#!/bin/sh |
# Install node and npm via nvm - https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm |
# Run this script like - bash script-name.sh |
# Define versions |
# You can pass argument to this script like --version 8 |
if [ "$1" = '--version' ]; then |
echo "==> Using specified node version - $2" |
fi |
echo "==> Make sure bash profile exists and writable" |
touch ~/.zshrc |
touch ~/.bashrc |
echo "==> Installing node version manager version $INSTALL_NVM_VER" |
# Removed if already installed |
rm -rf ~/.nvm |
# Unset exported variable |
export NVM_DIR= |
# Install nvm |
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v$INSTALL_NVM_VER/install.sh | bash |
# Make nvm command available to terminal |
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh |
echo "==> Installing node js version $INSTALL_NODE_VER" |
nvm install $INSTALL_NODE_VER |
echo "==> Make this version system default" |
nvm alias default $INSTALL_NODE_VER |
nvm use default |
#echo -e "==> Update npm to latest version, if this stuck then terminate (CTRL+C) the execution" |
#npm install -g npm |
echo "==> Installing Yarn package manager" |
rm -rf ~/.yarn |
curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash |
# Yarn configurations |
export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH" |
yarn config set prefix ~/.yarn -g |
echo "==> Installing pnpm package manager" |
npm install -g pnpm |
# npm configs |
npm config set update-notifier false |
echo "==> Checking for versions" |
nvm --version |
node --version |
npm --version |
yarn --version |
pnpm --version |
echo "==> Print binary paths" |
which npm |
which node |
which yarn |
which pnpm |
echo "==> List installed node versions" |
nvm ls |
nvm cache clear |
echo "==> Please Logout and Login back to take changes effect" |
echo "https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm" |
# Tested on Ubuntu, MacOS, WSL |
Reserved commit