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Created May 10, 2017 23:02
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Using K-means for learning color models for text/background.
def quantize(viz=False):
dpath = '../data/IIIT5K'
colors = np.zeros((5000,4*3)) # (c1,c1_std,c2,c2_std) (foreground,background)
i = 0
for dset in ['test','train']:
annfile = dset+'CharBound'
dat = sio.loadmat(dpath+'/'+annfile+'.mat')[annfile][0]
N = dat.size
for j in xrange(N):
print i
imname = osp.join(dpath, dat[j]['ImgName'][0])
im = scipy.ndimage.imread(imname)
if im.ndim != 3:
# make the image small if too big:
is_big = np.array(im.shape[:2])>100
if np.any(is_big):
s = 100.0/np.max(im.shape[:2])
osize = s*np.array(im.shape)
im = scipy.misc.imresize(im,osize.astype('int'))
# convert to CIELAB color-space (useful for clustering):
im2d_rgb = np.reshape(im, ([:2]),3)).astype(float)
im2d = cv.cvtColor(im,
im2d = np.reshape(im2d, ([:2]),3)).astype(float)
# cluster into 2 colors:
# try:
K = 3
feat = scipy.cluster.vq.whiten(im2d)
codes, _ = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans(feat, K, iter=20, thresh=1e-05)
labels,_ = scipy.cluster.vq.vq(feat, codes)
# # keep the biggest two clusters :: << DOES NOT WORK
# k_id = np.unique(labels)
# k_num = np.array([np.sum(labels==k) for k in k_id])
# k_id = np.argsort(-k_num)
# print k_num, k_id
# # Keep two clusters with largest distance and highest membership:
# p = np.array([np.sum(labels==k)/len(labels) for k in np.unique(labels)])
# p_mat = np.sqrt(np.outer(p,p))
# #print p_mat
dist_mat = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(codes))
k_id = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(dist_mat),(K,K)))
## need to regenerate the color (from original image)
## this is because whitening makes us lose the color values:
for k in range(2):
codes[k,:] = np.mean(im2d[labels==k_id[k]],axis=0)
#codes, labels = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(imd2d, k=2, iter=20)
# except:
# continue
#codes = codes[np.lexsort(codes.T),:]
for k in range(2):
colors[i,k*6:k*6+3] = cv.cvtColor(codes[k,:][None,None,:].astype('uint8'),
colors[i,k*6+3:k*6+6] = np.std(im2d_rgb[labels==k], axis=0).astype('uint8')
if viz:
i += 1
colors = colors[:i,:]
# save the color information:
return colors
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I think [labels==k] in line 59 should be [labels == k_id[k]]?

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