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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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# swap_grobs()
# a function to swap parts of the grobs between two very similar plot objects
# Data
df <- structure(list(Year = c(1950, 2013, 1950, 2013), Country = structure(c(1L,
1L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("France", "United States"), class = "factor"),
Category = c("Hourly minimum wage", "Hourly minimum wage",
"Hourly minimum wage", "Hourly minimum wage"), value = c(2.14,
9.43, 3.84, 7.25), variable = c("France (2013 euros)",
"France (2013 euros)", "United States (2013 dollars)", "United States (2013 dollars)"
), Unit = c("2013 euros", "2013 euros", "2013 dollars", "2013 dollars"
)), .Names = c("Year", "Country", "Category", "value", "variable",
"Unit"), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame")
# Libraries
library(plyr) # function rename
library(scales) # function alpha
# Colorful plots
p1 <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Year, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable, shape = variable)) +
geom_line(size = 3) +
geom_point(size = 10) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 1, colour = "green"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 1, colour = "green", linetype = "dotted")) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_line(size = 20, colour = "green")) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 20, colour = "green")) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 20, colour = "green")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("turquoise", "darkgreen")) +
xlab("xlab from plot 1") +
ylab("ylab from plot 1") +
ggtitle("title from plot 1") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1950, 2020, by = 10)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 10, by = 2)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("aquamarine", .05))) +
theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = "darkgreen", size = 6)) +
guides(colour = "legend", shape = "legend", guide_legend(title = "legend for plot 1", legend.position = c(.75, .25)))
p2 <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Year, y = value, group = variable, colour = variable, shape = variable)) +
geom_line(size = 3) +
geom_point(size = 10) +
theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 1, colour = "red"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 1, colour = "red", linetype = "dotted")) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_line(size = 20, colour = "red")) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 20, colour = "red")) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 20, colour = "red")) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("darkorange", "violet")) +
xlab("xlab from plot 2") +
ylab("ylab from plot 2") +
ggtitle("title from plot 2") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1960, 2020, by = 20)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 10, by = 1)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = alpha("lightpink", .05))) +
theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = "darkred", size = 6)) +
guides(colour = "legend", shape = "legend", guide_legend(title = "legend for plot 2", legend.position = c(.25, .75)))
### function swap_grobs
swap_grobs <- function(from, to, what) {
### description
## access the grobs of 2 plots and swaps elements
## currently supports: panel, background, border, left axis, bottom axis,
## left labels, bottom labels, plot title, data points, data lines, legend
## to be extended to deal with vertical/horizontal gridlines separately
## and maybe to separate ticks from labels
### package dependencies
### argument processing
# make shorter names
g1 <- from
g2 <- to
# (1) define first level grobs
# treat axis-l and axis-b separately (see below)
## g1[["layout"]]$name
## [1] "background" "axis-l" "spacer" "panel"
## [5] "axis-b" "xlab" "ylab" "title"
args_list_1 <- c("background", "spacer", "panel", "xlab", "ylab",
"title", "guide-box")
# (2) define second level grobs / panel
## names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
## "panel")]][["children"]])
## [1] "grill.gTree.1309" "GRID.polyline.1294"
## [3] "geom_point.points.1296" "panel.border.zeroGrob.1297"
args_list_2 <- c("grill.gTree", "GRID.polyline",
"geom_points.points", "panel.border")
# (3) define second level grobs / axis-b and axis-l
# to get to the axis line and labels for axis-l and axis-b, go deeper:
# use the axis-l and axis-b names but treat these cases separately
# make a swap at the level of the children
# explore second level grobs / axis-l + axis-b
## names(g2$grobs[[which(g2$layout$name ==
## "axis-l")]]$children[["axis"]])
## [1] "grobs" "layout" "widths" "heights" "respect"
## [6] "rownames" "colnames" "name" "gp" "vp"
## names(g2$grobs[[which(g2$layout$name == "axis-l")]]$children)
## [1] "axis.line.y.zeroGrob.2379" "axis"
args_list_3 <- c("axis-l", "axis-b")
