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Created September 19, 2011 20:05
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Devin Austin
Summary: I am a web software developer.
I work with web application frameworks like Catalyst and Ruby on Rails, as well as database backends such as MySQL and Postgres and caching systems like memcached and varnish, and search engine software such as ElasticSearch and Solr.
I have code running on servers that handles multiple gigabytes of data a day with thousands of requests. I am tenacious, innovative and highly coachable. I also have experience with such system administration tools as Munin, Nagios, and OpenVPN.
Professional Experience
February 2011 - September 2011 SocialFlow, LLC
Product Engineer
Worked on a MySQL backed Catalyst+DBIx::Class application that dealt with enormous datasets (multiple gigabytes in any given instance).
Specifically, built a Catalyst application that maintained an up-to-date store of clients' twitter followers and calculated the percent change within a given time period. This made heavy use of backend worker processes, supported mainly by MooseX::Workers. I was able to get Postgresql to return results fast enough through DBIx::Class that we didn't have to enable any caching or other optimization solutions.
I also built a reporting tool for the company based upon jQuery's datatables plugin that acted as a company health and statistics source based on what users' activity was, financially and app based. This also involved a good bit of optimization (this time with a MySQL backend) in order to successfully retrieve a dataset for given users, that I was successfully able to accomplish. Heavy use of JSON and Ajax were involved in the creation of this tool.
May 2009 - February 2011 Ionzero, LLC
IT Consultant
Built an application to act as a proxy between a front facing php web application and a storage file system that handles upwards of 6,000 file uploads a day via the API that handles XML, JSON and plain HTTP data. Built using Catalyst and Plack. -
Managed a high traffic, enterprise level web application written in Ruby on Rails. This consisted of migrating that application to its current server, setting up a staging and production server from the ground up (SVN for version control and deployment management, Postgres database, nginx+mod_rails for the Ruby on Rails application) -
Debugged and upgraded many things so that the application would run smoothly with up to date Postgres. -
Added features such as "Embed your intro video" and subscription levels for "Send this site to a friend", as well as fixed many "zero hour" bugs that came up amidst deployment.
Set up a MojoMojo wiki with custom CSS/templating for a major communications company. -
Enabled database logging features through out a very large PHP codebase that tracked the number of reports being "passed" or "failed" after an initial audit. -
Set up MovableType pro and customized templates for a high traffic and respected technology blog. -
Set up MojoMojo wiki running on FastCGI+varnish for caching for code snippets and examples. -
January 2010 - April 2010 Nasa Pro Racing
IT Consultant
Managed and wrote a database and file data migration script in Perl to move data from a previously used OpenInteract application to a new Catalyst+DBIx::Class web application backed by MySQL and MogileFS.
Built a search engine feature that uses Data::SearchEngine and DBIx::Class to search based on racing class types, race tracks, and other such race track and car class based data.
Wrote a geocoding feature that calculates the distance of a track from a given city name or zip code and returns tracks within a chosen radius (5, 10, 15 miles etc) of city/zip code based on Geo::Coder and DBIx::Class
Implemented a materialized path structure for managing virtual directories for website assets and file data in the database based upon DBIx::Class::Tree::Ordered::MaterializedPath, allowing administrators to have a file system view of website assets.
April 2009-September 2009 Google Summer of Code
Cleaned up a very large code base for the Catalyst::Helper API for the Catalyst framework. (Code can be viewed in the helperrefactor, moosifyapi and better_scripts branches the Catalyst code repository [])
Wrote many many many tests to make sure new features matched up with old features, and many more tests for newly implemented features
Moved all the Template::Toolkit data and image data out of the DATA portion of Catalyst::Helper and into a more sane File::ShareDir set up so that developers could create their helpers in a much easier fashion.
Currently (as of September 2009) cleaning up and finishing tests to release Catalyst::Devel with new ScriptRunner implementation for application specific scripts, and the new File::ShareDir functionality.
I am now Catalyst::Devel's maintainer.
