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Created December 17, 2017 17:03
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CrowdSale Smart Contract for TrakInvest
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
/* taking ideas from Zeppelin solidity module */
contract SafeMath {
// it is recommended to define functions which can neither read the state of blockchain nor write in it as pure instead of constant
function safeAdd(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x + y;
assert((z >= x));
return z;
function safeSubtract(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns(uint256) {
assert(x >= y);
return x - y;
function safeMult(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns(uint256) {
uint256 z = x * y;
assert((x == 0)||(z/x == y));
return z;
function safeDiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 z = x / y;
return z;
// mitigate short address attack
// thanks to
// TODO: doublecheck implication of >= compared to ==
modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint numWords) {
assert( >= numWords * 32 + 4);
// The abstract token contract
contract TrakToken {
function TrakToken () public {}
function transfer (address ,uint) public pure { }
function burn (uint256) public pure { }
function finalize() public pure { }
function changeTokensWallet (address) public pure { }
contract CrowdSale is SafeMath {
enum State { Fundraising,Paused,Successful,Closed }
State public state = State.Fundraising; // equal to 0
string public version = "1.0";
//External contracts
TrakToken public trakToken;
// who created smart contract
address public creator;
// Address which will receive raised funds
address public contractOwner;
// adreess vs state mapping (1 for exists , zero default);
mapping (address => bool) public whitelistedContributors;
uint256 public fundingStartBlock; // Dec 15 - Dec 25
uint256 public firstChangeBlock; // December 25 - January 5
uint256 public secondChangeBlock; // January 5 -January 15
uint256 public thirdChangeBlock; // January 16
uint256 public fundingEndBlock; // Jan 31
// funding maximum duration in hours
uint256 public fundingDurationInHours;
uint256 constant public fundingMaximumTargetInWei = 66685 ether;
// We need to keep track of how much ether (in units of Wei) has been contributed
uint256 public totalRaisedInWei;
// maximum ether we will accept from one user
uint256 constant public maxPriceInWeiFromUser = 1500 ether;
uint256 constant public minPriceInWeiForPre = 1 ether;
uint256 constant public minPriceInWeiForIco = 0.5 ether;
uint8 constant public decimals = 18;
// Number of tokens distributed to investors
uint public tokensDistributed = 0;
// tokens per tranche
uint constant public tokensPerTranche = 11000000 * (uint256(10) ** decimals);
uint256 public constant privateExchangeRate = 1420; // 23.8%
uint256 public constant firstExchangeRate = 1289; // 15.25%
uint256 public constant secondExchangeRate = 1193; // 8.42%
uint256 public constant thirdExchangeRate = 1142; // 4.31%
uint256 public constant fourthExchangeRate = 1118; // 2.25%
uint256 public constant fifthExchangeRate = 1105; // 1.09%
/// modifiers
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == contractOwner);
modifier isIcoOpen() {
require(block.number >= fundingStartBlock);
require(block.number <= fundingEndBlock);
require(totalRaisedInWei <= fundingMaximumTargetInWei);
modifier isMinimumPrice() {
if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(3,tokensPerTranche) || block.number < thirdChangeBlock ) {
require(msg.value >= minPriceInWeiForPre);
else if (tokensDistributed <= safeMult(6,tokensPerTranche)) {
require(msg.value >= minPriceInWeiForIco);
require(msg.value <= maxPriceInWeiFromUser);
modifier isIcoFinished() {
require(totalRaisedInWei >= fundingMaximumTargetInWei || (block.number > fundingEndBlock) || state == State.Successful );
modifier inState(State _state) {
require(state == _state);
modifier isCreator() {
require(msg.sender == creator);
// wait 100 block after final contract state before allowing contract destruction
modifier atEndOfLifecycle() {
require(totalRaisedInWei >= fundingMaximumTargetInWei || (block.number > fundingEndBlock + 40000));
/// constructor
function CrowdSale(
address _fundsWallet,
uint256 _fundingStartBlock,
uint256 _firstInHours,
uint256 _secondInHours,
uint256 _thirdInHours,
uint256 _fundingDurationInHours,
TrakToken _tokenAddress
) public {
require(safeAdd(_fundingStartBlock, safeMult(_fundingDurationInHours , 212)) > _fundingStartBlock);
creator = msg.sender;
if (_fundsWallet !=0) {
contractOwner = _fundsWallet;
else {
contractOwner = msg.sender;
fundingStartBlock = _fundingStartBlock;
firstChangeBlock = safeAdd(fundingStartBlock, safeMult(_firstInHours , 212));
secondChangeBlock = safeAdd(fundingStartBlock, safeMult(_secondInHours , 212));
thirdChangeBlock = safeAdd(fundingStartBlock, safeMult(_thirdInHours , 212));
fundingDurationInHours = _fundingDurationInHours;
fundingEndBlock = safeAdd(fundingStartBlock, safeMult(_fundingDurationInHours , 212));
trakToken = TrakToken(_tokenAddress);
// fallback function can be used to buy tokens
function () external payable {
function buyTokens(address beneficiary) inState(State.Fundraising) isIcoOpen isMinimumPrice public payable {
require(beneficiary != 0x0);
// state 1 is set for
require(whitelistedContributors[beneficiary] == true );
uint256 tokenAmount;
uint256 checkedReceivedWei = safeAdd(totalRaisedInWei, msg.value);
// Check that this transaction wouldn't exceed the ETH max cap
if (checkedReceivedWei > fundingMaximumTargetInWei ) {
// update totalRaised After Subtracting
totalRaisedInWei = safeAdd(totalRaisedInWei,safeSubtract(fundingMaximumTargetInWei,totalRaisedInWei));
// Calculate how many tokens (in units of Wei) should be awarded on this transaction
var (rate,/*trancheMaxTokensLeft */) = getCurrentTokenPrice();
// Calculate how many tokens (in units of Wei) should be awarded on this transaction
tokenAmount = safeMult(safeSubtract(fundingMaximumTargetInWei,totalRaisedInWei), rate);
// Send change extra ether to user.
