTime": 50
"fkAnnulBulletinId": null,
"fkDataIdAtApprov": 25630,
"contractsCount": 2,
"questionCount": 0
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valyc commented May 25, 2017

Hello, I'm exploring Moldovan tenders date and have found helpful your blog post: Open Contracting Assessment in Moldova: A Look at Technologies Used. Could you please share your experience in getting JSON datasets? Am going to add this data with similar Moldovan tenders data (print screen below). Thanks in advance.

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