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Last active December 31, 2015 01:09
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Sphero Workshop Outline
Sphero Workshop
The goal of the workshop is to introduce basic programming and logic concepts through fun activities with Sphero.
We use Ruby and Macrolab depending on age and prior programming experience. We have mobile devices (iPads, iPad minis, Nexus 7 tablets) to run the Macrolab application. We have Mac Books with Ruby 1.9.3 for Ruby programming with Sphero for older kids and those with more experience and/or interest in Ruby development.
With Macrolab, we want to:
* Execute a series of instructions
* Use a loop to see how we can execute a series of instructions some number of times
* Use a variable (memory) to set roll speed
With Ruby, we want to:
* Execute instructions in irb
* Execute instructions saved to a text file
* Use an if statement
* Use a loop
* Use a variable
With Ruby, for more advanced learners:
* Specify command-line options
* Randomize colors
* Encapsulation via methods and classes
The workshop is structured as a series of challenges with @gosphero videos interspersed. At the end we have final challenges.
* What's Spheros name?
* What environment will you be using for the workshop? Let's get oriented to Macrolab and irb/TextMate/Sublime
* Turn on Back LED
* Change Spheros color. This can be an opportunity to use a method and randomize the colors.
* Move Sphero in different directions. Learn how Sphero rolls and what the heading means.
* Move Sphero in a rectangle. Extend to other shapes. Add a draw class and/or method.
Final Challenges
These are activities that bring together the smaller challenges. Here are a sampling of ideas:
* Figure 8 race with coffee cans. This requires modifying the figure 8 macro in Macrolab, then having fun while we get a bunch of Spheros to race around the cans.
* Race around the room using another shape.
* Bowling with PVC pipes.
* Obstacle course.
Workshop Flow
* Start with introducing instructors and TAs, then the "coders" (the kids!).
* Go over rules of the workshop: listen, respect, have fun
* Alternate between activities and short Sphero videos. The purpose of the videos is to introduce Sphero, show how folks have had fun with Sphero, and show the internals of the Sphero.
* Have a snack break after about an hour.
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