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Created October 9, 2014 10:31
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g0v專案池 所有專案清單(已分類) (至20141009)
g0v專案池 所有專案清單(已分類) (至20141009)
type = 分類
openwith = 連結網址開啟方式
link = 專案連結網址
name = 專案中文名稱
tag = 關鍵字 (用於AngularJS搜尋用)
tips = 專案介紹、專案說明 (抄自 )
A_Readme.txt 說明文件
projectlist_20141009.js 網頁用專案清單,需搭配AngularJS和jQuery
projectlist_20141009.json 所有專案清單資料集
TodayPCC-gov 今日政府電子採購標案資料(搜尋)
仿造hack.g0v.tw選單列 與 hack.etblue.tw合體 (需自備g0v的LOGO圖片檔)
var tableData = function ($scope) {
$scope.class = [
/* 重要活動 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "2014九合一選舉黃頁", "tag": "投票 立委 議員 鄉長 縣長 市長 區長 候選人", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v summit 2014", "tag": "g0v 活動 黑客松", "tips": ""},
/* 直播與活動類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "inLive 直播與活動", "tag": "直播 活動 宣傳", "tips": "不受主流媒體控制,inLive\.TW成為「公民之眼」,直播、事件、真相24小時不漏接,同時成為公民記者最有力的發聲管道。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "社會運動資訊平台", "tag": "活動 宣傳 社運 學運 社會運動 學生運動", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "直播教學", "tag": "直播 教學", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "小蜜蜂戰鬥地圖", "tag": "活動 小蜜蜂 宣傳 割闌尾 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自己的活動自己拍", "tag": "g0v 活動 黑客松", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "G8V電視牆", "tag": "第五權 評台 評臺", "tips": ""},
/* 新聞媒體與傳播類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣歷史四大報", "tag": "新聞 媒體 報紙 宣傳", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "NewsDiff官方新聞稿異動情況站", "tag": "新聞 媒體 宣傳", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "新聞詞頻統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "新聞趨勢統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新聞小幫手", "tag": "假新聞節目 問題媒體 報紙 小幫手", "tips": "協助判別含有誤導資訊的新聞!安裝後,在臉書上看到錯誤、不實、謠言新聞,會直接跳出警告頁面。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "網站抵制小幫手", "tag": "問題網站 小幫手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "問題電視節目查詢", "tag": "你媽知道你在看假新聞嗎 問題節目 媒體 小幫手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公民記者證產生器", "tag": "新聞 媒體 宣傳", "tips": "公民也有採訪新聞的自由,只要上傳照片,輸入名字,即可列印產生公民記者證,讓人前往事件現場,立即採訪第一手新聞最新消息!"},
/* 立法院與法律相關 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "自經區立法辯論比較表", "tag": "政治 政府 政黨 事件 立法 黑箱作業 自盡 hacktable", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政誌", "tag": "政治 政府 政黨 事件 立法 黑箱作業 違法 造假", "tips": "以維基百科為內容基礎的公共事件時間軸,希望透過更清楚的事件呈現,讓人民不再健忘,也讓公民能積極參與政治事件的紀錄。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "市長,給問嗎?", "tag": "施政 政見發表", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "法規易讀器", "tag": "立法 法律 法規條文查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "法規立法狀態查詢", "tag": "法律 法規條文查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "律師幫幫我", "tag": "找律師 電話 司改會 法律", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立委聯絡資訊", "tag": "立法 立委 監督國會 電話 投票 政黨 你亂搞 我打爆 傳真", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政府通訊錄分析器", "tag": "政府機關代碼", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台灣各種組織不推薦立委名單", "tag": "收集議題關注者 NGO NPO 不推薦名單 立法 監督國會 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公務人員出國考察網", "tag": "立委 公務人員 出國 考察 夭壽讚", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "國會大代誌", "tag": "立法院 國會 立委 議事 表決", "tips": "即時顯示國會行程、修法進度,還推播到 Twitter 供人訂閱。除了文字之外還整合了國會影像,標示每一位委員的發言時間供搜尋。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "你被服貿了嗎?", "tag": "立法 黑箱作業 服貿 太陽花學運", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "太陽花學運全記錄 by g0v", "tag": "學生運動 社會運動", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "三動作護台灣", "tag": "聯絡 立委 立法 黑箱作業 服貿 太陽花學運", "tips": "g0v整理全國立委電話和名單,讓你可以打電話給立委,讓立委先立法後審議,讓在立法院的學生早點回家,反服貿協議,修公投法停建核四。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "選票成分分析系統", "tag": "立法 立委 表決 社會議題 傾向 政黨", "tips": "選票成份分析蒐集呈現民選政治人物(如立法委員)的立場,同時使用者也可透過設定自身對各議題偏好,來找出最相投的政治人物。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立院影城", "tag": "立法 立委 ivod 國會 表決 監督 直播 丟鞋 獻花", "tips": "打破立法院影音系統限制,讓公民在家上網就可以監督國會,比出門看電影有趣萬倍,還能以丟鞋、架網等方式互動。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立委投票指南", "tag": "立法 立委 國會 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": "替立委排名,依數據列出缺席、不投票、脫黨跑票、修正法案數、臨時提案數等的立委排行。也提供表決視覺化名單,表決、法案、臨時提案的關鍵字搜尋。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "議員投票指南", "tag": "立法 議員 議會 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台南市議會 議員觀測中心", "tag": "台南 立法 議員 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法卡到陰", "tag": "立院 法律 法規 遊戲", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "[教學] 法案闖天關流程圖", "tag": "立法 國會 法院 法案 闖關", "tips": ""},
