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Last active February 23, 2021 16:31
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How to use

I made this script for python3. Use python3 -i to load it in, or you can use from downloader import Downloader.

Either way, you should be able to do d = Downloader('client_key_here'), then begin using it.

Get your client key from Soundcloud.


$ pip3 install soundcloud mutagen requests

The soundcloud library for pip3 is broken, so there's an edit you'll need to make.

Open (for me, it was at /usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/soundcloud/, and find the following line.

response_content = response.content.decode(response.encoding)

Change it to

response_content = response.content.decode(response.encoding or 'utf-8')


download_user(user_link, directory)

This will download every song that the user at the given link (like has uploaded. It will save them in the given directory, which must exist before running this.

download_playlist(playlist_url, directory)

This will download an entire playlist at the given link (like It will save the playlist in the given directory, which must exist before running this.

download_track_link(track_link, directory)

Downloads a single track at the given link (like It will save it in the given directory, which must exist before running this.

You probably shouldn't use the rest of the functions.


Each of these functions will try its best to tag any MP3 files it comes across. To get the best-possibly-tagged files, download exclusively playlists, as this will also assign an album name and track number to the MP3s.

If you download anything but a playlist, only the title, artist, album artist, and cover art will be added. The artist and album artist will be the same, and the album artist is just a convenience for if you are going to retag these files manually.

from soundcloud import Client
from requests import get
from os.path import join as path_join
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen import File
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, ID3NoHeaderError, TIT2, TPE1, TPE2, TALB, TRCK, APIC
class Downloader:
def __init__(self, client_id):
self.client = Client(client_id=client_id)
def clear_current_data(self):
self.current_data = {
'user': None,
'playlist': None,
'tracks': None,
'track': None
def generate_tags(self, location):
user = self.current_data['user']
playlist = self.current_data['playlist']
tracks = self.current_data['tracks']
track = self.current_data['track']
if user is None or track is None:
print(' Had an issue tagging the current song. Skipped.')
mp3 = MP3(location)
print(' Could not tag a non-MP3 file.')
pass # Has tags
mp3.tags.add(TIT2(text=track['title'], encoding=3)) # Title
mp3.tags.add(TPE1(text=user.username, encoding=3)) # Artist
mp3.tags.add(TPE2(text=user.username, encoding=3)) # Album artist
if playlist is not None:
mp3.tags.add(TALB(text=playlist.title, encoding=3)) # Album
if tracks is not None:
mp3.tags.add(TRCK(text='{}/{}'.format(tracks.collection.index(track) + 1, playlist.track_count), encoding=3)) # Track number and total
artwork_url = self.resize(track['artwork_url'])
url_parts = [x.lower() for x in artwork_url.split('.')]
mp3.tags.add( # Cover art
mime='image/jpeg' if url_parts[-1] in ['jpg', 'jpeg'] else 'image/png',
def resize(self, url, to='500x500'):
parts = url.split('-')
end_parts = parts[-1].split('.')
end_parts[0] = 't{}'.format(to)
parts[-1] = '.'.join(end_parts)
return '-'.join(parts)
def download_track(self, track, location):
self.current_data['track'] = track
if self.current_data['user'] is None or self.current_data['user'].id != track['user_id']:
self.current_data['user'] = self.client.get('/users/{}'.format(track['user_id']))
if 'download_url' in track:
print(' Downloading source file')
url = track['download_url'] + '?client_id=' + self.client.client_id
print(' Downloading stream. Source file unavailable.')
stream = self.client.get(track['stream_url'], allow_redirects=False)
url = stream.location
with open(location, 'wb') as f:
def download_tracks(self, tracks, directory):
print(' Downloading {} track{}.'.format(len(tracks.collection), 's' if len(tracks.collection) != 1 else ''))
for track in tracks.collection:
print(' Downloading {}.'.format(track['title']))
title = self.sanitize_track_name(track['title'])
self.download_track(track, path_join(directory, title + '.mp3'))
def download_paginated(self, url):
return self.client.get(url, limit=200, linked_partitioning=1)
def download_playlist(self, playlist_url, directory):
playlist = self.client.get('/resolve', url=playlist_url)
self.current_data['playlist'] = playlist
tracks = self.download_paginated('/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks'.format(
self.current_data['tracks'] = tracks
self.download_all_tracks(tracks, directory)
def download_all_tracks(self, paged_collection, directory):
self.download_tracks(paged_collection, directory)
while 'next_href' in paged_collection.keys():
paged_collection = self.client.get(paged_collection.next_href)
self.download_tracks(paged_collection, directory)
def sanitize_track_name(self, name):
return name.replace('/', ':')
def download_all_user_tracks(self, user, directory):
print('Downloading all tracks from {}.'.format(user.username))
user_tracks = self.download_paginated('/users/{user_id}/tracks'.format(
self.download_all_tracks(user_tracks, directory)
def download_track_link(self, track_link, directory):
track = self.client.get('/resolve', url=track_link)
self.download_track(track.obj, path_join(directory, self.sanitize_track_name(track.title) + '.mp3'))
def get_user(self, user_link):
user = self.client.get('/resolve', url=user_link)
self.current_data['user'] = user
return user
def download_user(self, user_link, directory):
self.download_all_user_tracks(self.get_user(user_link), directory)
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