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Last active July 4, 2019 13:27
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Command line script to create a windows service for a node script with NSSM
@echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
:: Set the correct directory. Only %~dp0 does not work because of its trailing backslash
set HOME=%CD%
:: check for permissions first
:: we need admin priviliges for NSSM
goto check_Permissions
echo Administrative permissions required. Detecting permissions...
net session >nul 2>&1
if %errorLevel% == 0 (
echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed. Starting config tool
goto startInstallation
) else (
echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate. Please right click bat and run as Administrator.
exit /B 1
:: only gets called when we have admin priviliges
echo Installing service
:: Set your service name and its description here
set SERVICE_NAME=node-script
:: replace with the absolute path where node.exe can be found
nssm install %SERVICE_NAME% "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
nssm set %SERVICE_NAME% AppDirectory "%HOME%"
:: replace index.js with the name of your script
nssm set %SERVICE_NAME% AppParameters "index.js"
:: optionally set the out.log and error.log paths which will be used for stdouts and sterr messages
:: better use a logging framework like winston
nssm set %SERVICE_NAME% AppStdout "%HOME%\out.log"
nssm set %SERVICE_NAME% AppStderr "%HOME%\error.log"
:: Start the service
nssm start %SERVICE_NAME%
echo Successfully installed and started service %SERVICE_NAME%
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