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Created May 5, 2017 21:19
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//Name: BTU Boxing
//By: Claudia Escue
//Purpose: * Creates a game that is navigated through with acceleration of a punching bag
// * Teaches control of strikes
//import serial library
import processing.serial.*;
//create a variable to control what screen is displayed
int start = 0;
//create a variable to hold the number of points scored
int points = 0;
//create a maximum value the goal to be set to
float goalMax = 4.000;
//create sensor values measured in units of g
float x;
float y;
float z;
//create a value to hold the total acceleration
float total;
//create and initialzies variables for the maximum hit, difficulty setting, and goal hit
float maxNum = 0;
float difficulty = .45;
float goal = random(0.500, goalMax);
//create images for the background and for the point display
PImage imgGreen;
PImage imgYellow;
PImage imgRed;
PImage imgWhite;
//create and instance of the serial libaray
Serial myPort;
//create an instance of a font
PFont f;
void setup() {
//set the size of the game screen
size(500, 500);
//my port is: /dev/tty.usbmodem1411
String portName = "/dev/tty.usbmodem1411";
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
//create a font of size 16 Helvetica
f = createFont("Helvetica", 16, true);
//load images
imgGreen = loadImage("fistGreen.png");
imgYellow = loadImage("fistYellow.png");
imgRed = loadImage("fistRed.png");
imgWhite = loadImage("fistWhite.png");
void draw() {
//set the background color to black the the font to size 36
//calculate the total acceleration
total = sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z));
//determine whether the bag is speeding up or slowing down my comparing the total to the maxNum
maxNum = max(total, maxNum);
//call the score update function
//determine the color of the image based on the goal and the size of the fist based on the number of points scored
imageMode(CENTER); //orrient the image based on the center point
if (goal <= 1.666) {
image(imgGreen, 250, 245, 110+(30*points), 110+(30*points)); //display the green fist (light hit)
} else if (goal > 1.666 && goal <= 3.333) {
image(imgYellow, 250, 245, 110+(30*points), 110+(30*points)); //display the yellow fist (medium hit)
} else {
image(imgRed, 250, 245, 110+(30*points), 110+(30*points)); //display the red fist (hard hit)
//set the text fill color to white, display the goal and hit texts, and the goal and acceleration to 1 decimal
String goalText = "Goal: " + nf(goal, 1, 1);
text(goalText, 10, 40);
String hitText = "Hit: " + nf(maxNum, 1, 1);
text(hitText, 380, 40);
//create the strings for the difficulty setting
String difEasy = "Difficulty: Easy";
String difMed = "Difficulty: Moderate";
String difDif = "Difficulty: Difficult";
//determine which difficulty setting string to display based on the difficulty selected on the instructions screen
if (difficulty == .45) {
text(difEasy, 10, 480);
} else if (difficulty == .35) {
text(difMed, 10, 480);
} else if (difficulty == .25) {
text(difDif, 10, 480);
//call the screen function
//determing what screen to show
void Screen() {
if (start == 0) {
Main(); //shown first becuase the start variable is initialized to 0
} else if (start == 2) {
Instructions(); //move to instructions screen
} else if (points == 10) {
YouWin(); //move to win screen
//create the main screen
void Main() {
//create a black background with a white fist
image(imgWhite, 250, 250, 490, 490);
//show the title of the game
fill(#bc091b); //red fill color
String BTUText = "BTU BOXING";
text(BTUText, 10, 230);
//show instructions to get to the next screen
textFont(f, 25);
String startText = "Hit to see instructions and select level!";
text(startText, 35, 260);
//if the bag is hit set the start variable to 2 to move to the instructions screen
if (total > .5 && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0) {
start = 2;
//creates the display for the instructions screen
void Instructions() {
//set font size to 30
fill(#bc091b); //red fill color
String instructText = "Instructions:";
text(instructText, 175, 100-30);
//set text size to 25
//display line by line instructions
String instructText1 = "1. Try to hit the bag to match the goal";
text(instructText1, 10, 130-30);
String instructText2 = "2. The fist will grow when you score a point";
text(instructText2, 10, 160-30);
String instructText3 = "3. The fist will change color based on how";
text(instructText3, 10, 190-30);
String instructText4 = " hard you must hit it";
text(instructText4, 10, 220-30);
//display small green fist and text
image(imgGreen, 50, 240-30, 25, 25);
String instructText6 = ":light hit";
text(instructText6, 70, 250-30);
//display small yellow fist and text
image(imgYellow, 50, 270-30, 25, 25);
String instructText8 = ":meduium hit";
text(instructText8, 70, 280-30);
//display small red fist and text
image(imgRed, 50, 300-30, 25, 25);
String instructText10 = ":hard hit";
text(instructText10, 70, 310-30);
//display more instructions
String instructText11 = "4. You win when the fist wont fit the screen";
text(instructText11, 10, 340-30);
//display instructions for how to select level
String instructText12 = "5. Hit to select level:";
text(instructText12, 10, 370-30);
String instructText13 = " Hit light for easy";
text(instructText13, 10, 400-30);
String instructText14 = " Hit meduium for moderate";
text(instructText14, 10, 430-30);
String instructText15 = " Hit hard for difficult";
text(instructText15, 10, 460-30);
//set the difficulty and start points at 0
if (total > .25 && total <= 1.666 && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0) {
start = 1;
points = 0;
difficulty = 0.45; //easy difficulty
} else if (total > 1.666 && total <= 3.333 && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0) {
start = 1;
points = 0;
difficulty = 0.35; //moderate difficulty
} else if (total > 3.333 && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0) {
start = 1;
points = 0;
difficulty = 0.25; //difficult difficulty
//Updates the score when a point is scored
void ScoreUpdate() {
//compare the maxNum to the goal +/- the difficulty
//if x, y, and z are less than 0 then the bag is moving back
if (maxNum > (goal-difficulty) && maxNum < (goal+difficulty) && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0){
points += 1;
delay(1000); //something to delay for a moment so the bag does not hit the goal on the way back down
maxNum = total;
goal = random(0.500, goalMax); //create a new goal
} maxNum = total; //reset the maxNum
//create the win screen
void YouWin() {
//create a balck background with a white fist
image(imgWhite, 250, 250, 490, 490);
//create and display win text
String winText = "YOU WIN!";
text(winText, 60, 230);
//display how to play again
textFont(f, 25);
String returnText = "Hit to play again!";
text(returnText, 155, 260);
//return to main screen if the bag is hit harder than 1.50g
if (total > 1.50 && x < 0 && y < 0 && z < 0) {
points = 0;
start = 0;
//listening for serial events
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
String input = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (input != null) {
input = trim(input);
float[] sensors = float(split(input, ',')); //create an array for the sensor values
// if the length of the sensors array is longer than 2
if (sensors.length > 2) {
//set each variable to its given value from the potentiometer
x = sensors[0] - 0.98; //subtract gravity
y = sensors[1] - 0.06; //start at about 0
z = sensors[2] - 0.25; //start at about 0
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