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Created January 19, 2022 22:08
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Convert kotlin.collections.Map to something that can work with Typescript
import Partial
import Record
import set
import toPartial
typealias JsMapLikeObject<K, V> = Partial<Record<K, V>>
inline operator fun <K : Any, V : Any> JsMapLikeObject<K, V>.get(key: K): V? =
asDynamic()[key] as? V
inline operator fun <K : Any, V : Any> JsMapLikeObject<K, V>.set(key: K, value: V) {
asDynamic()[key] = value
* Convenience method to construct a map-like construct with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs
* where the first value is the key and the second is the value.
* If multiple pairs have the same key, the resulting map will contain the value from the last of those pairs.
* Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were specified.
fun <K : Any, V : Any> jsMapOf(
vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>
): JsMapLikeObject<K, V> = Record<K, V> {
pairs.forEach { (key, value) ->
this[key] = value
* Convert [this] from a [Map] to a [Record], applying [transform] to each [Map.Entry] along the way
inline fun <K1, V1, K2 : Any, V2 : Any> Map<K1, V1>.mapToJs(
crossinline transform: (Map.Entry<K1, V1>) -> Pair<K2, V2>
): JsMapLikeObject<K2, V2> {
return Record<K2, V2> {
this@mapToJs.entries.forEach { entry ->
val (key, value) = transform(entry)
this[key] = value
* Convert [this] from a [Map] to a [JsMapLikeObject] without applying any transformations
fun <K : Any, V : Any> Map<K, V>.toJs(): JsMapLikeObject<K, V> {
return Record<K, V> {
this@toJs.entries.forEach { (key, value) ->
this[key] = value
external interface Partial<T : Any>
inline fun <T : Any> T.toPartial(): Partial<T> {
return this.unsafeCast<Partial<T>>()
"NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "FunctionName",
import kotlinext.js.jso
external interface Record<in K : Any, V : Any>
inline operator fun <K : Any, V : Any> Record<K, V>.get(key: K): V? =
asDynamic()[key] as? V
inline operator fun <K : Any, V : Any> Record<K, V>.set(key: K, value: V) {
asDynamic()[key] = value
* Convenience method to construct a [Record] instance with a builder [block].
fun <K : Any, V : Any> Record(
block: Record<K, V>.() -> Unit,
): Record<K, V> = jso(block)
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