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Last active August 20, 2016 19:12
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## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
## Random Forest ##
## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
# subset training and testing datasets
train_idx = sample(1:nrow(rf_model_df), 8*nrow(rf_model_df)/10)
tree_train = rf_model_df[train_idx,]
tree_test = rf_model_df[-train_idx,]
# find the best mtry
tuneRF(tree_train[,-2], tree_train[,2], stepFactor=1.5) # note that the default ntreeTry is 50 instead of 500 for tuneRF()
# mtry OOBError
# 3 3 292.5267
# 4 4 283.6540 <- this mtry is picked since it has lowest OOBError
# 6 6 286.6532
fit_500 = randomForest(participant_count~., data = tree_train,
importance = TRUE, mtry = 4) # default: ntree = 500
# check which variable is more important in our model
varImpPlot(fit_500, main = "Variable Importance Plot")
# predict the number of participant with our random forest model
prediction = predict(fit_500, tree_test)
mean((as.numeric(prediction) - tree_test$participant_count)^2)
# MSE is 225.7062
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