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Created April 16, 2023 12:03
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[F]Start inject dll ...
[F]Successfully inject dll!
Try connect localhost:24444 ...
analyze: Factorio.exe
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_addlstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_addstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_addvalue
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_argerror
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_buffinit
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_buffinitsize
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_callmeta
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkany
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkinteger
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checklstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checknumber
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkoption
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkstack
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checktype
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkudata
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkunsigned
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_checkversion_
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_error
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_execresult
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_fileresult
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_getmetafield
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_getsubtable
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_gsub
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_len
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_loadbufferx
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_loadfilex
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_loadstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_newmetatable
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_newstate
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_openlib
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_openlibs
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_optinteger
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_optlstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_optnumber
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_optunsigned
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_prepbuffsize
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_pushmodule
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_pushresult
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_pushresultsize
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_ref
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_requiref
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_setfuncs
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_setmetatable
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_testudata
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_tolstring
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_traceback
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_unref
[B]Lua symbol: luaL_where
[B]Lua symbol: lua_absindex
[B]Lua symbol: lua_arith
[B]Lua symbol: lua_atpanic
[B]Lua symbol: lua_callk
[B]Lua symbol: lua_checkstack
[B]Lua symbol: lua_close
[B]Lua symbol: lua_compare
[B]Lua symbol: lua_concat
[B]Lua symbol: lua_copy
[B]Lua symbol: lua_createtable
[B]Lua symbol: lua_dump
[B]Lua symbol: lua_error
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gc
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getallocf
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getctx
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getfield
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getglobal
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gethook
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gethookcount
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gethookmask
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getinfo
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getlocal
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getmetatable
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getstack
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gettable
[B]Lua symbol: lua_gettop
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getupvalue
[B]Lua symbol: lua_getuservalue
[B]Lua symbol: lua_insert
[B]Lua symbol: lua_iscfunction
[B]Lua symbol: lua_isnumberorstringconvertabletonumber
[B]Lua symbol: lua_isstringornumberconvertabletostring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_isuserdata
[B]Lua symbol: lua_len
[B]Lua symbol: lua_load
[B]Lua symbol: lua_newstate
[B]Lua symbol: lua_newthread
[B]Lua symbol: lua_newuserdata
[B]Lua symbol: lua_next
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pcallk
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushboolean
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushcclosure
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushfstring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushinteger
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushlightuserdata
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushlstring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushnil
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushnumber
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushstring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushthread
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushunsigned
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushvalue
[B]Lua symbol: lua_pushvfstring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawequal
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawget
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawgeti
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawgetp
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawlen
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawset
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawseti
[B]Lua symbol: lua_rawsetp
[B]Lua symbol: lua_remove
[B]Lua symbol: lua_replace
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setallocf
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setfield
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setglobal
[B]Lua symbol: lua_sethook
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setlocal
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setmetatable
[B]Lua symbol: lua_settable
[B]Lua symbol: lua_settop
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setupvalue
[B]Lua symbol: lua_setuservalue
[B]Lua symbol: lua_status
[B]Lua symbol: lua_toboolean
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tocfunction
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tointegerx
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tolstring
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tonumberx
[B]Lua symbol: lua_topointer
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tothread
[B]Lua symbol: lua_tounsignedx
[B]Lua symbol: lua_touserdata
[B]Lua symbol: lua_type
[B]Lua symbol: lua_typename
[B]Lua symbol: lua_upvalueid
[B]Lua symbol: lua_upvaluejoin
[B]Lua symbol: lua_version
[B]Lua symbol: lua_xmove
analyze: steam_api64.dll
analyze: gameoverlayrenderer64.dll
analyze: steamclient64.dll
analyze: vstdlib_s64.dll
analyze: tier0_s64.dll
analyze: MpOav.dll
analyze: Windows.UI.dll
Attached to lua state 0x19cb754c0e0
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