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Last active February 2, 2017 11:04
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function getFourInARow(numbers) {
var xs = partitionEvery(4, numbers);
var transducer = compose(
updateIn("maxProduct", max2),
updateIn("avg", avg2(xs.length))
var result = xs.reduce(transducer(id), { maxProduct: 0, avg: 0 });
return result.maxProduct - result.avg
// the magic...
function compose(...fs) {
return fs.reduce(function(f, g) {
return function(input) {
return f(g(input));
function mapping(f) {
return function(task) {
return function(acc, x) {
return task(acc, f(x));
function updateIn(field, f) {
return function(task) {
return function(acc, x) {
acc[field] = f(acc[field], x);
return task(acc, x);
function id(x) { return x; }
function max2(x, y) { return x >= y ? x : y; }
function avg2(total) {
return function(x, y) {
if (x === 0)
return y / total;
return x + y / total;
function multiply2(a, b) { return a * parseInt(b); }
function calcProduct(xs) { return xs.split("").reduce(multiply2); }
function partitionEvery(n, numbers) {
var adjacents = [];
while (true) {
if (numbers.length <= 4) {
} else {
adjacents.push(numbers.slice(0, n));
numbers = numbers.slice(1);
return adjacents;
// console.log(getFourInARow("12345678987654321")); // =>2592
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