Web Master
Built a Catalyst based web application for a puppy photogallery site using DBIx::Class (ORM for use with multiple databases, MySQL in this case), Imager (for a custom photogallery/manipulation feature), Template::Toolkit, and a fairly comprehensive user management system to allow people to sign up, login, and post pictures of their puppies. Ran under fastcgi on nginx, and varnish for caching images. (now moved to github)
2006-Present Loveland, CO
Senior Web Developer/Founder
Did consulting work for M3i Works that does web front ends for companies like Sun Microsystems
Created websites using large scale web frameworks, like Catalyst and Ruby on Rails
Created storefront software that is currently used on using CGI::Application and various plugins, backed by MySQL
Created a betting pool site for a non-profit organization using Catalyst, FastCGI, mod_rewrite and MySQL
Have done multiple modifications to PHP driven websites including an image upload script for a t-shirt screen printing company
Submitted several documentation patches to the Catalyst framework documentation.
Submitted a patch to the MojoMojo wiki that allows users to switch between Textile and Markdown wiki markup.
Created a website for a local veterinarian using jQuery and jQueryUI for AJAX and layout functionality. Backed by MySQL, Catalyst, FastCGI, Varnish and uses HTML::FormHandler for easy form manipulation. -
Created a web crawler to index all electrical engineers from Australia's YellowPages using Web::Scraper. The time constraint was great on this, less than 36 hours, and the client was very happy with the result.
2007-2010 Metropolitan State College of Denver Denver, CO
BS in Computer Security with a minor in Computer Science
Majored in Computer Security with a Computer Science minor Bachelor of Science in Computer Security and Crime
President of local ACM chapter at MSCD.
Participated in CANVAS - A network security exploitation convention/workshop two years in a row. Contributed greatly to breaking into servers via multiple exploits, SQL injection, DCOM holes, etc. Placed 4th, and 3rd respectively.
2006-2007 University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO
Majored in Business Administration in Computer Information Systems Participated in Lead On, a leadership camp that accepted only 100 incoming freshman. Activities included developing leadership skills, social skills, and preparing yourself for the adversities of college.
Open Source Work
Author of:
Perl modules:
* Form::Sensible::Reflector::DBIC
* Catalyst::Model::ElasticSearch
* CatalystX::FeedbackMessages
Maintainer of:
Perl modules:
* Catalyst::View::Email (co-maintainer, but have been doing a lot of the maintenance work as of late),
* Catalyst::Plugin::Data::FormValidator,
* DBIx::Class::Ordered::Tree::MaterializedPath (pending release),
* and many more
Software I've written:
* Deimos -
A Catalyst+DBIx::Class based CMS that does all the things that I haven't been able to find in other CMS software (wordpress, MovableType), such as:
- runs smoothly under nginx
- provides a reasonable and intuitive Perl API, as well as a web application API (emphasis on JSON)
- works nicely with PostgreSQL
- ability to switch worker process and search backends easily (configurable stores)
* PerlFu -
A Catalyst based forum application that uses materialized paths to store threaded discussions.
- quick storage and retrieval of threads and posts
- XSS security precautions
- Data::Manager for data validation and message passing
- DBICx::MaterializedPath for materialized path handling
- Plack for easy deployment.
- branch for parsing large XML datasets using XML::CompactTree::XS and XML::LibXML::Reader, as well as XML::Toolkit for web app interaction with smaller XML datasets.
Involved in the development of the Catalyst web application framework, DBIx::Class ORM, Moose OO framework test contributor nick: dhoss, same on IRC.
Published many articles regarding perl, a few of which are listed here: - Simple Photo Gallery in Catalyst - Next Page Redirect after Login - Plack and Catalyst - Trees in SQL with Catalyst - The New Catalyst ScriptRunner API - A listing of my writings regarding all things programming/administration/databases, running on CMS software that I've written (
Hockey, running, football, weight lifting, computers, and target shooting, Kung Fu (student instructor)
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