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Created August 29, 2023 19:58
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Batch file to convert the basic iso dump of xbox game in xiso format using the extract iso program (
:: 1. Keep this file at the same folder where extract-iso is present
:: 2. Keep the iso file in the same folder too
:: 3. ./run.bat
:: 4. Select the iso to convert
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "EXTRACT_XISO_COMMAND_NAME=.\extract-xiso.exe"
REM Count the number of ISO files
set "isoCount=0"
for %%F in (*.iso) do (
set /a "isoCount+=1"
REM Create an array to store ISO filenames
set "isoFiles="
set "index=1"
for %%F in (*.iso) do (
set "isoFiles[!index!]=%%~nxF"
set /a "index+=1"
REM Display the list of ISO filenames with numbers
echo Number of ISO files: %isoCount%
echo Available ISO files:
for /l %%i in (1,1,%isoCount%) do (
echo %%i. !isoFiles[%%i]!
REM Prompt the user to select a number
set /p "selectedNumber=Enter the number of the ISO file to process: "
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: START INPUT CHECKING
set "minValue=1"
set "maxValue=%selectedNumber%"
REM if selectedNumber is not between minValue and maxValue || is not in format then exit
REM Check if the input is a valid number
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%A in ("%selectedNumber%") do (
echo Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.
exit /b
REM Check if the input is within the specified range
if %selectedNumber% lss %minValue% (
echo Input is too low. Please enter a number between %minValue% and %maxValue%.
exit /b
) else if %selectedNumber% gtr %maxValue% (
echo Input is too high. Please enter a number between %minValue% and %maxValue%.
exit /b
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: END INPUT CHECKING
REM Get the selected ISO filename from the array
set "selectedFileName=!isoFiles[%selectedNumber%]!"
REM Display the selected ISO filename
echo You selected: !selectedFileName!
set "tempName=.\!selectedNumber!.xiso"
REM Extracting xiso information into a temp folder
echo Command to be extract xiso: %EXTRACT_XISO_COMMAND_NAME% -d "!tempName!" -x ".\!selectedFileName!"
%EXTRACT_XISO_COMMAND_NAME% -d "!tempName!" -x ".\!selectedFileName!"
REM Now generating the xiso image file from temp folder
echo Command to be make xiso: %EXTRACT_XISO_COMMAND_NAME% -c "!tempName!"
REM Deleting the temp folder
echo `nDeleting temp folder being created
rmdir /s /q "%tempName%"
REM Extract just the filename (without extension)
for %%F in ("!selectedFileName!") do (
set "selectedFileNameWithoutExtention=%%~nF"
set "finalFileName=!selectedFileNameWithoutExtention!.xiso.iso"
REM Renaming the iso file to xiso file with original filename as a reference
echo `nRenaming: ren "%tempName%.iso" "%selectedFileNameWithoutExtention%.xiso.iso"
ren "%tempName%.iso" "%selectedFileNameWithoutExtention%.xiso.iso"
echo `nNeed to delete original iso file %selectedFileName%? (Y/N)
choice /c yn
if "%errorlevel%"=="1" (
del "%selectedFileName%"
echo `nFile deleted.
) else (
echo Deletion cancelled.
echo Exiting.
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