/* 求職與工作 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "求職小幫手", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": "在使用者瀏覽求職網站時,主動告知一些求職網站不會主動揭露的事情,例如:這家公司最近是否有因為違反勞基法被罰錢。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣公司登記資料", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣公司關係圖", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": "輸入統一編號,就可以查詢子公司、母公司、持股公司…(???)"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "勞工薪資預算程式", "tag": "工作 雇主 員工 老闆 公司 企業 薪水 勞健保", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "69K薪水工作查詢", "tag": "公司 企業", "tips": ""},
/* 教育類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語", "tips": "教育部國語、臺語、客語辭典民間版,提供筆順動畫、真人發音、英、法、德文對照、兩岸詞彙對照等功能。網站目前每月提供數百萬人次的服務,行動裝置 App 用戶逾十萬人。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典桌面離線版", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典字宙反應爐", "tag": "字典 辭典 中文字探索", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典閃卡", "tag": "字典 辭典 探索", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "斧頭幫大挑戰", "tag": "練習 砍柴 爬資料", "tips": ""},
/* 煎茶(刪除線)監察院類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政治獻金數位化(資料建立)", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v開放政治獻金", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報 討論區", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政治獻金視覺化", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報 圖形", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "金錢報", "tag": "政治獻金 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "金錢報(分流)", "tag": "政治獻金 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
/* 地理交通與環境類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "3D雨量圖 (需要WebGL)", "tag": "氣象 觀測", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "環境儀表板", "tag": "空氣品質 雨量 觀測", "tips": "將中央氣象局的雨量資訊、環保署的空氣污染資訊視覺化,以臺灣地圖著色的方式,一目瞭然呈現目前各地的氣候資訊。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公有地大行動", "tag": "天龍國特公地 台北 臺北", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄地下管線地圖", "tag": "氣爆 爆炸", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄歷年氣爆時序圖", "tag": "爆炸", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台南百年文史古地圖", "tag": "文化 歷史 古都 古城", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "Bad Driver", "tag": "駕駛", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣地址門牌查詢", "tag": "地址正規化 查里鄰 地理", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "路見不平", "tag": "交通 雷殘 摔車 柏油路 小碎石", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台北市建照記錄", "tag": "執照 建築", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣背景輻射值檢測地圖", "tag": "核 偵測", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "國道一號電子收費價錢試算", "tag": "遠通 ETC", "tips": ""},
/* 開放資料類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放資料建立與普查", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政府開放資料平臺備份", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放資料諮詢中心", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v零時資料中心", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
/* 福利與醫療類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全國醫院急診即時看板", "tag": "醫療 醫學中心 重度級急救責任 住院 滿床 加護病房", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "虎神快閃", "tag": "血汗醫院 爆料 匿名", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "福利請聽", "tag": "補助 輔助 法規 法條 身心障礙", "tips": "「一個成功的社會並不是看富裕的人過得多優渥,而是弱勢如何自在的生存!」用搜尋技術,讓你能夠依個人需求、條件,找到社會福利,還提供法規協助及網友問答服務。"},
/* 農業類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "植物疫情與藥劑查詢系統", "tag": "超農域 農夫 種苗 農藥 景觀 植栽 綠美化 綠地", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "農業學地圖", "tag": "超農域 地理 農夫 種苗 農藥 景觀 植栽 綠美化 綠地", "tips": ""},
/* g0v自製 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v官方網站", "tag": "自製 今天拆大埔明天拆政府 開放資料", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "逐字稿工具", "tag": "黑客 工作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "短講計時器", "tag": "黑客松", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "hackfoldr2.0", "tag": "黑客 工作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "割闌尾小遊戲", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v公報", "tag": "自製 g0v 公告", "tips": "每月以電子發送公報,讓g0v全體知道正在進行的專案、活動,所有活動皆有超連結,可以點回頁面,更深入了解專案活動。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "", "tag": "自製 宣傳 asia", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v.hackpad分析器", "tag": "自製 hack 黑客 共筆 協作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v貢獻者地圖", "tag": "自製 最常出現的nick", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v授權中心", "tag": "自製 創用CC 創作 藝術", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v新手村 8bit", "tag": "自製 遊戲", "tips": "g0v協助新手快速入門,使用動畫小遊戲讓人了解g0v如何運作、進入和入坑。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v所有專案", "tag": "自製 專案池 基礎建設", "tips": ""},
