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Last active April 17, 2018 09:58
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docker-maven-plugin and ECR
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<macrodef name="ecr-login" xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
<attribute name="registryid" default="NOT SET"/>
<attribute name="region" default="NOT SET"/>
<echo>Logging into ECR registry @{registryid} in region @{region}</echo>
<local name="ecr.out"/>
<local name="ecr.err"/>
<exec outputproperty="ecr.out" errorproperty="ecr.err" executable="aws">
<arg value="--region"/>
<arg value="@{region}"/>
<arg value="ecr"/>
<arg value="get-login"/>
<arg value="--registry-ids"/>
<arg value="@{registryid}"/>
<fail message="${ecr.err}">
<matches string="${ecr.err}" pattern=".+"/>
<exec failonerror="true" command="${ecr.out}"/>
<!-- For our own stuff -->
<ecr-login registryid="238947823742" region="eu-west-1" unless:true="${skipDocker}"/>
<!-- For amazonlinux -->
<ecr-login registryid="137112412989" region="eu-west-1" unless:true="${skipDocker}"/>
<echo if:true="${skipDocker}">Skipping ECR login</echo>
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