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Last active June 28, 2017 22:36
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TheHappieCat: Reversing Linked Lists
// Example program
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct Node {
int data;
Node* next;
Node* create_node(int node_data){
//Create the node.
Node* n = new Node();
//Set the data.
n->data = node_data;
return n;
//Create a new node and set the inputted node's next pointer
//to the new node. Returns a reference to the new node.
Node* push_node(Node* curr, int node_data){
if(curr == NULL){
return NULL;
Node* n = create_node(node_data);
//Set the next pointer of the current node to the new node.
curr->next = n;
return n;
//Creates a linked list with the number of nodes equal to the inputted size.
//Node data is set to 0, 1, 2, ... through "N" sequentially.
//Returns a reference to the head of the list.
Node* create_linked_list(int size){
if(size < 1){
return NULL;
Node* head = create_node(0);
Node* curr = head;
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++){
curr = push_node(curr, i);
return head;
void print_linked_list(Node* head){
Node* curr = head;
while(curr != NULL){
std::cout << curr->data;
curr = curr->next;
std::cout << std::endl;
void reverse_list(Node* head){
//Your code here.
int main()
Node* head = create_linked_list(10);
//You should see: 0123456789
//You should see: 9876543210
return 0;
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RomaniaHate commented Feb 14, 2017

Avoiding Node** almost like your implementation but checking 1 step further

void reverse_list(Node* head){
 //Your code here.
 if(head->next == NULL) return;
 Node* current = new Node();
 current->next = head->next;
 current->data = head->data;

 Node* previous = NULL;
 Node* next = NULL;

 while(current->next !=NULL){
 	next  = current->next;
 	current->next = previous;
 	previous = current;
 	current = next;

 head->next = previous;
 head->data = current->data; 
 delete current;

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ArcadeLove commented Feb 15, 2017

Here is my solution, I think is not the best but at least it works...

void reverse_list(Node* head){
	if(head != NULL){
 		int i, *val, n;
 		Node* curr = head;
 		for(i=0; curr != NULL ;i++)
        	curr = curr->next;
 		curr = head;
  		val = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
 		for(i=n-1; i>=0; i--){
                     curr= curr->next;
 		curr = head;
 		for(i=0; i<n; i++){
                     curr->data = val[i];
                     curr = curr -> next;

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Scipi commented Feb 17, 2017

In a way, this would technically work, but you'd have to keep the tail beforehand to make the new head. Or modify the call to return the new head.

// Linked list is flipped, but we lose the head so we'll create a sub-function for it and move some stuff around in memory to work things out
// This will modify memory locations of the nodes/their data
void reverse_list(Node* head){
    static Node*(*rev_)(Node*) = [](Node* head)->Node*{
        if(!head || !head->next) return head;
        Node* new_head = rev_(head->next);
        head->next->next = head;
        head->next = nullptr;
        return new_head;
    // At the end the head and new head need to be swapped. We must also not disconnect the old head
    Node* new_head = rev_(head->next);
    if(!new_head) return;
    // Now rewire the two ends
    head->next->next = new_head; // head and new_head will swap soon, so point this node to where head's going to be
    head->next = nullptr;
    Node temp = *head;
    *head = *new_head;
    *new_head = temp;

//Or, if we can modify the call directly:
Node* reverse_list(Node* head){
    if(!head || ! return head;
    Node* new_head = reverse_list(;>next = head; = nullptr;
    return new_head;

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Noble-Mushtak commented Feb 19, 2017

@lucaslugao I also kept the original method signature, but I think mine is a bit simpler:

void reverse_list(Node* head){
    if (head != NULL && head->next != NULL) {
        Node *prev = NULL, *cur = head, *next, *store = head->next;
        while (cur != NULL) {
            next = cur->next;
            cur->next = prev;
            prev = cur;
            cur = next;
        Node storeNode = *head;
        *head = *prev;
        *prev = storeNode;
        store->next = prev;

Commented Solution

However, I think @Snaipe's solution is best.

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It took me 2 hours to do:

#include <utility> // std::swap
void reverse_list(Node*& head){
    using std::swap;

    if  ( !head ) return;
    Node*& node = head;
    Node*  next = head->next;
    node-> next = nullptr; // tail
    while( next )
        swap( next->next, node ),
        swap( next, node );

First version:

#include <utility> // std::swap
void reverse_list(Node* head){    /* reverse_list(Node* & head) // ?!          */
                                  /* Reference would make everything easier... */
    // My code here:
    // This code is not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
    Node* old_head = head;       /* This can be deleted if 'head' argument is passed by reference */
    Node* old_next = head->next; /* This can be deleted if 'head' argument is passed by reference */

    using std::swap;

    // some border cases:
    if ( !head ) return;
    if ( !head->next ) return;
    if ( !head->next->next ) {
        swap( head->next, head->next->next );

    // work really starts here:
    Node*& node = head;
    Node*  next = head->next;
    node-> next = nullptr; // tail
    do {
        swap( next->next, node );
        swap( next, node );
    } while ( next );
    // 'head' is new head now

    /* 'head' in 'main' function is still pointing to 'old_head',
       because 'head' is passed by value, not by reference.
       so... moving new head to place where old head was, is required.  */
    swap( *old_head, *head );

    /* also 'next' pointer in one node before tail, needs 're-pointing' */
    old_next->next = head; // 'head' is really pointing to tail of new linked list

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Renari commented Feb 20, 2017

void reverse_list(Node*& head) {
	int numberOfNodes = 0;
	Node* curr = head;
	while (curr != NULL) {
		curr = curr->next;
	curr = head;
	for (int i = numberOfNodes - 1; i > 0; i--) {
		Node* insertLocation = curr;
		for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
			insertLocation = insertLocation->next;
		Node* temp = curr->next;
		curr->next = insertLocation->next;
		insertLocation->next = curr;
		curr = temp;
	head = curr;

Looking at other solutions this seems horrible.

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void reverse_list(Node*& head) {
  if (!head) return;

  auto cur  = head;
  Node*prev = nullptr;

  while (cur->next) {
    std::swap(prev, cur->next);
    std::swap(cur, prev);
  std::swap(cur->next, prev);
  head = cur;

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@cdacamar Your solution is similar to mine.
Even "value-flow" is EXACTLY the same...
void reverse_list(Node*& head) { /* */ }


    if  ( !head ) return;
    Node*& node = head;
    Node*  next = head->next;
    node-> next = nullptr; // tail
    while( next )
        swap( next->next, node ),
        swap( next, node );

and yours:

  if (!head) return;

  auto cur  = head;
  Node*prev = nullptr;

  while (cur->next) {
    std::swap(prev, cur->next);
    std::swap(cur, prev);
  std::swap(cur->next, prev);
  head = cur;

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rabadit commented Feb 27, 2017

void reverse_list(Node** head){

//Your code here.
Node* prev=NULL;
Node* curr=head;
while(curr != NULL){
// std::cout << curr->data;
nex = curr->next;
prev= curr;
curr = nex;


// the pointer issue was the last boss fight if you know what I mean

} // abadi

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@MajsterTynek I was just making a solution I would have written for an interview. I suppose I could have opted for a more esoteric solution...

namespace std {

void swap(std::reference_wrapper<int> lhs, std::reference_wrapper<int> rhs) {
  swap(lhs.get(), rhs.get());


void reverse_list(Node*& head){
  std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<int>> v;
  auto node = head;
  while (node) {
    node = node->next;
  std::reverse(std::begin(v), std::end(v));

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