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Created March 12, 2011 21:19
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epoll wrapper
#ifndef _POLL_H
#define _POLL_H
#include "hash_table/hashtable.h"
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#define MAX_EVENTS 100
#define CALLBACK(x) void (*x) (poll_event_t *, poll_event_element_t *, struct epoll_event)
#define ACCEPT_CB 0x01
#define CONNECT_CB 0x02
typedef struct poll_event_element poll_event_element_t;
typedef struct poll_event poll_event_t;
* @struct poll_event_element "poll.h"
* @brief a poll event element containing callbacks, user data and flags
struct poll_event_element
/** the file descriptor*/
int fd;
/** callback for write */
/** callback for read */
/** callback for close */
/** callback for accept */
/** callback for connect */
/** user data for this element*/
void * data;
/** epoll events flags */
uint32_t events;
/** the event for which callback was initiated */
uint32_t cur_event;
/** only used to enable accept and listen callbacks */
uint8_t cb_flags;
#define poll_event_element_s sizeof(poll_event_element_t)
* @struct poll_event "poll.h"
* @brief poll event object
struct poll_event
/** hash table of fds - poll event elements */
hash_table_t *table;
/** timeout call back
* when in an event loop it can return any non zero value to stop the eventloop
int (*timeout_callback)(poll_event_t *);
/** timeout duration */
size_t timeout;
/** epoll file descriptor*/
int epoll_fd;
/** user data for poll_event */
void * data;
#define poll_event_s sizeof(poll_event_t)
//poll_event_element functions
* Function to allocate a new poll event element
* @param fd the file descriptor to watch
* @param events epoll events mask
* @returns poll event element on success
* @returns NULL on failure
poll_event_element_t * poll_event_element_new(int, uint32_t);
* Function to delete a poll event element
* @param elem poll event element
void poll_event_element_delete(poll_event_element_t *);
// poll_event function
* Function to create a new poll event object
* @param timeout timeout for the pollevent
* @retunrs NULL on failure
* @retunrs poll event object on sucess
poll_event_t * poll_event_new(int);
* Function to delete poll event object
* @param poll_event poll event object to be deleted
void poll_event_delete(poll_event_t*);
* Function to add a file descriptor to the event poll obeject
* @note if add is performed on an fd already in poll_event, the flags are updated in the existing object
* @param poll_event poll event object which fd has to be added
* @param fd the file descriptor to be added
* @param flags events flags from epoll
* @param poll_element a poll event element pointer which is filled in by the function, set all function callbacks and cb_flags in this
int poll_event_add(poll_event_t*, int, uint32_t, poll_event_element_t **);
* Function to remove a poll event element from the given poll_event object
* @param poll_event poll event object from which fd has to be removed
* @param fd file descriptor which has to be removed
int poll_event_remove(poll_event_t*, int);
* Function which processes the events from epoll_wait and calls the appropriate callbacks
* @note only process events once if you need to use an event loop use poll_event_loop
* @param poll_event poll event object to be processed
int poll_event_process(poll_event_t *);
* Function to start the event loop which monitors all fds and callbacks accordingly
* @note event loop runs indefinitely and can only be stopped by timeout callback, so to process the events only once use poll_event_process
void poll_event_loop(poll_event_t*);
#define use_the_force(x) poll_event_loop(x)
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