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Created May 17, 2017 19:07
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Here's how you can add a type variable to not maintain two parallel-but-similar case classes:

case class UserEntityF[F[_]](id: Option[Long] = None, username: F[String], password: F[String])

type Id[A] = A

// You can also just use Option if you don't care
// for the domain-specific type
sealed trait Updatable[+A]
case class Update[A](a :A) extends Updatable[A]
case object Keep extends Updatable[Nothing]

type UserEntity = UserEntityF[Id]
type UserEntityUpdate = UserEntityF[Updatable]

Here's how you can add another type variable to erase certains fields from the *Update version:

case class UserEntityF[F[_], G[_]](id: G[Option[Long]] = None, username: F[String], password: F[String])

type Id[A] = A
type Forget[A] = ()

// You can also just use Option if you don't care
// for the domain-specific type
sealed trait Updatable[+A]
case class Update[A](a :A) extends Updatable[A]
case object Keep extends Updatable[Nothing]

type UserEntity = UserEntityF[Id, Id]
type UserEntityUpdate = UserEntityF[Updatable, Forget]
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