/* 其他待分類 */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣隨機統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "財政部關貿署進出口資料", "tag": "貿易 關稅 進口", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "各年度各縣市總預算視覺化", "tag": "統計", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台北捷運各站出站人數變化圖", "tag": "統計", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "Pet Need Me", "tag": "寵物需要我 流浪動物 認養", "tips": "運用彩色照片牆,即時將被台北市政府安樂死的寵物資訊,一目了然放於網站上,協助尋找主人。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "中央政府總預算", "tag": "政府 負債 國債鐘", "tips": "運用鳥瞰圖、變化圖、國債鐘等互動圖表,依比例呈現中央政府各部門的預算,開放網友評論。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公眾人物關係圖", "tag": "政治 洪仲丘案", "tips": "輸入公眾人物人名,就能呈現人物間的關係,方便製作懶人包、新聞圖表以及利用已建立的資料發掘潛在的特殊關係,未來可搭配政府標案、立院專案使用。"},
/* 手機、app、瀏覽器擴充功能專區 */
/* Google Chrome */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 萌典", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 字典 辭典 ", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 求職小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 工作 違反勞基法事業名單", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 法規易讀器", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 法律 法條 查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] inLiveTW", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 直播", "tips": ""},
/* Mozilla Firefox */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 求職小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 工作 違反勞基法事業名單", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 法規易讀器", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 法律 法條 查詢", "tips": ""},
/* Apple Safari */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Safari] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
/* Android */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 聾通訊", "tag": "福利 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] inLiveTW", "tag": "直播 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 社會運動資訊平台", "tag": "活動 宣傳 社運 學運 學生運動 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
/* iOS */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[iOS] inLiveTW", "tag": "直播 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[iOS] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
/* Firefox OS */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox OS] 萌典", "tag": "智慧型手機 app 平板 字典 辭典", "tips": ""},
/* Windows Phone */
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[WP] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
/* hackfoldr專區 - 開發人員專用 */
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v所有專案清單", "tag": "hackfoldr 專案池 基礎建設", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "summit 2014 工作區", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 寫程式 炸機 披薩", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": " 反黑箱服貿", "tag": "hackfoldr 太陽花學運 學生運動 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": " 反核四", "tag": "hackfoldr 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免 林義雄禁食", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "hack.g0v 黑客松專區", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 寫程式 炸機 披薩", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "文資法大進化", "tag": "hackfoldr 文化資產 遺產", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法院線路松", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "零時基礎建設", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "萌典", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "第五權電視牆「評」台", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "經貿國是會議線上參與", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新聞松", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 小聚", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公有地大行動", "tag": "hackfoldr 天龍國", "tips": "彙整各式各樣土地開發中的公有土地資料,提供地圖查詢功能,鼓勵更多人關注公有土地的公共監理制度。"},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台北都市農業與園圃", "tag": "超農域 植栽", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公務人員出國考察追蹤網", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "農業系統", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "COSCUP 2014 開源人年會", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 開放原始", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主家族", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放政治獻金", "tag": "hackfoldr 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v文化部 資料集散地", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v教育部 教學中心", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "InLiveTW", "tag": "hackfoldr 直播 活動 宣傳", "tips": ""},
