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Created July 11, 2015 22:55
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import java.util.*;
public class main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Printing out to console
System.out.print("Hey!"); // Print on the same line
System.out.println("Hi!"); // Print on the next line
// Variables
Scanner scannnnnner = new Scanner(; // Creating objects
int age = 4; // built-in (int, double, String, Boolean)
String myName = "Bob";
String hisName = "stupid";
int hisAge = 678;
boolean amIHungry = true;
// Incremental shortcuts
int i = 0;
i++; // add one to i
i--; // Subtract by one
i+=10; // add whatever number (works with other operands (*, / , -)
// If/else (logic)
if (age == hisAge) { // If primitives are equal
System.out.println("They're equal!");
} else if (age > (2 * hisAge)) { // greater than (also > < >= <=)
System.out.println("I'm older! I think...");
} else if (myName.equals(hisName)){ // comparing Strings
System.out.println("He is me and I am him.");
} else if (amIHungry){ // boolean
System.out.println("Get me a sammich.");
} else if (amIHungry || hisAge > age) { // or
System.out.println("I have conflicting emotions.");
} else if(amIHungry && hisAge > age) { // and
System.out.println("I have conflicting emotions.");
} else if (amIHungry ^ hisAge > age) { // exclusive or (only one can be true) aka XOR
System.out.println("I have conflicting emotions.");
} else {
System.out.println("i r ded.");
// Scanner (reading in from console/textfile)
// Make sure to input java.util.Scanner
Scanner scan = new Scanner(; // Create Scanner instance
System.out.println("Greeting adventurer! What is your name sir/madam?");
String userName = scan.nextLine(); // Read in next line
System.out.println("Hello " + userName + "!"); // Do something with captured input (String)
System.out.println("How old are you?");
int userAge = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("I see you are " + Integer.toString(userAge) + " years old!"); // Convert captured int to string so we can concatenate it...
// text file input
// Make sure to import and
File textDocument = new File("textdoc.txt");
try {
Scanner scanText = new Scanner(textDocument);
// Print out every line of file
while(scan.hasNextLine()) {
} catch(FileNotFoundException e) { // import
System.out.println("Cannot find text doc.");
// For/while loops
// For
for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++){ // Loop 100 times
System.out.println(j); // Print out j/do something with j
// While
int j = 0;
while(j < 100) { // Loop until condition is false
System.out.println(j); // Print j
j++; // Increment j by one
// do/while (run code at least once)
do {
} while (false);
// Arrays/ArrayList
// Arrays (static size)
// Declare with: Type[] name = new Type[size];
String[] stringArray = new String[5]; // String array with 5 slots
String[] stringArrayContainingStrings = {"hey", "there", "compadre"}; // Creating array with variables
// Array stuff
stringArray[0] = "newString"; // Set to new value at specified index
// ArrayLists
// Declare with: ArrayList<Type> name = new ArrayList<Type>();
List<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create empty ArrayList
// ArrayList methods
stringArrayList.add("myNameHere"); // Add object to ArrayList
stringArrayList.get(0); // Get the object in the first slot
stringArrayList.set(0, "newString"); // Set object at index to new value
stringArrayList.remove(0); // Remove object at specified index
// Compare arrays
// if(arrayOne.equals(arrayTwo))
// Iterating through arrays
for (int k = 0;k < stringArrayList.size(); k++) { // Get size of Array with array.length
System.out.println(stringArrayList.get(k)); // Print out every value of stringArrayList
// Set two ArrayLists equal to each other
// stringArrayList.set(k, otherArrayList.get(k));
// For arrays...
// ArrayOne[k] = ArrayTwo[k];
// Methods and Objects
// Methods
// Declare: (public/private) (static/[don't put static]) (returnType/void[for not returning anything]) methodName(arguments[ObjectType name]) {
// Calling: methodName(arguments);
// Method overloading
// You can have two methods with the same name, as long as they have different arguments
// ex. foo(a) and foo(a,b)
// Objects
// Declare constructor: public className(arguments) { <code> } // Notice className is returnType and name (and this is always static)
// Comments
// <-- comment out one line
/* comment
/* Where to go from here?
* Math class (from java.util.Math)
* Do your own projects! (abstracts, interfaces, libraries/packages, GUIs)
* Reading in from different files (JSON, CSV, etc.)
* Resources:
* Java Documentation (
* (Q/A programming website)
* Pick up more languages (ex. python, javascript, c++, ruby)
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