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/stuff.js Secret

Created January 25, 2014 20:46
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Code, that is responsible for logging users in and maintaining their session:
// FILE 1: a route handler called "login"
module.exports = function(req, res) {
/* removed meaningless anti-bruteforce code from this sector */
if (req.params.logout) {
// handle loging the user aout
req.session.account = null;
req.session.user = null
delete req.session.account;
delete req.session.user;
/* removed hard-coded IP bans from sector */
if (req.body.username && req.body.password) {
// if the FORM was posted, then call the exchange.login method
exchange.login(req.body.username, req.body.password, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
// login failed, redirect
else { // <- this means that exchange.login method called the callback without an error
// login OK, set session data and redirect
req.session.account =;
req.session.user = user;
}, req /* pass connection to login handler */);
else {
// no login data in POST, redirect to /
// FILE 2: a method called exchange.login
Exchange.prototype.login = function(username, password, callback, request) {
// salt password to protect from rainbow attack on a leaked database
password = this.saltPassword(username, password);
// hash it with SHA-1 to check against the database
password = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(password).digest("hex");
this.numLogins++; // increment login counter for stats
var exchange = this;
var query = 'SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = ? AND password = ?';
db.query(query, [username, password], function(err, rows) {
// if the database query returns error or no rows, then:
if (err || !rows || !rows.length) {
// code below executes only when a match was found (a row returned from the database)
var user = rows[0];
db.query('INSERT INTO logins VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, NOW())', [, request.connection.remoteAddress]);
callback(null, user); // pass control back to the route handler (FILE 1)
exchange.numLoginsSuccess++; // increment successful login counter for stats
How do we check if an user is logged in?
We simply check for the session variables in every handler.
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