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Last active October 22, 2019 14:45
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Backpropagation implementation in Python.
#Backpropagation algorithm written in Python by annanay25.
import string
import math
import random
class Neural:
def __init__(self, pattern):
# Lets take 2 input nodes, 3 hidden nodes and 1 output node.
# Hence, Number of nodes in input(ni)=2, hidden(nh)=3, output(no)=1.
# Now we need node weights. We'll make a two dimensional array that maps node from one layer to the next.
# i-th node of one layer to j-th node of the next.
self.wih = []
for i in range(
self.who = []
for j in range(self.nh):
# Now that weight matrices are created, make the activation matrices.
#, self.ah, = [],[],[][1.0]*
# To ensure node weights are randomly assigned, with some bounds on values, we pass it through randomizeMatrix()
# To incorporate momentum factor, introduce another array for the 'previous change'.
self.cih = []
self.cho = []
for i in range(
for j in range(self.nh):
# backpropagate() takes as input, the patterns entered, the target values and the obtained values.
# Based on these values, it adjusts the weights so as to balance out the error.
# Also, now we have M, N for momentum and learning factors respectively.
def backpropagate(self, inputs, expected, output, N=0.5, M=0.1):
# We introduce a new matrix called the deltas (error) for the two layers output and hidden layer respectively.
output_deltas = [0.0]*
for k in range(
# Error is equal to (Target value - Output value)
error = expected[k] - output[k]
# Change weights of hidden to output layer accordingly.
for j in range(self.nh):
for k in range(
delta_weight = self.ah[j] * output_deltas[k]
self.who[j][k]+= M*self.cho[j][k] + N*delta_weight
# Now for the hidden layer.
hidden_deltas = [0.0]*self.nh
for j in range(self.nh):
# Error as given by formule is equal to the sum of (Weight from each node in hidden layer times output delta of output node)
# Hence delta for hidden layer = sum (self.who[j][k]*output_deltas[k])
for k in range(
error+=self.who[j][k] * output_deltas[k]
# now, change in node weight is given by dsigmoid() of activation of each hidden node times the error.
hidden_deltas[j]= error * dsigmoid(self.ah[j])
for i in range(
for j in range(self.nh):
delta_weight = hidden_deltas[j] *[i]
self.wih[i][j]+= M*self.cih[i][j] + N*delta_weight
# Main testing function. Used after all the training and Backpropagation is completed.
def test(self, patterns):
for p in patterns:
inputs = p[0]
print 'For input:', p[0], ' Output -->', self.runNetwork(inputs), '\tTarget: ', p[1]
# So, runNetwork was needed because, for every iteration over a pattern [] array, we need to feed the values.
def runNetwork(self, feed):
print 'Error in number of input values.'
# First activate the ni-1 input nodes.
for i in range([i]=feed[i]
# Calculate the activations of each successive layer's nodes.
for j in range(self.nh):
for i in range([i]*self.wih[i][j]
# self.ah[j] will be the sigmoid of sum. # sigmoid(sum)
for k in range(
for j in range(self.nh):
# self.ah[k] will be the sigmoid of sum. # sigmoid(sum)[k]=sigmoid(sum)
def trainNetwork(self, pattern):
for i in range(500):
# Run the network for every set of input values, get the output values and Backpropagate them.
for p in pattern:
# Run the network for every tuple in p.
inputs = p[0]
out = self.runNetwork(inputs)
expected = p[1]
# End of class.
def randomizeMatrix ( matrix, a, b):
for i in range ( len (matrix) ):
for j in range ( len (matrix[0]) ):
# For each of the weight matrix elements, assign a random weight uniformly between the two bounds.
matrix[i][j] = random.uniform(a,b)
# Now for our function definition. Sigmoid.
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
# Sigmoid function derivative.
def dsigmoid(y):
return y * (1 - y)
def main():
# take the input pattern as a map. Suppose we are working for AND gate.
pat = [
[[0,0], [0]],
[[0,1], [1]],
[[1,0], [1]],
[[1,1], [1]]
newNeural = Neural(pat)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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I think 116: sum+=self.ah[j]*self.wih[j][k] should be sum+=self.ah[j]*self.who[j][k].

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I think you forgot to update # ...AND gate. to # ...OR gate.

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leannejdong commented Feb 12, 2019

what if you have two hidden layers? Could you edit your code for that?

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