else {
totalRaisedInWei = safeAdd(totalRaisedInWei,msg.value);
var (currentRate,trancheMaxTokensLeft) = getCurrentTokenPrice();
// Calculate how many tokens (in units of Wei) should be awarded on this transaction
tokenAmount = safeMult(msg.value, currentRate);
if (tokenAmount > trancheMaxTokensLeft) {
// handle round off error by adding .1 token
tokensDistributed = safeAdd(tokensDistributed,safeAdd(trancheMaxTokensLeft,safeDiv(1,10)));
//find remaining tokens by getCurrentTokenPrice() function and sell them from remaining ethers left
var (nextCurrentRate,nextTrancheMaxTokensLeft) = getCurrentTokenPrice();
if (nextTrancheMaxTokensLeft <= 0) {
tokenAmount = safeAdd(trancheMaxTokensLeft,safeDiv(1,10));
state = State.Successful;
// Send change extra ether to user.
} else {
uint256 nextTokenAmount = safeMult(safeSubtract(msg.value,safeMult(trancheMaxTokensLeft,safeDiv(1,currentRate))),nextCurrentRate);
tokensDistributed = safeAdd(tokensDistributed,nextTokenAmount);
tokenAmount = safeAdd(nextTokenAmount,safeAdd(trancheMaxTokensLeft,safeDiv(1,10)));
else {
tokensDistributed = safeAdd(tokensDistributed,tokenAmount);
// immediately transfer ether to fundsWallet
function forwardFunds() internal {
/// @dev Returns the current token rate , minimum ether needed and maximum tokens left in currenttranche
function getCurrentTokenPrice() private constant returns (uint256 currentRate, uint256 maximumTokensLeft) {
if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(1,tokensPerTranche) && (block.number < firstChangeBlock)) {
// return ( privateExchangeRate, minPriceInWeiForPre, safeSubtract(tokensPerTranche,tokensDistributed) );
return ( privateExchangeRate, safeSubtract(tokensPerTranche,tokensDistributed) );
else if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(2,tokensPerTranche) && (block.number < secondChangeBlock)) {
return ( firstExchangeRate, safeSubtract(safeMult(2,tokensPerTranche),tokensDistributed) );
else if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(3,tokensPerTranche) && (block.number < thirdChangeBlock)) {
return ( secondExchangeRate, safeSubtract(safeMult(3,tokensPerTranche),tokensDistributed) );
else if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(4,tokensPerTranche) && (block.number < fundingEndBlock)) {
return (thirdExchangeRate,safeSubtract(safeMult(4,tokensPerTranche),tokensDistributed) );
else if (tokensDistributed < safeMult(5,tokensPerTranche) && (block.number < fundingEndBlock)) {
return (fourthExchangeRate,safeSubtract(safeMult(5,tokensPerTranche),tokensDistributed) );
else if (tokensDistributed <= safeMult(6,tokensPerTranche)) {
return (fifthExchangeRate,safeSubtract(safeMult(6,tokensPerTranche),tokensDistributed) );
function authorizeKyc(address[] addrs) external onlyOwner returns (bool success) {
//@TODO maximum batch size for uploading
// @TODO amount of gas for a block of code - and will fail if that is exceeded
uint arrayLength = addrs.length;
for (uint x = 0; x < arrayLength; x++) {
whitelistedContributors[addrs[x]] = true;
return true;
function withdrawWei () external onlyOwner {
// send the eth to the project multisig wallet
function updateFundingEndBlock(uint256 newFundingEndBlock) external onlyOwner {
require(newFundingEndBlock > fundingStartBlock);
//require(newFundingEndBlock >= fundingEndBlock);
fundingEndBlock = newFundingEndBlock;
// after ICO only owner can call this
function burnRemainingToken(uint256 _value) external onlyOwner isIcoFinished {
//@TODO - check balance of address if no value passed
require(_value > 0);
// after ICO only owner can call this
function withdrawRemainingToken(uint256 _value,address trakTokenAdmin) external onlyOwner isIcoFinished {
//@TODO - check balance of address if no value passed
require(trakTokenAdmin != 0x0);
require(_value > 0);
// after ICO only owner can call this
function finalize() external onlyOwner isIcoFinished {
state = State.Closed;
// after ICO only owner can call this
function changeTokensWallet(address newAddress) external onlyOwner {
require(newAddress != address(0));
function removeContract () external onlyOwner atEndOfLifecycle {
// msg.sender will receive all the ethers if this contract has ethers
/// @param newAddress Address of new owner.
function changeFundsWallet(address newAddress) external onlyOwner returns (bool)
require(newAddress != address(0));
contractOwner = newAddress;
/// @dev Pauses the contract
function pause() external onlyOwner inState(State.Fundraising) {
// Move the contract to Paused state
state = State.Paused;
/// @dev Resume the contract
function resume() external onlyOwner {
// Move the contract out of the Paused state
state = State.Fundraising;
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