# (4) define second level grobs / grill
# to get the horizontal and vertical gridlines separately, go deeper:
# PROBLEM: DOES NOT WORK, to be investigated
## Warning message:
## In g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
## "panel")]][["children"]][grepl("grill", :
## number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
## g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
## "panel")]][["children"]][grepl("grill",
## names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
## "panel")]][["children"]]))]$grill$children
## (rect[panel.background.rect.3414],
## polyline[panel.grid.minor.y.polyline.3416],
## polyline[panel.grid.minor.x.polyline.3418],
## polyline[panel.grid.major.y.polyline.3420],
## polyline[panel.grid.major.x.polyline.3422])
args_list_4 <- c("panel.grid.major.x", "panel.grid.major.y",
"panel.grid.minor.x", "panel.grid.minor.y")
# define mapping from user-level synonyms to valid names
rename_args_list <- c(
# plot title
"plot.title" = "title",
# left axis (including labels and ticks)
"axis.left" = "axis-l",
"axis.y" = "axis-l",
# bottom axis (including labels and ticks)
"axis.bottom" = "axis-b",
"axis.x" = "axis-b",
# axis titles
"axis.title.x" = "xlab",
"axis.title.y" = "ylab",
# axis tickmarks: To Do... maybe some day!
"axis.ticks.x" = "",
"axis.ticks.y" = "",
# gridlines (including major & minor, x & y)
"grill" = "grill.gTree",
"gridlines" = "grill.gTree",
"panel.grid" = "grill.gTree",
# horizontal & vertical gridlines:
"grid.major.x" = "panel.grid.major.x",
"grid.major.y" = "panel.grid.major.y",
"grid.minor.x" = "panel.grid.minor.x",
"grid.minor.y" = "panel.grid.minor.y",
# data geom_line
"polyline" = "GRID.polyline",
"geom_line" = "GRID.polyline",
"lines" = "GRID.polyline",
# data geom_points
"points" = "geom_points.points",
"geom_points" = "geom_points.points",
# panel border
"border" = "panel.border",
# legend
"legend" = "guide-box",
"guides" = "guide-box"
# make list of accepted synonyms from mapping
args_list_synonyms <- names(rename_args_list)
# make full list of arguments, all levels, including synonyms
args_list <- c(args_list_1, args_list_2, args_list_3, args_list_4, args_list_synonyms)
# rename synonyms to 'under the hood' gtable name
rename_args <- function(x) {
names(x) <- x
full <- match(names(x), args_list)
names(x)[!] <- args_list[full[!]]
plyr::rename(x, rename_args_list, warn_missing = FALSE)
# make a valid name from user input
what <- rename_args(what)
### Define replacements at first and second level
# Replace 1 element of g2 grob with corresponding element of g1 grob
# first level of nesting
if (names(what) %in% args_list_1) {
g2[["grobs"]][grepl(what, g2[["grobs"]])] <-
g1[["grobs"]][grepl(what, g1[["grobs"]])]
level <- 1 # debug
# second level of nesting
else if (names(what) %in% args_list_2) {
g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
"panel")]][["children"]]))] <-
g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
level <- 2 # debug
# second level of nesting / axis-l + axis-b children
else if (names(what) %in% args_list_3) {
g2$grobs[[which(g2$layout$name == what)]]$children[["axis"]] <-
g1$grobs[[which(g1$layout$name == what)]]$children[["axis"]]
level <- 3 # debug
# second level of nesting / panel.grid.major.x, .y, .minor, etc.
else if (names(what) %in% args_list_4) {
g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
"panel")]][["children"]]))]$grill$children))] <-
g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
names(g1[["grobs"]][[which(g1[["layout"]][, "name"] ==
level <- 4 # debug
# return(paste("swapping", what, "in level", level)) # debug
### Explore the grobs with function swap_grobs
g1 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1))
g2 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p2))
# Test the following possibilities (and a few more):
## "background", "panel", "panel.border", "guides"
## "xlab", "ylab", "title"
## "axis.x", "axis.y",
## "gridlines", "geom_points", "geom_line"
# define a convenient shortcut <- function(x) { grid.newpage(); grid.draw(x) } = g1, to = g2, what = "grill")), g2, "background")), g2, "panel"))
# [don't know what spacer is!], g2, "spacer")), g2, "axis-l")), g2, "axis-b")), g2, "xlab")), g2, "ylab")), g2, "title")), g2, "grill")), g2, "panel.border")), g2, "panel.grid.major.x")), g2, "panel.grid.minor.y"))
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This is preliminary, exploratory and completely stupid.

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function swap_grobs() can swap the following:
## "background", "panel", "panel.border", "guides"
## "xlab", "ylab", "title"
## "axis.x", "axis.y",
## "gridlines", "geom_points", "geom_line"

but it fails with this:, g2, "panel.grid.major.x"))
Warning message:
In g2[["grobs"]][[which(g2[["layout"]][, "name"] == "panel")]][["children"]][grepl("grill", :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

To be continued (maybe)...

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