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Forked from anonymous/SocialService.swift
Last active March 27, 2017 06:20
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Social Sharing iOS Swift 2.3
// SocialService.swift
// SocialSharing
// Created by Zonup Mac 3 on 10/11/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Zonup. All rights reserved.
import UIKit;
import Social;
class SocialService{
static let shared = SocialService();
private init(){
func shareWithFacebook(sender: UIViewController, text: String, url: NSURL?, image: UIImage?, completion: (result: SLComposeViewControllerResult) -> Void){
makeSocialCall(sender, serviceType: SLServiceTypeFacebook, text: text, url: url, image: image, completion: completion);
func shareWithTwitter(sender: UIViewController, text: String, url: NSURL?, image: UIImage?, completion: (result: SLComposeViewControllerResult) -> Void){
makeSocialCall(sender, serviceType: SLServiceTypeTwitter, text: text, url: url, image: image, completion: completion);
func makeSocialCall(sender: UIViewController, serviceType: String, text: String, url: NSURL?, image: UIImage?, completion: (result: SLComposeViewControllerResult) -> Void){
if SLComposeViewController.isAvailableForServiceType(SLServiceTypeTwitter){
let controller = SLComposeViewController(forServiceType: serviceType);
if image != nil{
if url != nil{
controller.completionHandler = completion;
sender.presentViewController(controller, animated: true, completion: nil);
completion(result: .Cancelled);
@IBAction func twitterTapped(sender: UIButton) {
SocialService.shared.shareWithTwitter(self, text: textView.text, url: nil, image: imageVIew.image, completion: shareCompleted);
func shareCompleted(result: SLComposeViewControllerResult){
self.view.userInteractionEnabled = true;
if result == .Cancelled{
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anjnkmr commented Mar 27, 2017

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