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Forked from karlredman/surfingkeys.js
Last active June 15, 2017 19:06
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my surfingkeys.js (google chrome surfingkeys extension configuration)
// My settings:
if (window.location.origin === "") {
// Forked from:
//my key mapings -to better match qutebrowser and dwb browsers
//added: move tab to the right
map('gr', '<<');
//added: move tab to the right
map('gl', '>>');
//mapkey('H', '#Go back in history', 'history.go(-1)', {repeatIgnore: true});
//added: go back in history
map('H', 'S');
//mapkey('L', '#Go forward in history', 'history.go(1)', {repeatIgnore: true});
//added: go forward in history
map('L', 'D');
//mapkey('J', '#3Go one tab left', 'RUNTIME("previousTab")');
//added: move tab left
map('J', 'E');
//mapkey('K', '#3Go one tab right', 'RUNTIME("nextTab")');
//added: move tab right
map('K', 'R');
//added: open hint in background tab
map(';r', 'cf');
//added: open a (hint) link in new background tab
map(';f', 'gf');
//added: 'Go one tab history back'
// NOTE: added to be consistant with remapping 'Go one tab history forward'
map(';B', 'B');
// **REMAPS** -Note: order is important
//added: Duplicate current tab
//remap: copy current page's title
// NOTE: this keybinding overwrites the binding for 'Duplicate current tab'
//remap: restore closed tab
// NOTE: this keybinding overwrites the binding for 'Show usage'
map('u', 'X');
// added: 'Go one tab history forward'
map(';F', 'F');
//remap: open a (hint) link in new tab
// NOTE: this keybinding overwrites the binding for 'Go one tab history forward'
map('F', 'af');
// New Key Mappings
mapkey(';Q', '#1Click on an Image or button in new tab',
'Hints.create("img, button",Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true})');
mapkey(';q', '#1Click on an Image or button in new non-active tab',
'Hints.create("img, button", Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true, active: false})');
// Default settings
// an example to create a new mapping `ctrl-y`
mapkey('<Ctrl-y>', 'Show me the money', function() {
Front.showPopup('a well-known phrase uttered by characters in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire (Escape to close).');
// an example to replace `u` with `?`, click `Default mappings` to see how `u` works.
map('?', 'u');
// an example to remove mapkey `Ctrl-i`
// click `Save` button to make above settings to take effect.
// set theme
settings.theme = `
.sk_theme {
background: #000;
color: #fff;
.sk_theme tbody {
color: #000;
.sk_theme input {
color: #317ef3;
.sk_theme .url {
color: #38f;
.sk_theme .annotation {
color: #38f;
.sk_theme .focused {
background: #aaa;
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