/* hackfoldr專區 - 應用成果 */
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "經貿國是會議線上參與", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自經區第二次溝通會", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": "自盡區"},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄大爆炸", "tag": "hackfoldr 氣爆 災害 地下管線", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "復興航空澎湖空難", "tag": "hackfoldr 颱風 GE222", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全民除黴計畫", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "柯P農場", "tag": "hackfoldr 柯文哲 選舉 政治", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "2014 NTU CCSP", "tag": "hackfoldr 國立台灣大學 課程", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "318太陽花學運活動專題網", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "遍地開腸花", "tag": "hackfoldr 大腸花論壇 太陽花學運", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自由機器貓示範區", "tag": "兒童電視節目 反18禁 未成年", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "透明連線", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "懶人藝術家", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "雙和蜂巢資訊集散地", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "島嶼天光學潮紀錄", "tag": "hackfoldr 太陽花學運 學生運動 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "Code4HK計畫", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 寫程式", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新界東北立法會報導整理", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 聲援", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 聲援", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法會直播", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港", "tips": ""},
/* 開發中與時效性專案 */
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "時間地圖", "tag": "timeline", "tips": "使用者可自訂事件時序與分類、地理定位,打造含時間軸、事件說明(含連結)、與相對地理位置的事件簿。"},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "資訊補食獸", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典啄木鳥計畫", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語 挑錯字 分類", "tips": "萌典響應國語辭典啄木鳥而架的短期網站,開放字詞讓全民修訂資料,所有資料已送回教育部訂正。"},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主0.5", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主1.0", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主2.0", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新g0v後勤中心", "tag": "討論", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "雨量圖形化1", "tag": "環境 降雨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "雨量圖形化2", "tag": "環境 降雨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v導覽小精靈", "tag": "新手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "小農故事", "tag": "農業 超農域", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v開發資訊", "tag": "自製", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全民記者會", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "我的活動地圖 - 零時廣場", "tag": "社會實事議題討論", "tips": ""}
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "2014九合一選舉黃頁", "tag": "投票 立委 議員 鄉長 縣長 市長 區長 候選人", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v summit 2014", "tag": "g0v 活動 黑客松", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "inLive 直播與活動", "tag": "直播 活動 宣傳", "tips": "不受主流媒體控制,inLive.TW成為「公民之眼」,直播、事件、真相24小時不漏接,同時成為公民記者最有力的發聲管道。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "社會運動資訊平台", "tag": "活動 宣傳 社運 學運 社會運動 學生運動", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "直播教學", "tag": "直播 教學", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "小蜜蜂戰鬥地圖", "tag": "活動 小蜜蜂 宣傳 割闌尾 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自己的活動自己拍", "tag": "g0v 活動 黑客松", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "G8V電視牆", "tag": "第五權 評台 評臺", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣歷史四大報", "tag": "新聞 媒體 報紙 宣傳", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "NewsDiff官方新聞稿異動情況站", "tag": "新聞 媒體 宣傳", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "新聞詞頻統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "新聞趨勢統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新聞小幫手", "tag": "假新聞節目 問題媒體 報紙 小幫手", "tips": "協助判別含有誤導資訊的新聞!安裝後,在臉書上看到錯誤、不實、謠言新聞,會直接跳出警告頁面。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "網站抵制小幫手", "tag": "問題網站 小幫手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "問題電視節目查詢", "tag": "你媽知道你在看假新聞嗎 問題節目 媒體 小幫手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公民記者證產生器", "tag": "新聞 媒體 宣傳", "tips": "公民也有採訪新聞的自由,只要上傳照片,輸入名字,即可列印產生公民記者證,讓人前往事件現場,立即採訪第一手新聞最新消息!"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "自經區立法辯論比較表", "tag": "政治 政府 政黨 事件 立法 黑箱作業 自盡 hacktable", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政誌", "tag": "政治 政府 政黨 事件 立法 黑箱作業 違法 造假", "tips": "以維基百科為內容基礎的公共事件時間軸,希望透過更清楚的事件呈現,讓人民不再健忘,也讓公民能積極參與政治事件的紀錄。