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Last active December 23, 2022 05:38
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import Foundation
func printWithThreadInfo(tag: String) {
print("Thread \(Thread.current) - \(tag) - \(Thread.isMainThread)")
class SomeHeavyOperationTasks {
func someHeavySynchronousTask() -> [Int] {
var number: [Int] = []
for i in 1...1000 {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavySynchronousTask")
return number
func someHeavyAsynchronousCallBackTask(_ completionHandler: ([Int]) -> Void) {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousCallBackTask - Start") .userInitiated).async {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousCallBackTask - inside")
var number: [Int] = []
for i in 1...1000 {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousCallBackTask - after")
// 1 Defined a heavy task asynchronous function with `async`
func someHeavyAsynchronousConcurrencyTask(start:Int, end: Int) async -> [Int] {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousConcurrencyTask - Start from \(start)")
// 2 create a task to start the heavy operation. Using await here creats a suspension point where the control of thread is passed back to OS to perform some other important task. While our function is waiting for Task to get complete.
let number = await Task { () -> [Int] in
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousConcurrencyTask - inside Task start from \(start)")
var number: [Int] = []
for i in start...end {
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousConcurrencyTask - inside Task before return - \(start)")
return number
// 3 Once Task is complete, suspension is revoked and it is to notice that OS may resume on any other arbitary thread not just the thread which starts the task.
printWithThreadInfo(tag: "someHeavyAsynchronousConcurrencyTask - after await \(start)")
return number
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