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Created March 24, 2023 14:34
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Escrow contract for Optimistic relay v2
contract Escrow {
event Payment(
address builder,
address feeRecipient,
uint256 amount,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 expiry,
bytes32 blockhash
struct Account {
uint256 timelock;
uint256 balance;
uint256 nonce;
mapping(address => Account) public accounts;
address public immutable admin;
uint256 public immutable timelockDuration;
constructor(address a, uint256 t) {
admin = a;
timelockDuration = t;
// builder deposits eth into their account
receive() external payable {
accounts[msg.sender].balance += msg.value;
// escrow executes payment
function pay(
address feeRecipient,
uint256 amount,
uint256 nonce,
uint256 blockNumber,
bytes32 blockHash,
bytes memory permission
) public {
// Checks
bytes32 message = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(feeRecipient, amount, nonce, blockNumber, blockHash));
address builder = ecrecover(message, permission);
require(nonce = accounts[builder].nonce + 1, "Builder Nonce does not match");
require(blockhash(blockNumber) == blockHash, "Blockhash does not match");
// Effects
accounts[builder].nonce = nonce + 1;
accounts[builder].balance -= amount;
// Payment
emit Payment(builder, feeRecipient, amount, nonce, blockNumber, blockhash);
// builder requests exit
function requestExit() public {
require(accounts[msg.sender].timelock == 0);
accounts[msg.sender].timelock = block.number + timelockDuration;
// builder confirms exit
function confirmExit() public {
Account memory account = accounts[msg.sender];
require(account.timelock != 0 && block.number >= account.timelock);
delete accounts[msg.sender];
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