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Last active November 13, 2020 04:19
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ISA Spec


These are the standard registers:

DEC BIN Name Width Purpose
0 0000 Z 16 Wired to 0000h
1 0001 A 16 Accumulator
2 0010 B 16 General purpose
3 0011 C 16 General purpose
4 0100 D 16 General purpose
5 0101 IX 16 Address index (X)
6 0110 IY 16 Address index (Y)
7 0111 SP 16 Stack pointer

These special registers are also available:

DEC BIN Name Width Purpose
12 1100 HX 8 Top half of IX
14 1110 LX 8 Bottom half of IX
13 1101 HY 8 Top half of IY
15 1111 LY 8 Bottom half of IY

This register cannot be accessed by any instructions other than jumps:

DEC BIN Name Width Purpose
X XXXX PC 16 Program counter


Name Bit Purpose Implicit?
EQ 0 Equal? No
LT 1 Less than? No
OF 2 Overflow Yes

Non-implicit flags are only set using the CMP instruction. They are not set implicitly by the ALU.
Implicit flags are set by the ALU upon finishing an operation.

Instruction Format

16 bits:

Field Width Meaning
T 3 Instruction type
O 3 Opcode
M 2 Addressing mode
V 8 Argument

T (3 bits) - Instruction Type

0 000 Arithmetic
1 001 Logical
2 010 Jump
3 011 Register
4 100 I/O

O (3 bits) - Opcode

Arithmetic [0, 000b]

DEC BIN Mnemonic Description
0 000 ADDU A += arg, unsigned
1 001 SUBU A -= arg, unsigned
2 010 ADD A += arg, signed, alias ADD
3 011 SUB A -= arg, signed, alias SUB
4 100 SHL A <<= arg
5 101 SHR A >>= arg
6 110 RTL Rotate A left by arg bits
7 111 SAR A >>= arg (arithmetic shift)

Logical [1, 001b]

DEC BIN Mnemonic Description
0 000 AND A &= arg
1 001 NAND A = NAND(A, arg)
2 010 OR A |= arg
3 011 NOR A = NOR(A, arg)
4 100 XOR A ^= arg
5 101 XNOR A = XNOR(A, arg)
6 110 NOP A = A
7 111 NOT A = ~A

Jumps [2, 010b]

DEC BIN Mnemonic Description
0 000 JMP Unconditional jump
1 001 JEQ Jump if EQ
2 010 JLT Jump if LT
3 011 JLE Jump if LT | EQ
4 100 JOF Jump if OF
5 101 NOP No operation
6 110 NOP No operation
7 111 INVF Invert all flags

Register [3, 011b]

DEC BIN Mnemonic Description
0 000 CALL Call the subroutine at arg
1 001 RET Return from the subroutine
2 010 LDA Copy memory at arg to A
3 011 STA Copy A to memory at arg
4 100 SWP Swaps registers arg1, arg2
5 101 MOV Moves register arg1 to arg2
6 110 CMP Compare arg to A, set flags
7 111 LDI Loads the value given to A

I/O [4, 100b]

DEC BIN Mnemonic Description
0 000 INB Reads the IO port at arg to A
1 001 OUTB Writes A to the I/O port at arg
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111

M (2 bits) - Addressing mode

DEC BIN Mode Mnemonic
0 00 Immediate (none)
1 01 Index + Offset X, Y
2 10 Indirect (by A) I
3 11 Register R or none

V (8 bits) - Argument

Immediate mode


Non-jumps: The argument is V (8 bits).

Jumps: The new address is PC + V.

Index + Offset mode


The first bit R determines which register to use as the index:

Bit Register
0 IX
1 IY

The next 7 bits of V are a signed offset (-64..63).

The argument is the value in memory at the address (index + offset).

Indirect mode

The argument is the value in memory at the address in A. V is unused.

To use the value at an immediate address:

LDI high_byte
ADD low_byte

Register mode


These have two register arguments:

  • DDDD: destination
  • SSSS: source

When assigning to 8-bit registers from 16-bit registers, the source value is truncated. When assigning from 16-bit registers to 8-bit registers, the value is sign-extended.

When an instruction takes only one argument, only S or D is used, depending on the argument.

For example, when jumping, JMP A jumps to the address stored in A, in contrast to JMPI A, which would jump to the address in the memory location whose address is A.


  • The instruction 0000h means ADDU 0 and is effectively a NOP. This means that when memory is uninitialized or at 0, the processor executes through it until it finds code.
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