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Created May 7, 2022 12:52
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// An AssociatedType Protocol: Request type to be implemented by Concrete Requests
protocol Request {
associatedtype Response: Decodable // 1. A Response Type constrained to be decodable
associatedtype ResponseParser: ResponseParserType where ResponseParser.Response == Response // 2 Response parser contrained to be confirming to ResponseParserType
// 3 Basic properties required by a request
var baseUrl: String { get }
var path: String { get }
var method: String { get }
var header: [String: String]? { get }
var parser: ResponseParser? { get } // 3
var errorParser: ErrorParserType? { get } // 4 Error Parsing type confirming to ErrorParserType
func parameter() -> [String: Any]?
// Convert the Request type to URLRequests
protocol RequestConvertable: Request {
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest
// A generic type protocol that defines the abstraction for Parser.
protocol ResponseParserType {
associatedtype Response
func parse(data: Data) throws -> Response?
public typealias JSONDictionary = [String : Any]
// A protocol defining the abstraction for Error parser.
protocol ErrorParserType {
func parse(data: JSONDictionary) -> Error?
// RequestExecutor for Combine
protocol RequestExecutor {
func executeRequest<R>(request: R) -> AnyPublisher<R.Response, Error> where R: RequestConvertable
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