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Created October 24, 2020 23:50
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coinSet = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300]
-- When no coins are available, there is one way to get 0, no ways to get any other number
coins0 = 1:repeat 0
-- Given the result for previous coins, produce a list of possibilities for this coin type
coinsN coin preCoins = go
-- We can either get the value by using other coins or from an earlier value in this list
-- Skip the first `coin` values
go = zipWith (+) preCoins $ replicate coin 0 ++ go
-- To find the number of ways to get a value, we index into the list
-- but make the list strict on values first, so we don't build up thunks
getCoinN coinSet n = strictList allCoins !! n
-- We chain together the coin specific functions with a fold
-- ending with no coins available, where we can only produce the number 0.
allCoins = foldr coinsN coins0 coinSet
main = print $ getCoinN coinSet 300
-- Make a list strict on values, so we don't build up thunks
strictList (x:xs) = x `seq` (x: strictList xs)
strictList [] = []
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