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John works at a clothing store. He has a large pile of socks that he must pair by color for sale. Given an array of integers representing the color of each sock, determine how many pairs of socks with matching colors there are.
For example, there are socks with colors . There is one pair of color and one of color . There are three odd socks left, one of each color. The number of pairs is .
Function Description
Complete the sockMerchant function in the editor below. It must return an integer representing the number of matching pairs of socks that are available.
sockMerchant has the following parameter(s):
n: the number of socks in the pile
ar: the colors of each sock
Input Format:
The first line contains an integer , the number of socks represented in .
The second line contains space-separated integers describing the colors of the socks in the pile.
Output Format:
Return the total number of matching pairs of socks that John can sell.
Sample Input
10 20 20 10 10 30 50 10 20
Sample Output
Solution:(Swift Programming Language)
import UIKit
import Foundation
// Complete the sockMerchant function below.
func sockMerchant(n: Int, ar: [Int]) -> Int {
var doneArr : [Int] = [Int]()
var match : Int = 0
for i in 0..<n {
let currentColor = ar[i]
if let index = doneArr.index(of: currentColor) {
match = match + 1
doneArr.remove(at: index)
return match
sockMerchant(n: 9, ar: [10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 30, 50, 10, 20])
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