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Last active July 15, 2022 03:16
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# "double-height" horizontal layout
import random
import math
class Cell():
""" Hexagonal cell """
def __init__(self, x, y, walls=[0,1,2,3,4,5]):
""" x,y int
walls : list of number 0..5
assert (x >= 0) and (y>=0), "Invalide cell coordinate %s, %s" % (x,y)
assert((x+y)%2==0), "Invalide cell coordinate %s, %s" % (x,y)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.inside = None
self.walls = set(walls)
self.in_maze = False
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s, %s, %s>' % (self.x, self.y, self.walls)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.x == other.x) and (self.y == other.y) and (self.walls == other.walls)
def dir_to(self, other):
""" return direction from current cell to other cell
value: 0..5 """
if self.is_adjacent(other):
if self.x == other.x:
return 0 if (self.y > other.y) else 3
if self.x < other.x:
return 1 if self.y > other.y else 2
if self.x > other.x:
return 5 if self.y > other.y else 4
def is_adjacent(self, other):
""" return true if the two cells are adjacent.
That is, if they can share a wall in comon
if self.y == other.y:
return False
if self.y == other.y + 1:
return (self.x == other.x + 1) or (self.x == other.x - 1)
if self.y == other.y - 1:
return (self.x == other.x + 1) or (self.x == other.x - 1)
if self.x == other.x:
return (self.y == other.y + 2) or (self.y == other.y - 2)
def __contains__(self, wall):
# 4 in cell
return wall in self.walls
def mark(self, char='@'):
assert(len(char)==1), "Can only put on char in the cell"
self.inside = char
def labeled_walls(self):
labeled_walls = []
id = '%s:%s' % (self.x, self.y)
for w in self.walls:
label = '%s_%s' % (id,w)
return labeled_walls
import math
import random
from cell import Cell
""" Coordinate
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 X
0 / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_
1 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
2 / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
3 \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
maze repr goal:
_ _ _ _
/ \_/ \_/ _/ \_
\_ / \_/ _ \
/ \_/ _ \_ \_/
\_ _/ \ _/ \
/ \_ \_ \_/ _/
\_ _ \_ _ \
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
class Maze():
""" Maze of hexagonal cell"""
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.cells = []
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
if j%2==0:
def __repr__(self):
repr = "<maze %s, %s>\n" % (self.width, self.height)
repr += self._to_ascii()
# for c in self.cells:
# repr += '%s\n' % c
return repr
def _to_ascii(self):
""" create a win[x][y]
X : horizontal axis
Y : vertical axis
# initialize the window
win_w = 4*self.width+1
win_h = 2*(math.ceil(self.height/2))+1+(1-self.height%2)
win = [[' ' for _ in range(win_h)] for _ in range(win_w)]
for c in self.cells:
x = 2*c.x + 1
y = c.y +1
if 0 in c:
win[x][y-1] = '_'
if 1 in c:
win[x+1][y] = '\\'
if 2 in c:
win[x+1][y+1] = '/'
if 3 in c:
win[x][y+1] = '_'
if 4 in c:
win[x-1][y+1] = '\\'
if 5 in c:
win[x-1][y] = '/'
if c.inside:
win[x][y] = c.inside
s = '--------------\n'
for y,_ in enumerate(win[0]):
for x,_ in enumerate(win):
s += '-----------'
return s
# def list_of_walls(self, cells):
# list_walls = []
# for cell in cells:
# list_walls.extend(self.walls_of(cell))
# return list_walls
# def walls_of(self, cell):
# list_walls = []
# id = '%s:%s' % (cell.x, cell.y)
# for w in cell.walls:
# label = '%s_%s' % (id,w)
# list_walls.append(label)
# return list_walls
def cell_at_coord(self, x,y):
for c in self.cells:
if (c.x, c.y) == (x,y):
return c
def connect(self, c1, c2):
if c1.is_adjacent(c2):
direction = c1.dir_to(c2)
c2.walls.remove((direction+3) % 6)
def neighbour_cell(self, cell, direction):
""" return the neighbour cell from cell given in arguments by following direction """
if direction==0:
x = cell.x
y = cell.y -2
elif direction==1:
x = cell.x +1
y = cell.y -1
elif direction==2:
x = cell.x +1
y = cell.y +1
elif direction==3:
x = cell.x
y = cell.y +2
elif direction==4:
x = cell.x -1
y = cell.y +1
elif direction==5:
x = cell.x -1
y = cell.y -1
return self.cell_at_coord(x,y)
def all_neighbour(self, cell):
all_neighbour = []
for d in range(6):
if self.neighbour_cell(cell, d):
all_neighbour.append(self.neighbour_cell(cell, d))
return all_neighbour
def randomized_kruskal(self):
""" 1. Create a list of all walls, and create a set for each cell, each containing just that one cell.
2. For each wall, in some random order:
1. If the cells divided by this wall belong to distinct sets:
1. Remove the current wall.
2. Join the sets of the formerly divided cells.
def randomize_prim(self):
"""1. Start with a grid full of walls.
2. Pick a cell, mark it as part of the maze. Add the walls of the cell to the wall list.
3. While there are walls in the list:
1. Pick a random wall from the list. If only one of the two cells that the wall divides is visited, then:
1. Make the wall a passage and mark the unvisited cell as part of the maze.
2. Add the neighboring walls of the cell to the wall list.
2. Remove the wall from the list.
in_maze = []
wall_list = []
choice = self.cells.pop()
while len(wall_list) > 0:
wall = random.choice(wall_list)
def test_cell():
cM = Cell(3, 1, [])
c0 = Cell(0, 0, [])
c1 = Cell(2, 0, [])
c2 = Cell(4, 0, [])
c3 = Cell(6, 0, [])
c4 = Cell(1, 1, [])
c6 = Cell(5, 1, [])
c7 = Cell(0, 2, [])
c8 = Cell(2, 2, [])
c9 = Cell(4, 2, [])
c10 = Cell(6, 2, [])
c11 = Cell(3, 3, [])
c11 = Cell(3,3, [])
# check symmetry property
cells = [cM, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c6, c7]
for cell_i in cells:
for cell_j in cells:
if(cell_i != cell_j):
assert((cell_j.is_adjacent(cell_i) == cell_i.is_adjacent(cell_j)))
# check coherance
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c0))
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c3))
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c4))
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c6))
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c7))
assert(not cM.is_adjacent(c10))
# test cell direction
if __name__ == "__main__":
maze = Maze(8, 8)
# density = 500
# for i in range(density):
# c = random.choice(maze.cells)
# neighbours = maze.all_neighbour(c)
# maze.connect(c, random.choice(neighbours))
# c = random.choice(maze.cells)
# print(c)
# c.mark()
# print(len(maze.all_neighbour(c)))
# print(maze)
# random.seed(1619)
# print(random.random())
for cell in maze.cells:
neighbours = maze.all_neighbour(cell)
k = len(neighbours)
if k <= 4:
for i in neighbours:
maze.connect(cell, i)
for i in random.sample(neighbours, k=2):
maze.connect(cell, i)
passage = [6-len(i.walls) for i in maze.cells]
print(min(passage), max(passage), passage.count(2))
# for i in maze.cells:
# if len(i.walls)>=5:
# print(i)
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