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ERun Cheatsheet: for use with "cheat" (


Check the validity of a XML file ref. the data model

ERun ST_DataModelTools CheckXML -p product.xml [-v ${DATAMODEL_VERSION}]

This tool analyzes types and namespaces links inside datamodel. It proposes a json output and a neo4j ingestion to visualize graph (a database must be available). The user can also add procedures of his own choice to handle the database.

ERun ST_DataModelTools ST_DM_Analyzer {path_to_schema} --json {json_output_dir}

Provides help to developers to build FITS filenames according to the naming rules. As its own name indicates this tool is a filename generator, but it can also be used as filename checker.

ERun ST_DataModelTools ST_DM_FilenameProvider --dataproduct_name TESTELEMENTS --instance_id INSTANCE --release 01.20 --pf SHE

# - —dataproduct_name - DataProduct naming including as examples:
#   - Instrument (VIS/NIR/SIR) 
# - —instance_id - Instance Id embedding specific parameters of the data
#                  product such as /Spatial localization/ProcessingParameters
# - —release - the release number which must be like XX.XX of this regular
#              expression: ^[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}$
# - —pf - the name of the Processing Function (SHE, MER, NIR…)

This module aims to get a specific Mission DataBase Parameter from a XML file. It returns in the logs the value of the attribute for every parameters in the XML file

ERun ST_DataModelTools ST_DM_MDBTools -x <file/path> -p <list> <of> <parameters> -a <list> <of> <attributes>

# - -x, –xml_path  - The path to the XML file input
# - -p, –parameter - The list of parameters to get from the XML
#                   file
# - -a, –attribute - The list of attributes to get from the XML
#                   file corresponding to the parameter


What are these steps for?
Many commands require the specification of both the user credentials and other important information for correctly routing PPOs and other plans to the correct computation centers with the correct environment. The following steps will create a user configuration file that will be inherited by all of the subsequent commands to get rid of the need for manually supplying these specifications for each command. If you choose to follow the following steps, note that anywhere you see the following flags specified they are unnecessary as they will be inherited from the generated cofiguration file.

# Authentification:
# --username USERNAME   EAS username
# --password PASSWORD   EAS password
# EAS-DPS configuration:
#                         EAS project
# --env {dev,integration,ops,test}
#                         EAS environment
# EAS-DSS configuration:
# --sdc {SDC-XX,...}
#                         SDC used to store and retrieve files

1. Setup:

> .bashrc

alias archive-cli="ERun ST_Operations ST_ArchiveClient"

echo 'alias archive-cli="ERun ST_Operations ST_ArchiveClient"' >> ~/.bashrc

2. Configure credentials:

archive-cli config set user name <username>
archive-cli config set user password <password>

3. Configuring the environment:

archive-cli config set eas project <project> # (e.g. TEST)
archive-cli config set eas environment <env> # (e.g. ops)
archive-cli config set dss sdc <sdc-name> # (e.g. SDC-US)

Download a data product and its attached data files

archive-cli --with-files eas get --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids> [ --files-include '.*PSF.*' ]

Retrieve a single file from the DSS

archive-cli dss get <filename>

Upload a file or directory to the EAS

archive-cli --with-files [ --data-dir <path/to/data> ] [ --skip-duplicates ] eas store <path/to/file/or/directory>

Upload a file or directory to the DSS

archive-cli dss store <path/to/file/or/directory>

Check data files availability

archive-cli tools check --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Update the ManualValidationStatus header attribute.

archive-cli eas validate --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids> 
archive-cli eas invalidate --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Update the +PRIVILEGES context attribute.

archive-cli eas publish --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Update the ToBePublished header attribute.

archive-cli eas mark-sas-internal --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>
archive-cli eas mark-sas-public --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Mark data products metadata for deletion.

archive-cli eas delete --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Cancel deletion.

archive-cli eas cancel-deletion --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Confirm deletion.

archive-cli eas confirm-deletion --type <paramers> --id <one> <or> <multiple> <product> <ids>

