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Created June 15, 2017 18:01
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@echo off
title Cr‚‚ par Flammrock
color F0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode con lines=1 cols=40
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
echo V‚rification des privileges administrateur
goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
set params = %*:"="
echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "%params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B
if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" )
pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"
set width=150&set height=40&set /a mWidth=!width!/2
mode con lines=!height! cols=!width!
set batbox="%temp%\batbox.exe"
if not exist %batbox% call :MakeBatbox
set cls=call :cls
set offset=10
set txtExt=" /c 0xfc /d "[" /c 0xf0 /d "CLICK" /c 0xfc /d "]" /c 0xf0 /d "
set txtName=" /c 0xfc /d "[" /c 0xf0 /d "CLICK" /c 0xfc /d "]" /c 0xf0 /d "
set extLength=7
set ext=!txtExt!
set extLength=7
set ext=!txtExt!
set namemenuLength=7
set namemenu=!txtName!
call :header
%batbox% /g %offset% 11&call :loadingModule "-- Chargement " 20 1 command&pause
call :main
set clsdata=
set /a clsall=150*28
%batbox% /g 1 39 /d "(C) Copyright 2017 - Flammrock"
%batbox% /g 10 9 /d "Si vous souhaitez enlever un "&set /p "..=‚"<nul&%batbox% /d "l"&set /p "..=‚"<nul&%batbox% /d "ment du sous-menu 'Nouveau' : PAS BESOIN DE REMPLIR LA 2eme ZONE DE TEXTE"
%batbox% /g 10 10 /d "[INFO] : '.' correspond aux fichiers sans extension tandis que '.bat' par exemple correspond aux fichiers s'ouvrant avec cmd.exe"
%batbox% /g 35 2 /d " ______ __ __ __ ____ _____ "
%batbox% /g 35 3 /d ".' ____ \ [ | [ | [ | |_ \|_ _| "
%batbox% /g 35 4 /d "| (___ \_| | |--. .---. | | | | | \ | | .---. _ _ __ "
%batbox% /g 35 5 /d " _.____`. | .-. |/ /__\\ | | | | | |\ \| | / /__\\[ \ [ \a [ ]"
%batbox% /g 35 6 /d "| \____) | | | | || \__., | | | | _| |_\ |_| \__., \ \/\ \/ / "
%batbox% /g 35 7 /d " \______.'[___]|__]'.__.'[___][___]|_____|\____|'.__.' \__/\__/ " /g 0 10
for /l %%a in (0,1,%clsall%) do set "clsdata=!clsdata! "
goto :eof
if not !extLength! EQU 0 (
set txtExt=!ext!
) else (
set extLength=7
if not !namemenuLength! EQU 0 (
set txtName=!namemenu!
) else (
set namemenuLength=7
set /a spaceExtnb=21-!extLength!
if !spaceExtnb! LSS 0 set spaceExtnb=0
set spaceExt=
set /a spaceNamenb=39-!namemenuLength!
if !spaceNamenb! LSS 0 set spaceNamenb=0
set spaceName=
for /l %%a in (0,1,!spaceExtnb!) do set "spaceExt=!spaceExt! "
for /l %%a in (0,1,!spaceNamenb!) do set "spaceName=!spaceName! "
%batbox% /g 60 12 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 60 13 /d "| EXTENSION : !txtExt!!spaceExt!|"
%batbox% /g 60 14 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 15 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 16 /d "| NOM DANS LE SOUS MENU : !txtName!!spaceName!|"
%batbox% /g 30 17 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
call :drawBTN
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=:" %%a in ('%batBox% /m') do (
set x=%%a
set y=%%b
if !x! GEQ 60 if !x! LEQ 100 if !y! EQU 13 (
call :ExtFile
goto :main
if !x! GEQ 30 if !x! LEQ 100 if !y! EQU 16 (
call :NameMenu
goto :main
if !x! GEQ 58 if !x! LEQ 78 if !y! GEQ 20 if !y! LEQ 22 (
call :removenew
goto :main
if !x! GEQ 80 if !x! LEQ 100 if !y! GEQ 20 if !y! LEQ 22 (
call :addnew
goto :main
goto :loop_1
goto :eof
call :drawBTN
%batbox% /g 60 12 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 60 13 /d "| EXTENSION : |"
%batbox% /g 60 14 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 15 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 16 /d "| NOM DANS LE SOUS MENU : " /c 0xfc /d "[" /c 0xf0 /d "IMPOSSIBLE CLICK" /c 0xfc /d "]" /c 0xf0 /d " |"
%batbox% /g 30 17 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------" /g 78 13
set /p ext=
call :length "!ext!"
set extLength=!length!
goto :eof
call :drawBTN
%batbox% /g 60 12 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 60 13 /d "| EXTENSION : " /c 0xfc /d "[" /c 0xf0 /d "IMPOSSIBLE CLICK" /c 0xfc /d "]" /c 0xf0 /d " |"
%batbox% /g 60 14 /d " ---------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 15 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------"
%batbox% /g 30 16 /d "| NOM DANS LE SOUS MENU : |"
%batbox% /g 30 17 /d " ---------------------------------------------------------------------" /g 60 16
set /p namemenu=
call :length "!namemenu!"
set namemenuLength=!length!
goto :eof
%batbox% /g 58 20 /d " -------------------"
%batbox% /g 58 21 /d "| ENLEVER |"
%batbox% /g 58 22 /d " -------------------"
%batbox% /g 80 20 /d " -------------------"
%batbox% /g 80 21 /d "| AJOUTER |"
%batbox% /g 80 22 /d " -------------------"
goto :eof
set temptxtext=!txtExt:"=!
