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Created April 15, 2018 23:12
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A version of that protects against labels escaping an invocation of runGotoT
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans
The phantom parameter s protects labels from escaping an invocation of runGotoT.
For example, this program:
invalid = runGotoT label >>= runGotoT . goto
is rejected at compile time with this version, but crashes
at run time in the original version at
This trick is inspired by the ST monad in base:
newtype Label s = LabelId Int deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Labeling s a = Label (Label s -> a) | Goto (Label s)
instance Functor (Labeling s) where
fmap f (Label g) = Label (f . g)
fmap f (Goto l) = Goto l
type GotoT s = FreeT (Labeling s)
label :: Monad m => GotoT s m (Label s)
label = liftF (Label id)
goto :: Monad m => Label s -> GotoT s m ()
goto l = liftF (Goto l)
runGotoT :: Monad m => (forall s. GotoT s m a) -> m a
runGotoT = run M.empty where
run st m = runFreeT m >>= \r -> case r of
Pure a -> return a
Free (Label f) -> let cont = f (LabelId newLabel) in run (M.insert newLabel cont st) cont
Free (Goto (LabelId i)) -> run st (st M.! i)
newLabel = succ (M.size st)
ex2 = do
lift $ putStrLn "Begin."
hoge <- label
lift $ putStrLn "Label hoge."
piyo <- label
lift $ putStrLn "Label piyo."
fuga <- label
lift $ putStrLn "Label fuga."
lift $ putStr "Where do you want to go? "
str <- lift getLine
case str of
"hoge" -> goto hoge
"piyo" -> goto piyo
"fuga" -> goto fuga
_ -> lift $ putStrLn "Quit."
main = runGotoT ex2
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