Clone a PPO workdir

archive-cli tools clone <ppo-id>

Find tile indices whose EXT cutouts are missing

archive-cli tools find-missing-cutouts <file_of_tiles_to_check.txt> > <output_tiles_without_cutouts.txt>


Clone and Run PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_CloneAndRunPPOs --ppos <ppo_ids> --plans <plan_ids> [--sdcs <sdcs>] [--suffix <suffix>] [--fixed-dsr] [--ingest] [--no-valid] [--max-ingest <max_ingest>] --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>

# - <ppo_ids> is the space-separated list of: original PPO IDs, local PPO xmls,
#             files containing lists of PPO IDs and/or PPO xmls;
# - <plan_ids> is the space-separated list of original plan IDs.
# - <sdcs> is a space-separated list of target SDCs, or a space-separated list 
#          of target SDCs with others to avoid cloning to the SDC of the original 
#          PPO even if it is in the list, or same to keep the input PPO SDC, or
#          all to generate one PPO per SDC, test to generate one PPO per Test SDC,
#          prod to generate one PPO per Production SDC, or others (default) to 
#          generate one PPO per SDC of the same group (Test or Production) which 
#          is not that of the input PPO;
# - <suffix> is the suffix to be appended to relevant nodes (see detailed description).
# - --fixed-dsr not append the provided suffix to the DataSetRelease field.
# - --ingest to ingest clones into configured EAS
# - --no-valid to not valid local XMLs against DataModel
# - <max_ingest> maximum number of clones to ingest before a confirmation was asked to user
# - <OUTPUT_DIR> is folder where PPOs are retrieved and cloned (must not exist, script will create it)

Compute hardware requirements

ERun ST_Operations ST_ComputeProcessingBudget <profiling_file>

Query the statuses of the given Plans:

ERun ST_Operations ST_QueryStatus <plan_ids> --plans <plan_status_output>

Query the statuses of the given Plans and associated PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_QueryStatus <plan_ids> --plans <plan_status_output> --ppos <ppo_status_output>

Query the statuses of the given PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_QueryStatus <ppo_ids> --ppos <ppo_status_output>

Building a PPO:

Step 1: Render Plans

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans <context> --plan-dir <plan_dir>

# - <context> is the path to the said configuration file
# - <plan_dir> is the path to the rendered Plans directory

Steps 2 & 3: Ingest Plan and create PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans --plan-dir <plan_dir> --ingest

Step 4 (optional): Retrieve the PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans --plan-dir <plan_dir> --ppo-dir <ppo_dir>

Step 5: Allocate Plans and PPOs

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans --plan-dir <plan_dir> --allocate

End-to-end runs

1. From Plan rendering to PPO triggering:

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans <context> --plan-dir <plan_dir> --ingest --allocate

2. From Plan rendering to PPO retrieval (no triggering):

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans <context> --plan-dir <plan_dir> --ingest --ppo-dir <ppo_dir>

Extract the plan identifiers in a text file

ERun ST_Operations ST_RenderAndRunPlans <context> --plan-dir <plan_dir> --plan-ids <plan_ids>

Infrastructure Configuration

Reporting configuration to the Euclid network

ERun ST_Operations ST_ReportInfraConfig --help

# usage: ST_ReportInfraConfig [-h]
#                             [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
#                             [--project {EUCLID,TEST}]
#                             [--env {ops,test}]
#                             [--params {CONFIG_SDCSPECIFIC CVMFS_SERVER ...}]
#                             [--report-format {redmine,stdout}]
# Monitor infra configuration of Euclid SDCs
# optional arguments:
# --username USERNAME               EAS username
# --password PASSWORD               EAS password
# --project {EUCLID or TEST}        EAS project
# --env {ops or test}               EAS environment
# --params {CONFIG_SDCSPECIFIC CVMFS_SERVER ...}     additional parameter names, extends default names
# --report-format {redmine,stdout}  Report output format, defaults to 'redmine'

The purpose of this utility is to compare the resources needed to run a PF and defined in the package definition (PackageDef) with the available resources in the SDCs defined with the pilots.

