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Last active September 22, 2016 22:22
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# get the recommendation if the recommendation button is hit
museumInput = eventReactive(input$recommend_btn,{
# get museum names and concatenate by ';'
museum_names = ""
for (m in input$selected_museum){
museum_names = paste(museum_names, m, sep = ';')
# pass the selected museum names into python to compute consine similarity
command_line = paste0('python "', museum_names, '"')
# read the sorted recommended museums generate from python
top_data = fromJSON(paste(readLines('sorted_suggestion.json'), collapse=""))
# This section is the server code for the map in "Museum Map" tab
# 1. output$map = renderLeaflet({ ....: create the defalt map
# 2. mapInput = eventReactive(input$go,... : filter the museums based on user selection
# 3. observe({... : re-create the map based on the observation above (filter options selected)
# create the default map without any options being selected
output$map = renderLeaflet({
# get the complete cases in the museum where there are latitude values (or else the leaflet won't work)
museum_complete = museum[which(!$Latitude)),]
leaflet(museum_complete) %>%
addProviderTiles("Stamen.Toner") %>% # 31.910864, -71.433555
setView(-71.433555,31.910864, zoom = 3) %>%
# customize the display for each marker on the amp
addCircleMarkers(~Langtitude, ~Latitude, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
fillColor = ~pal(Rating), fillOpacity = 0.7, stroke=FALSE,
popup = ~paste('<b><font color="#0a0a0a" size = "4">',MuseumName,'</font></b><font color="#595959"><br/>',
"<img src=", img_link, " width = 250px><br/>",
'Rating:',format(round(PreciseRating, 2), nsmall = 2),'<br/><br/>#',Rank, 'of ',
TotalThingsToDo,'things to do in this city<br/><br/>','Address:',Address,
'<br/><br/>','Description:','<br/>',Description, '</font>')) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~ museum_complete$Rating,
title = "Rating", opacity = 0.8)
# read user input to filter the museums
mapInput = eventReactive(input$go,{
# Note: if nothing is selected, just display the whole data
total_row = nrow(museum)
# get idx for museum type selected
if (is.null(input$museum_type)){
type_idx = c(1:total_row)
else {
target_name_master = c()
for (t in input$museum_type) {
target_name_master = append(target_name_master, type_data[t][[1]])
type_idx = which(as.character(museum$MuseumName) %in% target_name_master)
# get index for length of visit selected
if (is.null(input$visit_length)){
length_idx = c(1:total_row)
else {
length_idx = which(museum$LengthOfVisit %in% input$visit_length)
# get index for 'good for' & 'other option' selected
if (is.null(input$good_for) & is.null(input$other_option)){
idx_checked = c(1:total_row)
else {
idx_checked = c()
check_list = c(input$good_for, input$other_option)
for (item in check_list) {
idx = which(museum[,item] == 1)
idx_checked = append(idx_checked, idx)
if("free.admission" %in% input$other_option){
idx = which(museum[, "free.entry"] == 1)
idx_checked = append(idx_checked, idx)
idx_to_add= which(museum$Fee == 'No ')
idx_checked = append(idx_checked, idx_to_add)
idx_to_remove = which(museum$Fee == 'Yes ')
idx_checked = idx_checked[! idx_checked %in% idx_to_remove]
# find intersect of idx
idx_final = intersect(type_idx, length_idx)
idx_final = intersect(idx_final, idx_checked)
# get new museum dataframe based on selected index
new_museum = museum[idx_final,]
# generate a new map based on user selection on the filter
# observe the user selection to filter the museums that satisfy the criteria
new_museum = mapInput()
museum_complete = new_museum[which(!$Latitude)),]
leafletProxy("map", data = museum_complete) %>%
clearMarkerClusters() %>%
addCircleMarkers(~Langtitude, ~Latitude, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions(),
fillColor = ~pal(Rating), fillOpacity = 0.7, stroke = FALSE,
popup = ~paste('<b><font color="#0a0a0a" size = "4">',MuseumName,'</font></b><font color="#595959"><br/>',
"<img src=", img_link, " width = 250px><br/>",
'Rating:',format(round(PreciseRating, 2), nsmall = 2),'<br/><br/>#',Rank, 'of ',
TotalThingsToDo,'things to do in this city<br/><br/>','Address:',Address,
'<br/><br/>','Description:','<br/>',Description, '</font>'))
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