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class WebApiClient: RequestExecutor {
private var configuration: URLSessionConfiguration
private var session: URLSession
init(sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.default) {
configuration = URLSession.shared.configuration
session = URLSession(configuration: configuration)
func executeRequest<R>(request: R) -> AnyPublisher<R.Response, Error> where R : RequestConvertable {
// 1
// Using Fail publisher this will help us to remove the `try! request.asURLRequest()` and make a early exit with guard in place.
guard let requestt = try? request.asURLRequest() else {
return Fail(error: APIError.badRequest()).eraseToAnyPublisher()
// 2
// Earlier i was using Current value subject that act as an publisher which emit void value and can fail with error.
CurrentValueSubject<Void,Error>(()).tryMap { () in
throw APIError.badRequest()
// /*try! request.asURLRequest()*/
// 3
return session.dataTaskPublisher(for: requestt)
// 4
.tryMap({ [self] (data: Data, response: URLResponse) -> Data in
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
if request.reponseValidRange.contains(httpResponse.statusCode) {
return data
}else {
throw parseError(data: data, response: response, errorParser: request.errorParser)
} else {
throw APIError.invalidResponse()
// 5
.tryMap { returnData in
if let parser = request.parser {
do {
return try parser.parse(data: returnData)
} catch {
throw APIError.parseError(error)
} else {
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(R.Response.self, from: returnData)
} catch {
throw APIError.parseError(error)
// 6
.mapError({ error in
if let error = error as? APIError {
return error
} else {
return APIError.unknown(error)
// 7
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
// 8
func parseError(data: Data, response: URLResponse, errorParser: ErrorParserType?) -> Error {
var errorToReturn: Error?
if let httpUrlResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
if let errorParser = errorParser
if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? JSONDictionary {
if let parsedError = errorParser.parse(data: json) {
errorToReturn = parsedError
switch httpUrlResponse.statusCode {
case 400:
errorToReturn = APIError.badRequest(errorToReturn)
case 401:
errorToReturn = APIError.unAuthorised(errorToReturn)
case 404:
errorToReturn = APIError.notFound(errorToReturn)
case 400...499:
case 500...599:
errorToReturn = APIError.serverError()
errorToReturn = APIError.unknown()
return errorToReturn ?? APIError.invalidResponse()
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