ERun ST_Operations ST_ComparePkgDefWithPilots --help

# usage: ST_ComparePkgDefWithPilots [-h]
#                             [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
#                             [--project {EUCLID,TEST}]
#                             [--env {ops,test}]
#                             [--pkg PACKAGE_DEF_FILE]
# Compare package definition resources to infra pilots
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help            show this help message and exit
# Authentication:
# --username USERNAME   EAS username
# --password PASSWORD   EAS password
# EAS-DPS configuration:
# --project {EUCLID,TEST}   EAS project
# --env {ops,test}          EAS environment
# Input configuration:
# --pkg PACKAGE_DEF_FILE    Path to the package definition file

The purpose of this utility is to get an overview of the production status. It takes as input a set of processing plans, and outputs statistics about the processing orders whose parent plan belongs to this set.

ERun ST_Operations ST_ReportProductionStatus --help

# usage: ST_ReportProductionStatus [-h]
#                                 [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
#                                 [--project {ALL,DMTEST,EUCLID,INFRATEST,TEST}]
#                                 [--env {dev,integration,ops,test}]
#                                 [--sdc {SDC-XX,...}]
#                                 [--include-sdc INCLUDE_SDC [INCLUDE_SDC ...]]
#                                 [--include-sdc-prod]
#                                 [--datetime-start-after DATETIME_START_AFTER]
#                                 [--datetime-end-before DATETIME_END_BEFORE]
#                                 [--output OUTPUT]
#                                 [--report-format {csv,html,txt,none} [{csv,html,txt,none} ...]]
#                                 [--img-format {png,svg} [{png,svg} ...]]
#                                 [--with-plots]
#                                 [--commit]
#                                 plans [plans ...]
# Monitor Euclid SGS production status
# Optional arguments:
# -h, --help            show this help message and exit
# Authentification:
# --username USERNAME   EAS username
# --password PASSWORD   EAS password
# EAS-DPS configuration:
#                         EAS project
# --env {dev,integration,ops,test}
#                         EAS environment
# EAS-DSS configuration:
# --sdc {SDC-XX,...}
#                         SDC used to store and retrieve files
# Input configuration:
# plans                 processing plan identifiers or local files containing them
# --include-sdc INCLUDE_SDC [INCLUDE_SDC ...]
#                         list of SDC to include in the report, defaults to all
# --include-sdc-prod    include production SDCs in the report
# --datetime-start-after DATETIME_START_AFTER
#                         only consider PPOs whose start date is after this date
# --datetime-end-before DATETIME_END_BEFORE
#                         only consider PPOs whose end date is before this date
# Output configuration:
# --output OUTPUT       directory where output files are written to
# --report-format {csv,html,txt,none} [{csv,html,txt,none} ...]
#                         report output format, defaults to html
# --img-format {png,svg} [{png,svg} ...]
#                         images output format, defaults to svg
# --with-plots, --no-plots
#                         create statistics plots, defaults to true
# --commit              store generated report in the EAS

The purpose of this utility is to group self calibration pointings in a pattern similar to the Reference Observation Sequence (ROS). These groups can then be used as context values for the plan renderer.

ERun ST_Operations ST_GenerateSelfcalGroups --help

# usage: ST_GenerateSelfcalGroups [--port PORT] [--attr ATTR] [--template TEMPLATE] [--kv [KV ...]] [--output OUTPUT]
# Generate plan renderer context values for grouping PV-001 dithers as ROS-like observations
# optional arguments:
# --port PORT           name of the plan port to render, defaults to 'raw_frame'
# --attr ATTR           attribute path to the commanded pointing, defaults to 'Data.CommandedFPAPointing'
# --template TEMPLATE   name of template variable to render, defaults to 'ROS_like_selection'
# --kv [KV ...]         additional context key-value parameters
# --output OUTPUT       output context file, defaults to standard output
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