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Created September 8, 2016 11:01
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Get similar color from a predefined sprectrum @link
function getSimilarColor ( color ) {
var base_colors=["660000","990000","cc0000","cc3333","ea4c88","993399","663399","333399","0066cc","0099cc","66cccc","77cc33","669900","336600","666600","999900","cccc33","ffff00","ffcc33","ff9900","ff6600","cc6633","996633","663300","000000","999999","cccccc","ffffff"];
//Convert to RGB, then R, G, B
var color_rgb = hex2rgb(color);
var color_r = color_rgb.split(',')[0];
var color_g = color_rgb.split(',')[1];
var color_b = color_rgb.split(',')[2];
//Create an emtyp array for the difference betwwen the colors
var differenceArray=[];
//Function to find the smallest value in an array
Array.min = function( array ){
return Math.min.apply( Math, array );
//Convert the HEX color in the array to RGB colors, split them up to R-G-B, then find out the difference between the "color" and the colors in the array
$.each(base_colors, function(index, value) {
var base_color_rgb = hex2rgb(value);
var base_colors_r = base_color_rgb.split(',')[0];
var base_colors_g = base_color_rgb.split(',')[1];
var base_colors_b = base_color_rgb.split(',')[2];
//Add the difference to the differenceArray
//Get the lowest number from the differenceArray
var lowest = Array.min(differenceArray);
//Get the index for that lowest number
var index = differenceArray.indexOf(lowest);
//Function to convert HEX to RGB
function hex2rgb( colour ) {
var r,g,b;
if ( colour.charAt(0) == '#' ) {
colour = colour.substr(1);
r = colour.charAt(0) + colour.charAt(1);
g = colour.charAt(2) + colour.charAt(3);
b = colour.charAt(4) + colour.charAt(5);
r = parseInt( r,16 );
g = parseInt( g,16 );
b = parseInt( b ,16);
return r+','+g+','+b;
//Return the HEX code
return base_colors[index];
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