set temptextname=!txtName:"=!
set temptxtext=!temptxtext: /c 0xfc /d [ /c 0xf0 /d CLICK /c 0xfc /d ] /c 0xf0 /d =!
set temptextname=!temptextname: /c 0xfc /d [ /c 0xf0 /d CLICK /c 0xfc /d ] /c 0xf0 /d =!
if "!temptxtext!"=="" (
echo;x=Msgbox^("Erreur : Veuillez remplir toutes les zones de textes",vbOKOnly+vbCritical, ""^)
)> "%temp%\msg.vbs"
start /min /wait "" "cscript" /nologo "%temp%\msg.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\msg.vbs" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
if "!temptextname!"=="" (
echo;x=Msgbox^("Erreur : Veuillez remplir toutes les zones de textes",vbOKOnly+vbCritical, ""^)
)> "%temp%\msg.vbs"
start /min /wait "" "cscript" /nologo "%temp%\msg.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\msg.vbs" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
set test=
( for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" %%a in ('reg QUERY HKCR\!ext! /v ""') do set test=%%d ) >nul 2>&1
if "!test!"=="" (
eg ADD HKCR\!ext! /d "file!ext!" /f >nul 2>&1
reg ADD HKCR\!ext!\ShellNew /v NullFile /f >nul 2>&1
reg ADD HKCR\file!ext! /d "!namemenu!" /f >nul 2>&1
) else (
if "!test:~1!"=="valeur " (
reg ADD HKCR\!ext! /d "file!ext!" /f >nul 2>&1
reg ADD HKCR\!ext!\ShellNew /v NullFile /f >nul 2>&1
reg ADD HKCR\file!ext! /d "!namemenu!" /f >nul 2>&1
) else (
reg ADD HKCR\!ext!\ShellNew /v NullFile /f >nul 2>&1
reg ADD HKCR\!test! /d "!namemenu!" /f >nul 2>&1
echo;x=Msgbox^("Succès ^!"^& vbNewLine ^&"'!namemenu!' rajouté au sous-menu 'Nouveau' du menu Contextuel ^!",vbOKOnly+vbInformation, ""^)
)> "%temp%\msg.vbs"
start /min /wait "" "cscript" /nologo "%temp%\msg.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\msg.vbs" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
set temptxtext=!txtExt:"=!
set temptxtext=!temptxtext: /c 0xfc /d [ /c 0xf0 /d CLICK /c 0xfc /d ] /c 0xf0 /d =!
if "!temptxtext!"=="" (
echo;x=Msgbox^("Erreur : Veuillez remplir toutes les zones de textes",vbOKOnly+vbCritical, ""^)
)> "%temp%\msg.vbs"
start /min /wait "" "cscript" /nologo "%temp%\msg.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\msg.vbs" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
reg DELETE HKCR\!ext!\ShellNew /f >nul 2>&1
echo;x=Msgbox^("Succès ^!"^& vbNewLine ^&"'!ext!' a été enlevé du sous-menu 'Nouveau' du menu Contextuel ^!",vbOKOnly+vbInformation, ""^)
)> "%temp%\msg.vbs"
start /min /wait "" "cscript" /nologo "%temp%\msg.vbs"
del /q "%temp%\msg.vbs" >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
%batbox% /g 0 11 /d "!clsdata!" /g 0 10
goto :eof
:loadingModule <FIRST> <SIZE> <TIME> <[AFTER]>
set tempnb=
%batbox% /d "%~1"
for /l %%a in (0,1,%~2) do set "tempnb=!tempnb! "
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%a in ('powershell -nologo -noprofile -command "$U=$Host.ui.rawui;Write-Host($U.CursorPosition);"') do set Cx=%%a & set Cy=%%b
%batbox% /c 0xFA /d "[!tempnb!] : "
for /l %%a in (0,1,%~2) do (
set /a betweennb=%%a+1
for %%b in (!betweennb!) do set tempnb=!tempnb:~0,%%a!-!tempnb:~%%b,%~2!
%batbox% /g !Cx! !Cy! /c 0xFA /d "[" /c 0xDE /d "!tempnb!" /c 0xFA /d "]" /c 0xF0 /d " : .."
call :wait %~3
%batbox% /g !Cx! !Cy! /c 0xFA /d "[" /c 0xDE /d "!tempnb!" /c 0xFA /d "]" /c 0xF0 /d " : " !%~4!
goto :eof
:wait <nb>
for /l %%a in (0,1,%~1) do @ping localhost -n 1 >nul
goto :eof
:length <variable>
for /f "tokens=1* delims=[]" %%a in ('"%comspec% /u /c echo:%~1|more|find /n /v """') do set /a "length=%%a-4"
goto :eof
for %%b in (
) Do >>t.dat (Echo.For b=1 To len^("%%b"^) Step 2
ECHO WScript.StdOut.Write Chr^(Clng^("&H"^&Mid^("%%b",b,2^)^)^) : Next)
Cscript /b /e:vbs t.dat>batbox.ex_
Del /f /q /a t.dat >nul 2>&1
Expand -r batbox.ex_ >nul 2>&1
Del /f /q /a batbox.ex_ >nul 2>&1
Copy batbox.exe %temp% >nul 2>&1
Del /f /q /a batbox.exe >nul 2>&1
goto :eof
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