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "市長,給問嗎?", "tag": "施政 政見發表", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "法規易讀器", "tag": "立法 法律 法規條文查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "法規立法狀態查詢", "tag": "法律 法規條文查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "律師幫幫我", "tag": "找律師 電話 司改會 法律", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立委聯絡資訊", "tag": "立法 立委 監督國會 電話 投票 政黨 你亂搞 我打爆 傳真", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政府通訊錄分析器", "tag": "政府機關代碼", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台灣各種組織不推薦立委名單", "tag": "收集議題關注者 NGO NPO 不推薦名單 立法 監督國會 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公務人員出國考察網", "tag": "立委 公務人員 出國 考察 夭壽讚", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "國會大代誌", "tag": "立法院 國會 立委 議事 表決", "tips": "即時顯示國會行程、修法進度,還推播到 Twitter 供人訂閱。除了文字之外還整合了國會影像,標示每一位委員的發言時間供搜尋。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "你被服貿了嗎?", "tag": "立法 黑箱作業 服貿 太陽花學運", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "太陽花學運全記錄 by g0v", "tag": "學生運動 社會運動", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "三動作護台灣", "tag": "聯絡 立委 立法 黑箱作業 服貿 太陽花學運", "tips": "g0v整理全國立委電話和名單,讓你可以打電話給立委,讓立委先立法後審議,讓在立法院的學生早點回家,反服貿協議,修公投法停建核四。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "選票成分分析系統", "tag": "立法 立委 表決 社會議題 傾向 政黨", "tips": "選票成份分析蒐集呈現民選政治人物(如立法委員)的立場,同時使用者也可透過設定自身對各議題偏好,來找出最相投的政治人物。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立院影城", "tag": "立法 立委 ivod 國會 表決 監督 直播 丟鞋 獻花", "tips": "打破立法院影音系統限制,讓公民在家上網就可以監督國會,比出門看電影有趣萬倍,還能以丟鞋、架網等方式互動。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "立委投票指南", "tag": "立法 立委 國會 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": "替立委排名,依數據列出缺席、不投票、脫黨跑票、修正法案數、臨時提案數等的立委排行。也提供表決視覺化名單,表決、法案、臨時提案的關鍵字搜尋。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "議員投票指南", "tag": "立法 議員 議會 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台南市議會 議員觀測中心", "tag": "台南 立法 議員 表決 傾向 政黨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法卡到陰", "tag": "立院 法律 法規 遊戲", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "[教學] 法案闖天關流程圖", "tag": "立法 國會 法院 法案 闖關", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "求職小幫手", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": "在使用者瀏覽求職網站時,主動告知一些求職網站不會主動揭露的事情,例如:這家公司最近是否有因為違反勞基法被罰錢。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣公司登記資料", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣公司關係圖", "tag": "工作 老闆 公司 企業", "tips": "輸入統一編號,就可以查詢子公司、母公司、持股公司…(???)"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "勞工薪資預算程式", "tag": "工作 雇主 員工 老闆 公司 企業 薪水 勞健保", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "69K薪水工作查詢", "tag": "公司 企業", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語", "tips": "教育部國語、臺語、客語辭典民間版,提供筆順動畫、真人發音、英、法、德文對照、兩岸詞彙對照等功能。網站目前每月提供數百萬人次的服務,行動裝置 App 用戶逾十萬人。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典桌面離線版", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典字宙反應爐", "tag": "字典 辭典 中文字探索", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典閃卡", "tag": "字典 辭典 探索", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "斧頭幫大挑戰", "tag": "練習 砍柴 爬資料", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政治獻金數位化(資料建立)", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v開放政治獻金", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報 討論區", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政治獻金視覺化", "tag": "監察 公務人員財產申報 圖形", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "金錢報", "tag": "政治獻金 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "金錢報(分流)", "tag": "政治獻金 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "3D雨量圖 (需要WebGL)", "tag": "氣象 觀測", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "環境儀表板", "tag": "空氣品質 雨量 觀測", "tips": "將中央氣象局的雨量資訊、環保署的空氣污染資訊視覺化,以臺灣地圖著色的方式,一目瞭然呈現目前各地的氣候資訊。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公有地大行動", "tag": "天龍國特公地 台北 臺北", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄地下管線地圖", "tag": "氣爆 爆炸", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄歷年氣爆時序圖", "tag": "爆炸", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台南百年文史古地圖", "tag": "文化 歷史 古都 古城", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "Bad Driver", "tag": "駕駛", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣地址門牌查詢", "tag": "地址正規化 查里鄰 地理", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "路見不平", "tag": "交通 雷殘 摔車 柏油路 小碎石", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台北市建照記錄", "tag": "執照 建築", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣背景輻射值檢測地圖", "tag": "核 偵測", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "國道一號電子收費價錢試算", "tag": "遠通 ETC", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放資料建立與普查", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "政府開放資料平臺備份", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放資料諮詢中心", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v零時資料中心", "tag": "opendata 開放資料 建立 砍柴 爬資料 政府 csv json xml", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全國醫院急診即時看板", "tag": "醫療 醫學中心 重度級急救責任 住院 滿床 加護病房", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "虎神快閃", "tag": "血汗醫院 爆料 匿名", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "福利請聽", "tag": "補助 輔助 法規 法條 身心障礙", "tips": "「一個成功的社會並不是看富裕的人過得多優渥,而是弱勢如何自在的生存!」