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Last active January 11, 2018 11:11
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#lang racket/base
(define costfunction
(lambda (stg freisms kostenprosms x)
(+ (- stg ( * freisms kostenprosms)) (* kostenprosms x) )
(define EPS 1e-3)
;f = function, a = start value 1 b = start value 2 n = iterations
(define (bisection f a b n)
(define m (/ (+ a b) 2))
(if (> (* (f a) (f b)) 0)
"No root"
(if (> (abs (/ (- b a) 2)) EPS)
(if (< (* (f a) (f m)) 0)
(bisection f a m (add1 n))
(bisection f m b (add1 n)))
(display (bisection (lambda (x) (- (costfunction -50 200 30 x) (costfunction 10 100 3 x) )) -1000 1000 100000) )
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