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Created October 15, 2011 12:44
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Problem z GG
-module (erlgg).
-export ([start/0]).
-define (PRINT (What), io:format("~p\n", [What])).
start() ->
Addr = "",
{ok, {_, _, Content}} = httpc:request(Addr),
[_, _, Server, _] = string:tokens(Content, " "),
[Ip, Port] = string:tokens(Server, ":"),
{ok, Sock} = gen_tcp:connect(Ip, list_to_integer(Port), [binary]),
{tcp, Sock, <<Type:32/little-integer, Size:32/little-integer, Seed:32/little-integer>>} ->
io:format("IP: ~s:~s\n", [Ip, Port]),
io:format("Type: ~.16X Size: ~B Seed: ~p\n", [Type, "0x", Size, Seed]),
Number = 123456789, % tu wpisac nr, na ktory chce sie zalogowac
Hash = hash(Seed),
GGLogin = <<Number:32/little-integer, % gg number
"pl"/little, % language
2/little, % hash type - SHA1
Hash/little-binary, % hash string - 20 bytes
0:44/little-integer-unit:8, % filling to 64 bytes with 0
2:32/little-integer, % status - available
0:32/little-integer, % flag
7:32/little-integer, % features - minimum (0x00000007)
0:12/little-integer-unit:8, % unused options, filling with 0
0/little, % max accepted image size (in kBytes)
16#64/little, % unknown
35:32/little-integer, % version string length
"Gadu-Gadu Client build"/little,
0:32/little-integer>>, % description string size
GGLoginSize = size(GGLogin),
GGSendLogin = <<16#31:32/little-integer, GGLoginSize:32/little-integer, GGLogin/little-binary>>,
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, GGSendLogin),
%% login successful
{tcp, Sock, <<16#35:32/little-integer, Unknown/little-binary>>} ->
io:format("Udalo sie zalogowac, unknown: ~p\n", [Unknown]);
%% login failed - modern client
{tcp, Sock, <<16#42:32/little-integer, Unknown/little-binary>>} ->
io:format("Blad logowania, unknown: ~p\n", [Unknown]);
%% login failed - old client
{tcp, Sock, <<9:32/little-integer, Unknown/little-binary>>} ->
io:format("Blad logowania - starszy klient, unknown: ~p\n", [Unknown]);
{tcp_closed, Sock} ->
io:format("Zamknieto socket: ~p\n", [Sock])
%% client has logged in, sending test message
Recipent = 38632087,
TimeStamp = unix_timestamp(),
Msg = <<"Hello from Erlang !\0">>,
MsgSize = size(Msg),
GGSendMsg = <<Recipent:32/little-integer, % message recipent number
TimeStamp:32/little-integer, % UNIX timestamp
16#8:32/little-integer, % message class (default 0x8)
5:32/little-integer, % plain msg offset
1:32/little-integer, % html msg offset
"\0"/little, % html msg (empty string)
Msg/little-binary, % plain msg string
"\0\0\0">>, % attributes
GGSendMsgSize = size(GGSendMsg),
GGSend = <<16#2d:32/little-integer, GGSendMsgSize:32/little-integer, GGSendMsg/little-binary>>,
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, GGSend),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Sock, <<8:32/little-integer, 0:32/little-integer>>),
{tcp, Sock, Cos} -> Cos;
Chuj -> Chuj
hash(Seed) ->
Pass = <<"haslo">>, % tu wpisac haslo
BinString = <<Pass/little-binary, Seed:32/little-integer>>,
String = binary_to_list(BinString),
sha1:binstring(String). % funkcja do liczenia SHA1, z biblioteki
unix_timestamp() ->
{MegaSecs, Secs, _} = now(),
MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs.
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