用搜尋技術,讓你能夠依個人需求、條件,找到社會福利,還提供法規協助及網友問答服務。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "植物疫情與藥劑查詢系統", "tag": "超農域 農夫 種苗 農藥 景觀 植栽 綠美化 綠地", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "農業學地圖", "tag": "超農域 地理 農夫 種苗 農藥 景觀 植栽 綠美化 綠地", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v官方網站", "tag": "自製 今天拆大埔明天拆政府 開放資料", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "逐字稿工具", "tag": "黑客 工作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "短講計時器", "tag": "黑客松", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "hackfoldr2.0", "tag": "黑客 工作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "割闌尾小遊戲", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v公報", "tag": "自製 g0v 公告", "tips": "每月以電子發送公報,讓g0v全體知道正在進行的專案、活動,所有活動皆有超連結,可以點回頁面,更深入了解專案活動。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "", "tag": "自製 宣傳 asia", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v.hackpad分析器", "tag": "自製 hack 黑客 共筆 協作", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v貢獻者地圖", "tag": "自製 最常出現的nick", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v授權中心", "tag": "自製 創用CC 創作 藝術", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v新手村 8bit", "tag": "自製 遊戲", "tips": "g0v協助新手快速入門,使用動畫小遊戲讓人了解g0v如何運作、進入和入坑。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v所有專案", "tag": "自製 專案池 基礎建設", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台灣隨機統計", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "財政部關貿署進出口資料", "tag": "貿易 關稅 進口", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "各年度各縣市總預算視覺化", "tag": "統計", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "台北捷運各站出站人數變化圖", "tag": "統計", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "Pet Need Me", "tag": "寵物需要我 流浪動物 認養", "tips": "運用彩色照片牆,即時將被台北市政府安樂死的寵物資訊,一目了然放於網站上,協助尋找主人。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "中央政府總預算", "tag": "政府 負債 國債鐘", "tips": "運用鳥瞰圖、變化圖、國債鐘等互動圖表,依比例呈現中央政府各部門的預算,開放網友評論。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "公眾人物關係圖", "tag": "政治 洪仲丘案", "tips": "輸入公眾人物人名,就能呈現人物間的關係,方便製作懶人包、新聞圖表以及利用已建立的資料發掘潛在的特殊關係,未來可搭配政府標案、立院專案使用。"},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 萌典", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 字典 辭典 ", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 求職小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 工作 違反勞基法事業名單", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] 法規易讀器", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 法律 法條 查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Chrome] inLiveTW", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 直播", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 求職小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 工作 違反勞基法事業名單", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox] 法規易讀器", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 法律 法條 查詢", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Safari] 新聞小幫手", "tag": "瀏覽器擴充套件 附加元件 媒體", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 聾通訊", "tag": "福利 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] inLiveTW", "tag": "直播 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 社會運動資訊平台", "tag": "活動 宣傳 社運 學運 學生運動 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Android] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[iOS] inLiveTW", "tag": "直播 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[iOS] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[Firefox OS] 萌典", "tag": "智慧型手機 app 平板 字典 辭典", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Production", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "[WP] 萌典", "tag": "字典 辭典 智慧型手機 app 平板", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v所有專案清單", "tag": "hackfoldr 專案池 基礎建設", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "summit 2014 工作區", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 寫程式 炸機 披薩", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": " 反黑箱服貿", "tag": "hackfoldr 