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Last active January 26, 2017 22:05
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#nina16 node interactive north america 2016

Keynote, Mikael Rogers

  • VM neutral node.js delivieries
  • still V8 as default VM shipped
  • high interest IBM/MS/google to get other VMs in to support devices/platforms
  • node security (Lift, Adam Baldwin)
  • move node-security to vendor-neutral project within node foundation

Express, Doug Wilson

  • node foundation project
  • features for v5
  • better query string/cookie handling
  • new route syntax (possibly breaking on some edge cases, migration guide to come)
  • native promise support in routing (basic support for ES2017 with async/await)
  • plans for more traceability/contribution (#SOCO)
  • stated goals
  • clear guidelines on how to become commiter/TC member etc
  • organization structure

Security, Realiability, Efficiency, Joe McCann nodesource

  • harden node projects for production with nsolid
  • docker, kubernetes, cloudfoundry support
  • google cp, aws (available in marketplace), azure
  • security policies to lock down specific versions
  • certified modules
  • check security vulnerabilities
  • permissive OS licenses

revolution powered by node, Andrew Hoyt IBM/StrongLoop

  • API all the things
  • restaurant menu with preorder
  • link tv recording/security cameras with vehicle GPS
  • node for serverless
  • lightweight, startup, IO oriented
  • slack bot to analyze language
  • slack API POSTs to serverless on message
  • picks up the slack API call and sends over to watson for analysis

node in enterprise & cloud, Jonathan Carter Microsoft

  • lot of node projects deployed on azure (serverless and appwise)
  • classical node arguments from customers
  • enables fast agile transformation
  • containers are standard artifact for deployment
  • VS code to provide seamless dev tool
  • integrated git, terminal, autocomplete..
  • typescript support, autoload typescript defs to support autocomplete
  • combined debugging of backend (node) frontend (ng, react) inside the editor

accelerate node adoption, David C. Stewart Intel

  • nodejs adoption by enterprise seems to be huge (keynotes by ibm, ms, intel..)
  • long experience on accelerating java applications
  • focus on monitoring/improving performance of node over time
  • canary approach
  • community centered approach

electron workshop

  • two seperate processes: renderer, main
  • most UI tasks in renderer process
  • main process used for FS and other priviledged ops
  • all modules exposed by require('electron')
  • electron.Application exposes lifecycle events

multimodal interaction

  • human computer interaction paired with feedback loops
  • allows orchestration of IO devices (modals)

service discovery, nearform

  • enterprise expectations (get perfect quality code) might break node and the ecosystem
  • components always need composability (chaining, generic APIs.., e.g. event streams)
  • µs communicate via messages (>websockets?)
  • HTTP calls inflict tight coupling of services
  • pattern matching instead of service discovery
  • link on message basis (messages as first class citizen)
  • SWIM pattern

serverless, steve

  • functions as a service
  • putting a complete app into serverless mode requires
  • routing as a service (express) > aws api gateway
  • function as a service (business logic)
  • aws lambda leading the pack (google cloud, ibm, azure)
  • assumption scaling in serverless brings less issues with it
  • pros
  • iteration on smaller code bases (functions instead of apps/microservices)
  • instant deployment
  • cost decrease from 2500 to 400 for bustle main event collector
  • risks
  • vendor lock in (who cares?)
  • max 5 min per task
  • testing
  • frameworks
  • claudia.js
  • apex (tjc)
  • shep
  • node-lambda

buzzword bingo

  • cloud native
  • developers own the whole lifecycle of their app (dev, qa, ops)
  • more than technology (team setup, processes, culture)

machine learning using node

  • incremental learning instead of batch learning
  • potential problems: regression, clustering, classification


  • non human traffic
  • 2013 = 51%
  • 2014 = 61% :OO

best practices for typescript @ node

  • interfaces define types of an object
  • object has to look exactly the same, no additional/missing props
  • classes can implement interfaces and extend it (also private props/methods)
  • benefits
  • reduce typos (meh)
  • reduce refactoring mistakes (missing one function call somewhere..)
  • best scenario to use ts
  • big teams
  • big projects (refactoring impact is reduced/limited by TS)
  • OOP background devs
  • typescript 2.0 released with easier node integration
  • going to lower versions TS > ES6 > (babel) > ES5
  • type definitions for third party module available via scoped @typed package

secure node code,

  • most app code comes from ext dependencies
  • 14% of npm packages have vulnerabilities
  • regex can block the process if patterns have multiple possible matches, long strings take ages to validate
  • demo:
  • whitelist instead of blacklist
  • most exploits happen via third party packages


  • crypto obscures data in a way that makes it expensive to duplicate/decode
  • increase entropy with salts or init vectors (IV)
  • CBC (cipher block chaining) instead of electronic cookbook encryption
  • key derivation for password hashes (md5, sha outdated with todays processing power)
  • minimum of 2048 key size (for now..)
  • stick with official C libraries or node core

morality of code

  • moral consequences of someone reading/using my code
  • state intent in project descriptions
  • limit usage via licenses (collides with open source idea - open to everyone even military)

node at gcp

  • machine learning toolset on gcp
  • make ML accessable to everyone
  • user centered apps with multi
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