太陽花學運 學生運動 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": " 反核四", "tag": "hackfoldr 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免 林義雄禁食", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "hack.g0v 黑客松專區", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 寫程式 炸機 披薩", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "文資法大進化", "tag": "hackfoldr 文化資產 遺產", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法院線路松", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "零時基礎建設", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "萌典", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "第五權電視牆「評」台", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "經貿國是會議線上參與", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新聞松", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 小聚", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公有地大行動", "tag": "hackfoldr 天龍國", "tips": "彙整各式各樣土地開發中的公有土地資料,提供地圖查詢功能,鼓勵更多人關注公有土地的公共監理制度。"},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "台北都市農業與園圃", "tag": "超農域 植栽", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "公務人員出國考察追蹤網", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "農業系統", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "COSCUP 2014 開源人年會", "tag": "hackfoldr 黑客松 開放原始", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主家族", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "開放政治獻金", "tag": "hackfoldr 監察 公務人員財產申報", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v文化部 資料集散地", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v教育部 教學中心", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "InLiveTW", "tag": "hackfoldr 直播 活動 宣傳", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "經貿國是會議線上參與", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自經區第二次溝通會", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": "自盡區"},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "高雄大爆炸", "tag": "hackfoldr 氣爆 災害 地下管線", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "復興航空澎湖空難", "tag": "hackfoldr 颱風 GE222", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全民除黴計畫", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "柯P農場", "tag": "hackfoldr 柯文哲 選舉 政治", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "2014 NTU CCSP", "tag": "hackfoldr 國立台灣大學 課程", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "318太陽花學運活動專題網", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "遍地開腸花", "tag": "hackfoldr 大腸花論壇 太陽花學運", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "自由機器貓示範區", "tag": "兒童電視節目 反18禁 未成年", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "透明連線", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "懶人藝術家", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "雙和蜂巢資訊集散地", "tag": "hackfoldr", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "島嶼天光學潮紀錄", "tag": "hackfoldr 太陽花學運 學生運動 社會運動 政治 政府 罷免", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "Code4HK計畫", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 寫程式", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新界東北立法會報導整理", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 聲援", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港 聲援", "tips": ""},
{"type": "hackfoldr", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "立法會直播", "tag": "hackfoldr 香港", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "時間地圖", "tag": "timeline", "tips": "使用者可自訂事件時序與分類、地理定位,打造含時間軸、事件說明(含連結)、與相對地理位置的事件簿。"},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "資訊補食獸", "tag": "", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "萌典啄木鳥計畫", "tag": "字典 辭典 成語 挑錯字 分類", "tips": "萌典響應國語辭典啄木鳥而架的短期網站,開放字詞讓全民修訂資料,所有資料已送回教育部訂正。"},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主0.5", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主1.0", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "動民主2.0", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "新g0v後勤中心", "tag": "討論", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "雨量圖形化1", "tag": "環境 降雨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "雨量圖形化2", "tag": "環境 降雨", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "g0v導覽小精靈", "tag": "新手", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "小農故事", "tag": "農業 超農域", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "hackframe", "link": "", "name": "g0v開發資訊", "tag": "自製", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "全民記者會", "tag": "社會實事議題討論 投票 表決", "tips": ""},
{"type": "Beta", "openwith": "_blank", "link": "", "name": "我的活動地圖 - 零時廣場", "tag": "社會實事議題討論", "tips": ""}
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